6 March 2004


I trained at the Governments Microwave Warfare establishment in 60’s. I worked with the underwater bomb disposal unit, which used microwaves. In the 70’s I helped de-brief spies trained in microwave warfare.

My first degree is in Physics (I specialised in microwaves)

My second degree is a research degree.

I have a teaching diploma in human physiology.

I teach advanced physics and mathematics at South Dartmoor College.

Author of the Tetra Report for the Police Federation. I predicted the illnesses, which the officers now complain of. I predicted the illness’s the residents now complain of. These are illness’s that occurred before my report was published and cannot be psychosomatic.

At a conference in Birmingham I said “This Government, Industry and Government Scientists will be responsible for more deaths (of civilians) in peace time than all the terrorist organizations ever.” The evidence I have is showing this is correct. I put my money where my mouth is and stand my ground. It is easy to prove TETRA is not safe.

I would like those who sign to say it is” and should go ahead, to stand trial in future years for their decisions.

If microwave systems are safe. Why is there a still on-going stealth warfare industry, going back 60 years, based on the fact that these waves (AT TETRA STRENGTH) are and have been used to cause illness’s now occurring in residents / police officers? At this point in time it is now into the germ warfare programme. If microwaves did not affect cells, this industry would not exist at all! No microwave communications system can e safe, especially TETRA. They are the same power as in the warfare industry and in Tetra’s case the same pulse rate.

This Industry is a big money earner for everybody who gives permission to go ahead yet they: the Government; Industry; Government Scientists; do not take any responsibility. That falls on the Landowner and the user (Police Officer) who “volunteer’s” to use it as part of the 10 & 15 year cancer trial. The option (given at the Police Conference – Birmingham) was to resign.

Tetra has a possible outlet of 32 Countries and 52 organisations within this Country, at present. It must be stopped until there is a full judicial and public hearing into every aspect of this industry. Not as in “Hansard” where the Minister in response to questions say’s “It is within Government guidelines”. Which is based only on how warm you get: and even then it is wrong.

Somebody, somewhere, must stop what could be the biggest cause of illness around the World since the plague. This must go public without fear/prejudice from those in a position of power. The evidence is already to hand and proof can be obtained experimentally in a few days. I will do it.

It is time that the intelligence of the general public was recognized and their wishes were respected. As opposed to Governmental pressure from an intimate relationship with Industrial Power/ Money, on planners.

Latest reports

11 children leaving a school (sick) in Sussex.

11 Leukemia and 3 motor neuron diseases around a tetra mast in East Fife.

90 illness’s in Dersley around a new Tetra mast. Sadly, in each case, neither the police nor Industry could attend the MP’s ‘call’ for a meeting. Only I turned up! How much confidence does that instill in everybody?

Barrie Trower