Serving Together in Service Teams
- What & Why: Serve at least 2 times per month in 2 or more areas, to share ministry gifts and grow in appreciating our interdependency in the Lord
- Key Scripture Motive: “7Theendofallthingsisnear.Thereforebealertandofsobermindso that you may pray.8Aboveall,love each other deeply,becauselovecoversoveramultitudeofsins.9Offerhospitality to one anotherwithoutgrumbling.10Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,asfaithfulstewardsofGod’s gracein its various forms.11Ifanyonespeaks,theyshoulddosoasonewhospeakstheverywordsofGod.Ifanyoneserves,theyshoulddosowiththestrengthGodprovides,so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.Tohimbethegloryandthepowerforeverandever. Amen” (1 Peter 4:7-11)
- Who & When: Everyone of all ages, in teams of approximately 4-6 people, serving at different times
- Where and How: each area of serving is described briefly below. Use this to consider prayerfully about how you could serve, then sign up to serve using the e-form linked here or print the “Service Teams Volunteer Form” on the last page of this document.
Service Area Descriptions
Prepare for Hospitality and Worship (6 to 10 people weekly)
- Join a Coffee Hour Team—prepare basic refreshments to serve (3 to 5-person teams, serving once per month; 8:30am; resources provided; ages 10 and older)
- Help Prepare the Altar—set up the linens, altar-vessels, and bread/wine for Eucharist (1 to 2 people, serving once monthly, 8:30am; simple training offered; ages 10 and older)
- Sing or Play Music—practice before Formation and serve in Worship (2 to 4 people, serving once or twice monthly; 8:15am; ages 10 and older)
Prepare Rooms for Formation & Worship (6 to 10 people weekly)
- Assist a CGS catechist for one month—be present and available in an atrium to observe and assist (2 people, serving for 4-weeks; 8:30am; simple training offered; ages 16 and older)
- Prepare and Assist in Nursery during Formation—prepare the nursery space and care for any babies or toddlers who need care during Christian Formation time (1 to 2 people, serving once monthly; 8:30am; ages 21 and older)
- Cross Training Set-up—prepare tables, chairs, and any other equipment needed for the coming session (2 people, serving once or twice monthly; 8:30am; ages 7 and older)
NOTE: this is an ideal service area to combine with The English Bridge Set-up
- Sanctuary Set-up—prepare bulletins, check pews and pew-racks (1 or 2 people, serving once monthly; 8:30am; ages 7 and older)
NOTE: this is an ideal service area to combine with Ushering and Greeting
Greet and Assist Worshippers (4 to 6 people weekly)
- Ushers & Greeters—welcome people, give them bulletins, receive and bring offerings (2 to 4 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; ages 7 and older)
NOTE: this is an ideal service area to combine with Sanctuary Set-up
- New-Comer Guides—answer questions about where things are (like restrooms and nursery) and offer “Welcome to ASAC” card (1 to 2 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; ages 10 and older)
Serve around the Altar (4 to 6 people weekly)
- Carry the Cross or the Light—participate in the processions and at the gospel reading (1 to 3 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; simple training offered; ages 10 and older)
- Serve the Chalice at Communion—assist the deacon and priest at Holy Communion (2 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; simple training offered; ages 10 and older)
Help us Hear, See, and Pray (3 to 6 people needed weekly)
- Soundboard—turn mics on and off at appropriate times and pay attention to audibility in the service (1 to 2 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; simple training offered; ages 13 and older)
- PowerPoint—click the “next slide” button during the service, staying in sync with the flow of the songs, prayers, or readings (1 to 2 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; simple training offered; ages 10 and older)
- Read Scripture and Lead the Prayers of the People—read scripture aloud before the homily; lead in the prayers of the people after the Creed (1 or 2 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; simple training offered; ages 10 and older)
Pray for Others (4 to 6 people weekly)
- Offer Healing Prayer ministry at communion and after service—pray in pairs for any who desire intercession for spiritual, emotional, or physical healing (4 people, serving once monthly; 10:10am; some training required; ages 16 and older)
- Intercessory Prayer during the whole service—pray with another person throughout the whole worship service for God’s grace and favor upon all throughout each part of the liturgy (2 people, serving once-per-month; 10:10am; some training required; ages 16 and older)
- Pray and Give Thanks after service—gather after service to pray for new people; for missing members; for needs made known; to give thanks for graces recognized & answered prayers (4 to 6 people; serving once monthly; 12:15pm; simple training offered; ages 16 and older)
Wrap Up after Worship (4 to 6 people weekly)
- The English Bridge Set-up—prepare the space and resources for the ESL classes (2 to 4 people, serving once monthly; 12:15pm; ages 7 and older; NOTE: this is an ideal service area to combine with Cross Training Set-up)
- Count Tithes and Offerings—count, record, and register all financial contributions made (2 people; serving once monthly; 12:15pm; ages 21 and older; integrity and confidentiality needed)
- How is this season of Serving going to be like and unlike how we’ve organized our ministry efforts in the past?
- Many of the tasks are familiar, and many who have been involved will likely continue serving
- We want to make two key adjustments:
- First, we want to start and finish each time of serving in prayer. Prayer is the heartbeat of all ministry. We want to “tune our hearts” through prayer in everything we do together
- Second, we want to encourage all to try serving in areas where they may not have tried serving before. Trying new ways of serving allows us to learn two vital things about the Lord Holy Spirit’s gifting of us and others: 1) we learn sometimes-surprising ways that we can bless others in serving; and 2) we learn by experience how much we depend upon the gifts and graces that others bring
A Special Service Context: The English Bridge Service Groups
- We need TWO Service Groups for this ministry with English language learners: 7 to 12 people for each night (one group for each evening)
- These Service Groups will do 3 main things:
- Care for Kids of Learners (2 adults needed each session; kids of any age to assist)
- Converse with Learners (2 to 4 people needed each session—anyone 12 and older; director Patty Champion will train you, but it’s super simple, fun, and easy to do)
- Help out and Pray for Learners and Teachers (3 to 5 people each session)—this means setting up for snacks, praying for the class as it is running, taking care of needs or errands that may arise for teachers or learners, and being available to pray for anyone who desires it
- This is an ideal way for families to serve Together as families, and to combine the goals of Connecting in a Home Group with the goals of Serving Others
- This is especially valuable way to build relationships with families in our community
- The English Bridge Starts on Sept 28th, Mondays and Wednesdays, 6 to 8pm
- How Do I Get involved in a Serving Context?
- Consider all the opportunities available, in prayer and in conversation with other believers
- Choose at least two areas where you know God has used you to make a difference and you’d be willing to serve on a rotating basis. (You’re welcome to volunteer for more areas where you would be willing to serve)
- Choose at least two areas where you might be stepping a bit out of your comfort zone
- Offer your cares and hopes about these areas to God in prayer, and ask others to pray with you
- Mark those areas on theService Teams Volunteer Form on the last page, and place it in the offering plate by September 13
- You’ll hear back from a leader in that ministry area ASAP
Some Notes about How Serving Will Work
- It’s all for a season. You’re signing up for a season—now through the end of the calendar year. We want to give regular times for people to come into a service area and to rotate out of that area
- Serving is for everyone. Whatever your age or your skills, there’s a way for you to serve. Most of the serving team areas are quick and easy to learn
- You’re not on your own. If you’re venturing into an area of service that’s unfamiliar, be at peace—others with a bit more experience will graciously help you learn
- It’ll be a rhythm of work and rest. All the Sunday morning teams will serve in rotations, so you’re not “on” every week doing the same thing. Be available to serve in some way for at least 2 or 3 Sundays per month. You’ll receive a reminder email (or call, if you prefer) early in the week so you’ll know where you’re serving on the coming Sunday
- The more, the merrier. The more of us make commitments to serve, the lighter the load will feel for us all
- Practical praying. All who serve together will enjoy the blessing of praying regularly with others and of growing in the experience of “God’s grace in its many forms.” So don’t miss out in this practical way of walking in love
- When in doubt, ask. As you have questions, ask a Vestry member or Fr. Nathan
Service Teams Volunteer Form
Name: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Areas I’m Willing to Serve
Place a check-mark next to any area Lord Holy Spirit is leading you to be available for Serving this season (through December;all areas are briefly described on pages 3-7).
You’ll hear back from a ministry leader ASAP.
Prepare for Hospitality Worship
__ Join Coffee Hour Team
__ Help Prepare the Altar
__ Sing or Play Music
Prepare Rooms for Formation & Worship
__ Assist a CGS catechist for one month
__ Prepare Assist in Nursery at Formation
__ Cross Training Set-up
__ Sanctuary Set-up
Greet/Assist Worshippers
__ Ushers & Greeters
__ New-Comer Guides
Serve around the Altar
__ Carry the Cross or the Light
__ Serve the Chalice at Communion
Help us Hear, See, Pray
__ Soundboard
__ PowerPoint
__ Read Scripture Lead the Prayers
Pray for Others
__ Healing Prayer at end of service
__ Intercessory Prayer during service
__ Prayer Thanks after service
Wrap Up after Worship
__ The English Bridge Set-up
__ Count Tithes and Offerings
The English Bridge
Service Groups
__ Mondays __ Wednesdays
__ Care for Kids of Learners
__ Converse with Learners
__ Help out and Pray