1. Introduction2.Examinations Summer Series 2011
3. Specification availability
4. Key dates
5. Resources
6. Continuing Professional Development (INSET)
1. Introduction
Welcome. This is the September 2011 AS/Advanced Geography Bulletin. The aim, as ever, is to ensure that all those involved in the delivery of the AS/A Geography specification have access to all the updated information.
You may know that my predecessor, Raye Scott retired in August and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Raye for her all her support to WJEC geography over so many years and for helping me to settle into my role as the new Subject Officer. I am sure you will all join me in wishing raye a happy retirement.
I am also pleased to include this message from our Chair of Geography Examiners, David Burtenshaw.
From the Chair of Examiners
Now that the summer 2011 exams are over and the next academic year is upon us I would like to congratulate all of the teachers and tutors on the results that your students achieved. During the award I was impressed by the range of excellent Geography being delivered and by the efforts of all candidates to achieve their expected grades. Your work and that of the students demonstrated the breadth of the subject and the richness of the material that you put before your students.
A new year without Raye Scott as the subject officer is ahead. Rayeguided the Geography and World Development teams with her customary flair. She is replaced by Alison Doogan whose experience with the International Baccalaureate (IB) isproving invaluable. As we begin to look forward to a specification revision and whatever else the government decides we would welcome your input on the strengths and weaknesses of the current Geography specification. If you wish to be more involved, do consider becoming an examiner. The Geography team needs new blood, and a transfusion of your talents to enhance the subject and its strengths in WJEC.
I look forward to meeting some of you at some of the INSET meetings this term where your expertise should contribute to even greater excellence your teaching of Geography.
David Burtenshaw
Chair of Geography
2. Examinations Summer Series 2011
The Examiners’ Reports for Summer 2011 will be available shortly on this website. Centres are advised to take careful note of the comments in the Examiners’ Reports for each of the units. These aim to provide important and constructive comment on the performance of candidates.
Unit data is available via the secure website and should provide important diagnostic analysis at both centre and candidate level. Your examinations officer will be able to access this site. Past papers, mark schemes and earlier reports can still be found on the secure site.
The following is a summary of the raw mark grade thresholds and ‘cash-in’ awards for Summer 2011.
Grade Thresholds Summer 2011
MaximumMark / A / B / C / D / E / Entry / Mean
G1 / 75 / 50 / 45 / 40 / 35 / 31 / 4416 / 41.8
G2 / 75 / 48 / 44 / 40 / 36 / 32 / 4813 / 40.2
G3 / 75 / 50 / 44 / 38 / 32 / 26 / 1755 / 38.9
G3A / 50 / 34 / 29 / 24 / 20 / 16 / 26.5
G3B / 25 / 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 / 8 / 12.5
G4 / 80 / 56 / 49 / 42 / 35 / 28 / 3057 / 46.7
AS ‘Cash-in’ Award
Year / No. ofCands. / Cumulative Percentage of Candidates at Grade:-
A / B / C / D / E
JUNE 2010
(All cands.) / 4046 / 21.6 / 41.4 / 62.6 / 80.4 / 91.8
JUNE 2011
(All cands.) / 4536 / 22.3 / 41.7 / 62.3 / 78.9 / 89.6
A2 ‘Cash-in’ Award
Year / No. ofCands. / Cumulative Percentage of Candidates at Grade:
A* / A / B / C / D / E
JUNE 2011 Teacher estimates
(All cands.) / 3260 / 5.6 / 25.7 / 52.5 / 77.8. / 93.6 / 98.9
JUNE 2011 Actual
(All cands.) / 3260 / 5.4 / 26.2 / 54.3 / 79.9 / 94.2 / 99.1
3. A2 Guidance
Some reiteration and elaboration of key elements of approach to the A2 units is included below as guidance for future series.
G3 Contemporary Issues and Research in Geography
The topics for 2012are listed below and the suggested examples are listed on the website.Thesesuggested examples of titles relating to the 2012 topic areascan be accessed using the following link:
2012 suggested examples
The 2012 topic areas for G3 (B) will remain the same for January and June 2012, although the questions will focus on different aspects of enquiry. The unit data, which is available by candidate and centre is available on the secure website and may help to highlight any performance issues
G3 Section B Research Topic Areas for January and June 2012
Research Theme / Topic AreaG3.2.1
Geography of Crime / The management of crime
Deprivation / Deprivation in urban areas
Geography of Disease / The impacts of a human disease
Environmental Psychology / Gender and environmental perception
Leisure & Recreation / Use of green spaces
Microclimates / Woodland microclimates
Atmospheric & Water Pollution / Air pollution
Geography of Retailing / Clone towns
Rivers / Flooding
Small Scale Ecosystems / Woodland ecosystems
Advice on research titles
The WJEC will advise on proposals for research titles based on the topic areas.
A new form ‘Candidate Individual Project Title’ is available on the website and is designed to be completed by teachers and/or candidates when individual research enquiry titles and/or methodology for G3Brequire some comment or advice. It is not necessary for a form to be completed for or by all candidates. It is optional.
The form when completed should be sent to: mailto:
2013 titles
We will issue topics for 2013in December 2011 to help centres facilitate planning.
G4 Sustainability
The pre-release material for G4 Winter 2011will be dispatched in November to centres entering candidates; it will also be available on thisWJEC website at the same time, as in the previous series. Each candidate will be issued with a pre-release version, easily identified by itsyellow cover, and this must notbe taken into the examination. A new copy will be given out in the examination.Please ensure that your entries for January 2012 are completed by the beginning of October to ensure that pre-release material is sent directly to your centre.
Thesepre-release resources will relate to two of the four themes and will provide the basis for questions in Section A. There will be four questions in Section A. Questions 1-3 are out of 10 marks and Question 4 is out of 25 marks.
In Section B there will be one 25 mark question focused on one of the remaining two themes. This question will assess the ability of candidates to draw on their knowledge and understanding of G4 and other studies in Geography.
A clear grasp of the conceptual framework of each of the four themes is essential preparation for this paper and centres are advised to focus case study material on examples that illustrate the four key questions in each of the themes. Content overload should be avoided as it may detract from the overview of the key questions. Questions will not focus on analysis of an individual resource as in the AS questions. All the resources provided are included as possible support for the answers.
Candidates are expected to provide support for their answers to questions on G4. Evidence provided from the Resource Folder only will be sufficient to allow full marks. Evidence produced from candidates’ own research is also accepted in support up to full marks.
The Resource Folder is not intended as a teaching unit to cover the themes from G4 that it addresses. Candidates are expected to show experience of having considered the key questions in each of the themes in G4 and to have acquired some understanding of the organising concepts associated with these questions.
Centres are reminded that there is no requirement to access all the websites listed in the Resource Folder; or carry out further research on the pre-release materials. However, any such relevant inclusion is to be encouraged and credited.
The functionality of web sites is an inevitable result of the fact that papers are produced almost two years in advance; these are agreed by a Question Paper Evaluation Committee, after which they are signed off for printing. At this stage, there is no guarantee as to the ‘longevity of the site’ and this is a fundamental limitation of any web-based research.
The command words that will be used in the questions will be: outline; explain; assess; to what extent; discuss. Please refer to the glossary of command words on the website.
command words
Essay technique for G4
For 25 mark questions the following is provided as guidance.
- Introduction: lengthy introductions should not be encouraged and there is no need to define terms. Correct use of terms will demonstrate that they are understood. A short introduction helps with overall structure, but it can be just one or two brief sentences.
- Conclusion: similarly a conclusion helps to round off a logical structure, and should briefly pull the main points together. Synopticity, high order analysis, space, time and scale are best introduced at appropriate places in the main body of the answer.
- Breadth and depth: wide ranging discussion is credited as is detailed analysis of narrower areas. There is no requirement for one over the other. Either approach can gain full marks.
- Demands of the question: high marks go to responses that deal with all of the components of the question, and answerthe question with sound supporting material. The twenty-five mark questions almost always have an evaluative component, and the highest credit goes to answers that contain well-supported, balanced assessment.
4. Specification Availability
January and June 2012All AS and A2 units areavailable. Certification of AS and A level possible.
Please check that candidates have been entered using the correct subject and option code as shown below
(W1 – Welsh Medium)
AS/A Subject Entry Codes
G1 1201
G2 1202
AS ‘Cash in’ entry 2201
G3 1203
G4 1204
A ‘Cash in’ entry 3201 / Option Code
01 or W1
01 or W1
01 or W1
01 or W1
Please note that the scripts for G3 A and G3 B go to different examiners.
5. Key Dates (2012)
Winter SeriesG1 (1201) / 18 Jan am
G2(1202) / 24 Jan am
G3 (1203) / 30Jan
G4 (1204) / 2 Feb
Results for January 2012examination issued to centres / 8 March
Summer Series
G1 (1201) / 24 May pm
G2 (1202) / 30 May pm
G3 (1203) / 13 June pm
G4 (1204) / 19 June am
Results for June 2012examination issued to centres / 16 August
Final Date for applications for advance photocopies of June 2011 GCE scripts, and for Priority Service 2 Enquiries about Results / 24August
6. Resources
The following resources are available:
- The Teachers’ Guide, Parts 1 and 2, on the website lists resources for individual themes and these often include texts on specific topics with more in depth content. Please contact us if you have difficulty accessing any of the resources or if you identify any new resources that can be added.
- Philip Allan Updates: a series of Student Unit Guides forG1, G2, G3 and G4. Each text has a strong WJEC input from the Principal Examiners and others who have an expertise in examining.
- The GA has published the ‘Top Spec Geography ‘series of A level Guides, including,Emerging Superpowers: China and India by Gill Miller and Sue Warn. This guide traces the emergence of China and India as the superpowers of the future and the challenges posed. It is relevant to all four options in Section b of G3 (A). Other topics in the series cover population change in Europe, climate change, energy, flooding and tectonic hazards and each has a range of online support materials and resources.
- Geography AS & A2, Revision Express , Pearson-Longman 2008, ISBN 078-1-4082-0657-7, a revision guide, relevant to our specification which is targeted at parental purchase rather than school use.
- AS-Level Geography The Revision Guide CGP 2008, ISBN 978 1 84762 135 1 covers many of the topics in the specification.
- A/AS Materials on NGfL Cymru (National Grid for Learning Cymru) -Interactive resources linked to the Teachers’ Guide are available on .
NGfL Cymru is available to all teachers throughout the UK. All four units are now complete.
Materials referred to here are can be found by following:
Teaching ResourcesA/ASGeography > WJEC Geography [Clickhere]
7. Continuing Professional Development (INSET)
The programme and dates for Autumn 2011 are given below.
Application forms are available on the website Completed forms should be sent to the INSET Unit, WJEC, 245 Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YX or
AS/A Geography 2011
9.45 /Registration and Coffee
10.00 / Introduction and Welcome10.05 / An overview of the Summer 2011 AS and A2 examinations
11.00 / Coffee
11.30 / Presentation and workshop – working with the G4 pre-release material
12.30 / Lunch
1. 30 / Presentation and workshop – the enquiry approach –from AS to A2
3.00 / Resources – an update
3.30 / Administration and close
Location / Date / Time (registration from 9.30)
London / Tuesday 27 September 2011 / 10.00 am – 3.30 pm
Exeter / Wednesday28 September 2011 / 10.00 am – 3.30 pm
Swansea* / Monday 3 October 2011 / 10.00 am – 3.30 pm
Cardiff / Tuesday 4 October 2011 / 10.00 am – 3.30 pm
Llandudno* / Monday 10 October 2011 / 10.00 am – 3.30 pm
Birmingham / Tuesday 11 October 2011 / 10.00 am – 3.30 pm
*Welsh Medium Provision
Please contact us with any queries.
Alison DooganSteve James
Subject Officer: AS/A GeographySubject Support Officer: AS/A mailto: mailto:
Telephone (029) 20265158Telephone (029) 20265029
Fax (029) 20575994Fax (029) 20575994
Internet communications are not secure and therefore WJEC does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely those of the author and not necessarily those of WJEC, unless otherwise specifically stated.
Please note that WJEC may intercept incoming and outgoing email communications.
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