New Standard Development Proposal
ASTM Committee C15 Manufactured Masonry Units
In an effort to evaluate the need for a new standard, the ASTM C15 Executive Committee requires the requestor of the proposed new standard to complete this form. This form must be completed and approved before work is started on the development of the new standard. The intent of this evaluation is to minimize the effort spent developing new standards that may be viewed as unnecessary, outside the committee’s scope, or that would be better developed by groups or organizations other than Committee C15.
Please respond to the following questions. Keep responses concise. Responses may be general in nature as long as they convey the necessary information for evaluation.
To enter information on this form, click on the gray boxes following each question. They will expand to permit as much information as needed. (To start a new paragraph, press the <Shift> & <Enter> keys simultaneously).
Requestor’s name: / Date of Request:Phone: / E-mail:
Request Number:Leave Blank
Short Title of New Standard:
- What will this standard evaluate (for test methods) or establish (for specifications, guides, practices)?
- Why is there a need for this new standard, who would use it, and for what purpose?
- Has standardization been attempted before either through ASTM or other standards writing organizations? If, yes, please give details.
- Are there similar standards already developed by other organizations? If yes, what are they?
- Why should ASTM Committee C15 develop this standard rather than another ASTM committee or organization?
- What are the benefits if it is standardized?
- Does the standard use or reference proprietary materials or equipment? If so, please list.
- What other information is relevant to the need for this new standard?
Return to the C15 Executive Committee in person at a meeting, or via mail, fax, or e-mail to any C15 Executive Committee member, C15 Subcommittee Chair, or the C15 staff manager.
Revised December 2004