Please read the EIA GUIDANCE and the EIA flow chart available on KNet.
This form dated 17/12/2010 supersedes all previous EIA/ CIA forms
Directorate: Families and Social Care – Kent County Council
Name of policy, procedure, project or service
The Transformation of Swanley Day Service.
Type: service
Responsible Owner/ Senior Officer
Penny Southern –Interim Director – LD & MH
Mark Walker– Head of Service West Kent LD
Martin Field – Commissioning Officer
Lou Reynolds – Provision Manager LD DGS
Maggie Shephard – Locality Team Manager DGS
Date of Initial Screening
August 2013 – November 2013
EIA – Swanley Day Service Sept 13
Screening Grid
Characteristic / Could this policy, procedure, project or service affect this group differently from others in Kent?YES/NO / Could this policy, procedure, project or service promote equal opportunities for this group?
YES/NO / Assessment of potential impact
NONE/UNKNOWN / Provide details:
a) Is internal action required? If yes, why?
b) Is further assessment required? If yes, why?
c) Explain how good practice can promote equal opportunities
Positive / Negative
Age / yes / yes / MED / LOW / a) During the process we have been aware of the issues relating to age and have ensured this has been a consideration in the redesign of our services.
b) No further assessment is required.
c) Individuals have a person centred plan/ a personalised support plan for their daily activities which takes into account their age, their aspirations and goals. Information is shared with care managers to ensure identified age related services are commissioned.
Disability / Yes / Yes / HIGH / LOW / a) The Gateway project board have involved Access Audit colleagues in the proposed development of the Swanley Gateway, taking into account all building user needs (including FSC staff and Service user needs). As part of the proposals, accessibille facilities such as full Adult Changing Facilities and accessible kitchens have been included in the designs.
We recognise that changes to the current service will create anxiety and uncertainty for many people with a learning disability, their families and Carers. During the period of consultation individuals will be supported by advocacy to ensure all their voices are heard. As a result of being community based Swanley Day Service will be able to provide a more personalised service for individuals, promoting inclusion and wider integration within the local community. The Gateway Project lead has stated that the Staff and Service users will be able to choose internal fit out equipment include colour of kitchen cupboards and flooring.
Gender / YES / YES / MED / LOW / a) The future service will provide a more personalised service, identifying individual outcomes through the development and implementation of person Centred plans.
b) No further assessment required
c) All staff have access to Families and Social Care Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Tool Kit and receive awareness training of the Equality Act 2010. Further training is currently being developed and all staff will be encouraged and supported to attend.
Gender identity / YES / YES / MED / LOW / a) Staff have access to The LGBT toolkit which will assist when dealing with situations where they may not feel comfortable. Staff are reminded not to make assumptions and judgements. Knowledge and awareness of Equalities Act 2010 is mandatory training.
b) No further assessment required
c) We must ensure that Equalities is about treating everybody differently to support equal access and involvement for all.
Race / YES / YES / MED / LOW / a) As we move away from segregated services and into the local community, both staff and users of the service will develop a wider understanding of the diverse community in which we both live and work.
b) No further assessment required
c) Knowledge and understanding will develop with wider integration.
Religion or belief / YES / YES / HIGH / LOW / a) The new service (as with the current traditional day service) will meet the needs of individuals through support plans
b) No further assessment required
c) Wider inclusion and integration will develop individual knowledge and understanding
Sexual orientation / YES / YES / HIGH / LOW / a) Our sexual orientation and gender identity are an intrinsic part of who we are. As we move towards personalised services this has been highlighted as an area that must be incorporated into individuals support plans by the Care Manager or other relevant person and reviewed at annual meeting. Staff will have the Families and Social care LGBT toolkit for support.
b) No further assessment required
c) staff to be supported to attend future training that is currently being developed.
Pregnancy and maternity / YES / YES / LOW / LOW / a) All staff and users of the service will have a completed risk assessment to identify any associated risks within their workplace, tasks or activities – reasonable adjustments will be made to support the health and wellbeing of all individuals.
b) no further assessment required
c) Managers and staff have KCC guidance and will monitor implementation of safe working practice identified from risk assessment. KCC Protection of Vulnerable Adults and Service User Reviews will monitor individual needs.
EIA – Swanley Day Service Sept 13
Explain how this policy, procedure, project or service relates to a wider strategy
Families and Social Care has been pursuing a policy agreed by members (in line with national strategy) of re-providing day opportunities for people with learning disabilities moving away from the large congregate and segregated centres to enabling people to access with appropriate support a wide range of integrated community based services based on their person centred plans.
The Good Day Programme was devised in order to deliver this across Kent and its vision statement ‘Better Days for People with Learning Disabilities in Kent’ 2008 looks at how individuals can be supported to be part of their local communities and have the same opportunities as others in employment, education and training and leisure etc
It is proposed that the Directorate’s core business for in-house learning disability services, in the short to medium term, will be supporting people to access mainstream activities in their local communities.
Modernising Day services was set out as being one of the priority areas in Valuing People Now.
Valuing People launched a new Strategy for Learning Disability for 21st Century in March 2001. Page 76 of the documents talks about `Fulfilling Lives`- The Governments objective was: to enable people with a learning disability to lead full and purposeful lives within their local community and to develop a range of friendships, activities and relationships. Key actions from this section of the strategy were a 5-year programme to modernise day services.
In 2009 Valuing People Now launched a new 3 year strategy for people with a learning disability ` Making It Happen for Everyone ` page 83 of this document talks further about the vision for people with a learning disability that had direct impact on Kent’s modernisation of its day services
People with learning disabilities want to lead ordinary lives and do the things that most people take for granted. They want to study at college, get a job, have relationships and friendships and enjoy leisure and social activities.
Many people need support to do these things: and some will need high levels of support on an ongoing basis as well as multi-agency investment to have any kind of meaningful life. Experience has shown that more opportunities can be achieved for people if services:
· Work in close partnership with families as well as other services and link into broader community developments through local strategic partnerships and local agreements
· Think beyond 9am – 5pm working days and include evenings and weekends
· Planning for employment included as a key objective in person centred plans, including person centred transition plans
· Recognise the importance of working with schools and colleges to ensure a positive transition to adulthood for young people
· Invest in making community-based facilities and settings accessible for all
· Develop a clear de-commissioning strategy that shows how money will be drawn down from traditional services and re-invested in wider opportunities
Kent County Council has recently published the Making Valuing People Now Happen in Kent Partnership Strategy.
This Partnership Strategy for Learning Disability in Kent establishes key priorities for 2012-2015 and details plans to deliver them. The content of the
strategy has been determined by feedback from stakeholder groups across Kent as well as national and local policies for health and social care. The
underlying principle is that people with learning disabilities have the same rights and are entitled to the same opportunities and services in their
communities as anyone else.
Aims and Objectives
Provide a summary of what the policy, procedure, project or service is trying to achieve and how it will be achieved
Better days for people with learning disabilities in Kent is a guide for everyone involved in supporting people with a learning disability to improve their lives and what they do in the day, evening and weekends.
The Vision
All people with learning disabilities
· Can choose what they do during the day, evenings and weekends.
· Will have the support they choose when and where they need it.
· Are equal Citizens in their local community
· Have opportunities to lead a full and meaningful life.
The ideas that will make it happen
· Person Centred Planning
· Making sure it happens
· Local community services
· Working together
· Using what we have well
Person Centred Planning is core to the development of the New Service Model for day activities in Swanley. Each individual accessing the service has (or is in the process of creating) an individual person centred plan (PCP), which identifies his or her personal goals and ambitions. The Swanley Day Service staff team have a target to ensure that 100% of people using the service have a PCP by 31st March 2014. A Support Plan will identify how we will achieve individual needs and outcomes within the local community.
Set out who the intended beneficiaries?
All people over the age of 18 who live in the Swanley area, have a learning disability, and are known to KCC Families and Social Care Directorate. Family and Carers of those accessing the service now and in the future, Staff and the wider community.
Consultation and data:- Analysis of Service users Affected
Table 1
Service / Service Users using the serviceSwanley Day Service / 12
TOTAL / 12
Table 2
Ethnicity of Service Users / TotalAfrican
Traveller of Irish Heritage
Other Asian Background
Other Black Background
Other Ethnic Group
Other Mixed Background
Other White Background / 1
White & Asian
White & Black African
White & Black Caribbean
White British / 11
White Irish
Not Yet Obtained
Not Known
Not Stated
Grand Total / 12
Table 3
Service / Male / Female / TotalSwanley Day Service / 4 / 8 / 12
Table 4
Swanley Day ServiceAge Group / Number / Male / Female
18-25 / 0 / 0
26-35 / 0 / 1
36-45 / 1 / 2
46-55 / 2 / 3
56-65 / 1 / 2
66+ / 0 / 0
Total / 4 / 8
Consultation and data
Please record any data/research and/or consultation you have carried out to inform your screening
A 12 week period of formal consultation in relation to the ‘Procedure for Consultation on the Modernisation / Variation or Closure of Establishments and Services in the Adult Services Directorate’ for Swanley Day Services will be invoked in Nov 2013. A series of consultation events will be arranged.
The service currently supports 12 people across a five day week.
A consultation questionnaire will form part of the consultation process and this will be issued to people who use the service, family carers and other stakeholders. This will be published on the website to encourage people to participate.
Support from Independent Advocacy Services and Swanley Day Service Staff, will ensure we gather the views of ALL of those accessing the service, including those with different communication needs.
Various group and 1:1 meetings will help to make sure Service users and their Carers have their views heard and these will be captured in a Feedback report
Potential Impact
Initial screening would support the benefits of moving into an integrated community service away from the segregation of traditional learning disability day services. There are no identified protected characteristics that would be adversely affected.
Adverse Impact:
We recognise that changes will create anxiety and uncertainty for many people with a learning disability, their families and Carers. During the period of consultation individuals will be supported by advocacy to ensure all their voices are heard.
Some Service Users who have been accessing services for along time may feel anxious about proposed changes, requiring additional support, some may decide to leave the service.
Positive Impact:
Wider integration will assist the wider community to expand their knowledge and understanding of disabilities.
For some individuals with a disability it may also widen their knowledge and understanding of the wider community as they move away from the traditional segregated service and involve themselves in community activities.
This proposal meets the personalisation agenda for people to have more control and choice over their lives.
Option 1 – Screening Sufficient yes
Following this initial screening our judgement is that no further action is required.
Option 2 – Internal Action Required Yes
There is potential for adverse impact on particular groups and we have found scope to improve the proposal
(Complete the Action Plan at the end of this document)
Option 3 – Full Impact Assessment NO
Only go to full impact assessment if an adverse impact has been identified that will need to undertake further analysis, consultation and action