Safety Net Alliance Meeting Report

January 16th 2013

Agenda Items:

 Lunch/Networking, Welcome and Introduction

(Sign in and verify agency info)

 Announcements & Introductions

 Speakers: VITA, K-Count Information

 Updates/ Discussion Points

 Next Meeting Date

Discussion Points/Overview of Conversation:

1.  Melissa Sommer, SNA Executive Committee Member, began the meeting.

2.  Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)- Bobbi Roemer

·  Free tax preparation by trained individuals.

·  Walk in for Newport locations, need appointments for other locations.

·  The VITA flyers are on the SNA website under the Resource List tab.

3.  K-Count- Michael Hurysz

·  A homeless count is mandated every 2 years.

·  This will start January 30th from midnight until 11:59 PM the next evening.

·  This is volunteer run.

·  Doing this count helps give an idea on how many are homeless in NKY, determining funding for programs in non-profits.

·  A survey for each homeless person will be conducted.

4.  Food Committee

·  Meijer donations will be delivered to Brighton Center this month every Tuesday and Thursday. Food donations will be split evenly into 4 agencies. A schedule for February will be sent out for agencies to fill spots.

·  For operating the Giving Fields this year, a new model for volunteers will be discussed. Volunteers will harvest once at the beginning of the week and once at the end of the week.

5.  Website Committee

·  Web stats have gone up since July 2012. More unique visitors are going on the website, and the number of viewed pages is up.

·  Alerts have been having more success, and surveys are being sent out for action oriented alerts so the web committee can monitor alert success.

·  Shelters will begin doing daily updates again. You can find these updates on the SNA website under the “info” of each specific agency shelter. Agencies participating are; Welcome House, Family Promise, Brighton Center Homeward Bound Shelter for Youth, and Emergency Shelter of NKY.

6.  Executive Committee

·  Invitations for the Executive Director Lunch were sent out. Executive directors of agencies are welcome to come to learn more about the works of the Safety Net Alliance.

·  There will be some financial reporting presented at the next Executive Committee.

·  The Executive Committee will be having a retreat to go over goals for the Safety Net Alliance and will be looking at the feedback worksheets that were sent out at January’s SNA meeting.

·  Final ballot for Executive Committee was at this month’s meeting. Results soon to follow.


February 20th, NOON

Brighton Center 3rd Floor Board Room

799 Ann St. Newport, KY


4C for Children- Michelle Nelson

American Cancer Society- Lisa Meier

Be Concerned- Paul Gottbrath

Brighton Center- Emma Chaney, Melissa Hall Sommer, Lauren Copeland, Kathy Stevie, Bobbi Roemer

Campbell Co. Cooperative Extension- Ronda Rex, Lisa Anglin

Catholic Charities- Mary Fleischman

CILO- Perry Shelton

Emergency Shelter of NKY- Rachael Knvdsen

Faith Community Pharmacy- Tara Leen

Family Promise- Lisa Desmaris, Jodi Penick

Freestore Foodbank- Sarah Celenza, Jennifer Steele

Life Learning Center- Grant Dawson

Hosea House- Karen Yates, Monica Remmy

Mental Health America- Vicki Thatcher

National MS Society- Amanda Gelter

NKADD- Michael Hurysz

NKCAC- Glenda Dishman, Dale Rose

North Key- Mark Hankins

Pantry of Hope- Brandy Medaugh

Safety Net Alliance- Alicia Volk

Senior Services- Sarah Siegrist, Tricia Watts

Society of St. Vincent de Paul- Melinda Keneavy

St. Augustine Parish- Charlene Melihercik

St. Paul’s Food Pantry- Cordelia Koplow

United Way- Correy Eimer

VA Healthcare- Monica Benton

Vineyard Christian Church- Pam Rouster

Women’s Crisis Center- Kristy Dangel