- Structures and Function
- Background
- Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio often written as (CH2O)n where n=the number of times the ratio is repeated. For example, if n=6, then (CH2O)6 = C6H12O6.
- Provides main source of fuel for cells (at 4 kcal/gram)
- Divided into two main classes
- Simple sugars such as monosaccharides, disaccharides, and oligosaccharides.
- Complex sugars such as polysaccharides.
- MONOSACCHARIDES (glucose, fructose, and galactose are isomers of each other)
- Glucose is also called dextrose or blood sugar.
- Acts as the principle monosaccharide that acts as a building block form any other carbohydrates.
- In the body it forms a six carbon (hexose) ring structure.
- Fructose is also called levulose.
- Composed of a six carbon ring structure.
- Commonly found in fruit, honey, and corn syrup and is used in soft drinks and frozen desserts.
- Accounts for 8 to 10% of our energy intake.
- After absorption by the small intestine, fructose is converted into glucose by the liver.
- If fructose consumption is high, it is also converted into glycogen, lactic acid, or fat.
- Galactose
- Has a six carbon ring structure.
- This is not usually found in nature but exists mostly as a unit of the disaccharide lactose which is found easily in nature.
- Easily converted into glucose in the liver or can be stored as glycogen.
- Ribose sugar
- Has a five carbon ring and is not an isomer of glucose.
- Used as part of the RNA strand, which is an important part of a cell’s genetic material?
- Maltose
- Formed by condensation synthesis reaction between two glucose molecules.
- The glucose molecules form an alpha bond between them which is easily broken during digestion.
- Maltose is commonly used in the production of many alcohols by fermentation (recall anaerobic cellular respiration).
- Sucrose
- Formed by a glucose and a fructose attached by an alpha bond during condensation synthesis.
- Major sources are table sugar and in plants such as sugar cane and maple syrup.
- Lactose
- Formed by the addition of glucose and a galactose by beta bonds during condensation synthesis reaction.
- Beta bonds are more difficult to digest hence the large portion of the population that is lactose intolerant.
- Primary sugar found in milk and milk products.
- Raffinose and stachyose are common examples
- These are found in beans
- Because they contain large numbers of beta bonds they are difficult to digest by digestive enzymes.
- Instead bacteria in the large intestine break apart these oligosaccharides, producing gas and other byproducts.
- Starch
- Two types of plant starch=Amylose and amylopectin.
- Long chains of a 1000 or more glucose molecule.
- Amylose is a straight chain polymer while amylopectin is a branched polymer.
- Food sources include potatoes, breads, pasta, and rice.
- Amylopectin raises blood sugar levels quicker because of the branched configuration which enables amylase to have more points of attack.
- Glycogen
- Storage form of glucose in the human body.
- Long branched chains of glucose that are more complex than amylopectin.
- Even more digestible because of its branched structure.
- Fiber
- Dietary fibers are chemically composed of non-starch polysaccharides:
- Cellulose and hemicellulose which is found in wheat, rye, rice, and vegetables (insoluble).
- Pectin, gums, and mucilage which is found in citrus fruits, oat products and beans (soluble).
- Dietary fibers are also composed of a non-carbohydrate material called lignin.
- All dietary fibers come from plants and are not digested in the stomach.
- The water soluble fibers however are metabolized by bacteria in the intestines.
- Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption
- Begins in the mouth
- Salivary amylase breaks some starches into maltose during mastication.
- Continues digestion through the esophagus but stops in the stomach because the high acid environment inactivates salivary enzymes.
- Pancreatic amylases located in the small intestine further break down starches into maltose.
- Enzymes in the wall of the small intestine break down disaccharides into monosaccharides:
- Maltose is acted on by maltase.
- Sucrose is acted on by sucrase.
- Lactose is acted on by lactase.
- Glucose and galactose are actively absorbed in the small intestine (see figure 5-6).
- Fructose is absorbed through facilitated diffusion which although requires a carrier does not require energy.
- Single sugars are then transported via the portal vein that goes directly to the liver where the liver utilizes several options:
- Transforms the monosaccharides into glucose and releases it directly into the bloodstream for use.
- Produces glycogen for short term storage.
- Produces fat for long term storage.
- Functions of Glucose and other sugars
- Yields Energy (recall 4 kcal/g)
- Spares protein from use as an energy source (i.e. no gluconeogenesis)
- Preventing Ketosis
- Adequate intake of carbohydrates is necessary for the complete metabolism of fats to carbon dioxide and water.
- If low carbohydrate intake leads to incomplete breakdown of fatty acids, ketone bodies form resulting in ketosis.
- The excess ketone bodies spill over into the urine and begin to draw sodium and potassium ions as well.
- This results in an ion imbalance and acidic blood that can lead to coma and death if not treated.
- Imparting flavor and sweetness to foods (in order of sweetness from high to low= fructose, sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose).
- Functions of Dietary Fiber
- Dietary fiber
- Adds mass and water to feces
- Feces then becomes larger and softer and easier to eliminate
- Less pressure is therefore needed to expel stool.
- Little or no fiber in the diet can cause constipation.
- More pressure is needed to defecate.
- May cause diverticula and hemorrhoids.
- Diverticulosis=no symptoms
- Diverticulitis=pouches fill with food stuffs and eventually become inflamed.
- Aids in weight control because it fills you up but yields little energy.
- Appear to be linked to reduction of colon cancer.
- Higher intakes of fiber are correlated with lowering cholesterol and bile acid absorption.
- Recommended Carbohydrate Intakes
- RDA is 130 grams of carbohydrate for adults with20-35 grams of this being dietary fiber and no more than 10% of total kcal/day from sugars.
- Problems associated with high sugar intakes:
- May not contribute the right proportion of energy to the diet.
- Excessive/High fiber diet can produce phytobezors=pellets of dietary fiber found in the stomach.
- May lower nutritional value of a diet by contributing to the lack of consuming other energy yielding nutrients.
- May cause dental caries=cavities.
- Diets may contain too many carbohydrates with high glycemic indexes:
- Glycemic index=the blood glucose response of a given food compared to a standard (such as glucose or white bread).
- Influenced by starch structure, fiber content, food processing, physical structure, and macronutrients in the meal (such as fat).
- Glycemic load=the amount of carbohydrate in a food multiplied by the glycemic index of that carbohydrate.
- Lactose intolerance may occur.
- Food Sweeteners
- Nutritive Sweeteners (can be metabolized to yield energy)
- Sugars (mono and disaccharides)
- 12-48 pounds are consumed per year per person.
- Fructose in the form of high-fructose corn syrup is predominantly used in soft drinks, candies, jam, jelly, and desserts.
- Others include: brown sugar, turbinado sugar, honey, and maple syrup.
- Sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol)
- Contribute energy (3 kcal/g)
- Broken down more slowly than simple sugars
- Sorbitol and xylitol are used in sugarless gum, breath mints, and candy.
- These sugar alcohols aren’t readily metabolized by bacteria so they do not contribute and can reduce the development of dental caries.
- Alternative Sweeteners (provide no energy)
- Saccharine
- Produced in 1879
- 300 times sweeter than sucrose
- Represents half of the alternative sweetener market in the United States.
- Once associated with bladder cancer.
- Aspartame
- Trade names are “NutraSweet” and “Equal”.
- 180 to 200 times sweeter than sucrose.
- Because it is so sweet so little is used in foods that the energy content of 4 kcal/g is negligible.
- Easily damaged by high heat.
- Cannot be used by persons with PKU.
- Neotame
- Recently approved by FDA for general-purpose, non-nutritive sweetener.
- 7000 to 13000 times sweeter than sucrose.
- Heat stable.
- Can be used by any person including children, pregnant women and people with diabetes.
- Acesulfame-Potassium (Sunett)
- 200 times sweeter than sugar and calorie free.
- Approved in 1988 for general purpose sweetener for foods.
- Sucralose (Splenda)
- 600 times sweeter than sucrose.
- Approved in 1998 for use in baked goods, nonalcoholic beverages, chewing gum, frozen dairy desserts, fruit juices, and gelatins.
- Non-nutritive
- Widely used in Canada.
- PLEASE READ THE NUTRITION PERSPECTIVE: When Blood Glucose Regulation Fails (page 171-176).
Chapter Objectives
After reading chapter five - A Student should be able to...
- List the three classes of simple carbohydrates and the three complex carbohydrates
- List the types of monosaccharides, disaccharides, and oligosaccharides and discuss their dietary importance (if any)
- Describe the structural and functional difference between glycogen, starch, and fiber
- Discuss the process of carbohydrate digestion
- Discuss what is the recommended intake of carbohydrates and what problems are associated with high intakes of carbohydrates
- Describe the difference between a nutritive sweetener and an artificial sweetener
- List the various types of nutritive and artificial sweeteners and discuss their dietary importance
- Discuss the process of glucose regulation in the human body – include in the discussion the hormones and organs involved
- Discuss how carbohydrate metabolism in relationship to diabetes mellitus