Richard Wurmbrand
By the same author
Copyright © 1968 by Richard Wurmbrand
First printed 1968
SBN 340 04385 7
Translations of articles in the Soviet Press, made by the
Library of Congress, are quoted here by permission of
the Congress of the United States.
To my children Mikai and Judith and to all those who
are working in the service of the Soviet Saints.
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by Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press), Ltd.,
Bungay, Suffolk
Wearing the Dunce's Cap
1Whose Fate is the Director's Concern?44
2A Sect of Fanatics Was Exposed50
3The Shyness of Power51
4Under the Domination of Obscurity55
5The 'Quakers' Tremble with Fear from Responsibility 58
6Behind Closed Shutters60
7End to the Obscurantists66
8To Fight with Reason Rather than with 'Records'70
9God's Fools in Christ73
10The Obscurantist75
11According to their Merits76
12Fanatics on Trial76
13During the Trial Intermission77
14The Sentence Was Met with Approval81
15Under the Mask of a 'Saint'85
16The Chairman in the Role of a Hypocrite88
17Six Who Made the Choice89
18The Trial Should Be Continued91
19Such Things Are Not Forgiven95
20Scales Fell from the Eyes98
21Sectarians on Trial102
22According to their Merits103
23Fanaticism of the Believers and Indifference of the
24A Proud Badge110
25With the Cross on their Chests and with Switches in
their Hands114
26Crimes Against Persons and Citizens' Rights Committed
by Religious Groups120
27Black and Red128
28Wild Fanatics133
2930 / Those Who Spread Darkness
Reason Against Dope / 138
34 / The Road Without God Is Wider
They Received What They Deserved
Is Stepanov a Lost Man?
Prophets and Victims / 144
35 / Extract from 'The Brutal Hypocrites' / 170
36 / Once Upon a Time There Was a Little Girl... / 174
Wearing the Dunce's Cap
Jesus of Nazareth was never under any illusions about what
would befall Him. He told His disciples repeatedly that the Son of
Man would be given into the hands of men to be mocked and
reviled, scourged and crucified. But the beauty of the Son was
never more clearly seen than when those very things came to
Epictetus wrote : 'It is a kingly thing to do well and to be evil
spoken of.' This was the lot of Jesus. But the crown of thorns
honoured Him much more than the ointment used by St. Mary
Magdalene when she anointed Him. The blood which flowed
from His whipped body clothed Him in greater splendour than
any robe which His mother, or admiring women, might have
woven for Him in earlier days.
Hanging on the cross, He revealed the glory of God much
better than when He freely walked through die fields and streets
of Palestine.
If we knew nothing about Jesus except what was spoken of
Him by His opponents, He would still appear as the most lovable
of beings ever to walk of this earth.The Pharisees say to Him.
'Master, we know that Thou art true and teachest the way of God
in truth' (Matt. 22:16). Pilate declares to the angry crowds : 'I
am innocent of the blood of this just person' (Matt. 27: 24). The
man who passed the sentence of death upon Jesus knew Him to be
a 'just person'.
Judas cried: 'I have betrayed the innocent blood' (Matt.
27:4). Jesus was innocent even in the mind of the man who
betrayed Him.
The crowds who stood at the foot of the cross mocked Him
shouting: 'He saved others; Himself He cannot save' (Matt.
27:42). Even in their mockery they had to acknowledge that He
had in fact 'saved others' ! In their reviling they uttered one of
the greatest truths of the story of salvation. He who had saved
others did not save Himself. He who had come down from heaven
did not come down from the cross. Because He reduced Himself
to weakness, Jesus could redeem sinners.
So it has been throughout the history of mankind. Those re-
jected by men often prove in the end to be the greatest of men.
Edison was driven out of school at the age of thirteen, written
off as an idiot. At the age of fourteen he had already made his
first invention. Anatole France's teacher wrote: 'This stupid
child will never learn to write a good French.' But Anatole
France became one of the greatest writers of his country, and a
member of the French Academy.
Kant was once rejected for a professorship in philosophy.
Millet's first paintings were rejected. He was so poor that he
could not afford to buy new canvases. His first successful picture
'Oedipus Unbound' was painted over a rejected canvas. The re-
jection has remained a judgement on his critics.
This familiar story of the rejection of worthy men has been
particularly true in the history of the Christian Church. The In-
quisition, happily rejected now by our Catholic friends, marched
heretics towards the auto-da-fés with dunces' caps on their heads,
wearing clothes on which devils in hell-fire were painted. But the
faces of the heretics mirrored the beauty of the God for whom
they gave their lives. The same applies to those who died for
Christ as they have known Him in the Catholic Church.
Those who have discovered that life does not consist in having
much, but in being the right thing—a child of God—have ap-
peared most beautiful when they have been most despised.
The story has repeated itself in every generation and it is re-
peating itself now in Soviet Russia. We present in this book some
forty articles collected from the Soviet Press. All these articles
speak about Christians of the Underground Church. Orthodox,
Baptists, Adventists, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Old Believers.
The Soviet Press mocks them. Once again we see the Christian
wearing the dunce's cap of ridicule.
But it is the Communists we pity ! They don't know what they
When Pilate showed a bleeding, scourged, thorn-crowned Jesus
to the Jewish mob and said 'Behold the man'—he didn't reveal
anything about Jesus. The man he showed was himself! He
showed an unrighteous and cruel judge. So it is with the Com-
munists today. In these and many other thousands of articles they
revile the Christians, showing them in the most gloomy of colours.
But the clearest picture that they give us is not of the Christians,
but of themselves. They show their own spiritual darkness. They
show how blind they are to the truth and to spiritual beauty.
After reading these articles you will not laugh at the Christians
—you will pity their oppressors.
In these articles we see the Christians wearing the dunces' caps
—but how beautiful they look in them! Even in the pictures
drawn by the Communists, the Bride of Christ appears in her
splendour. We see the beauty of those who have turned their
backs on material possessions and a life of rest to face trouble and
heavy suffering in order that their fellow-men might know eternal
While so many Western Christians seem to be engaged in
having more comfort, the Christians, whom these articles describe,
are engaged in being something higher. A letter received from the
Underground Church in the Communist camp says : 'We don't
wish to be better Christians. It is wrong to have this desire. We
wish to be the only kind of Christians that Christ meant us to be :
Christ-like Christians.' Certainly, as you read about Christians in
the Soviet Union, even as they are described by their worst
enemies, by their torturers and by murderers, you have the im-
pression that you are meeting with Christ Himself. Here is
Christ's mystical body, the real Church, which is ready to suffer
as her Master for the glory of God and the good of mankind.
Before we proceed to read the articles themselves, there are a
number of things that I want to explain. The Western reader may
well pass by phrases in these press reports that are full of sig-
In this section, therefore, I propose to pick out several issues
from the articles and comment on them in the light of my own
experiences as one of the leaders of the Underground Church in
Fishers of men
'Baptists ... attempt to catch in their nets as many victims as
possible' (Article 4, p. 55).
How true is this in the Communist camp? For several years I
led the secret missionary work in the Soviet Army. I have never
met a single lukewarm Russian Christian. In the West, Christians
swim in Bibles and other forms of religious literature, yet they are
often slothful in giving them to others. With us, Christian lit-
erature is printed on secret printing presses and is very scarce.
Very often it has to be written by hand—even in the case of
Bibles and New Testaments ! But, oh, how zealous the Christians
are to give out this literature ! The Soviet newspapers say that
even children in school put hand-written Christian leaflets in the
pockets of their teachers' overcoats.
These Christians I speak of really believe that any man they
encounter is an eternal soul. They feel that they cannot be in-
different towards the people they meet, for their eternal destiny
depends on knowing spiritual truth. So they try to open men's
I remember in Rumania that I only had to sit quietly in my
home, and things would happen. One after another, members of
my Underground Church would appear with some new soul they
had 'caught in their net', perhaps as the result of a chance meet-
ing in the queue for bread or potatoes. Perhaps a man would
bring someone from his factory whose interest had been
awakened. Often Christians would enter 'pubs' to find souls.
I have never known an inactive Christian. There is no such
person, for a Christian is either active for God or he is active for
the devil. With us they were active for God.
Even when Christians were put in prison their zeal to win souls
for Christ continued. In solitary confinement they learned to tap
the Gospel in morse, code against their cell walls. They witnessed
to their jailors who had whips in their hands.
Sometimes we 'caught in our nets' very big fish ! Gheorghiu-
Dej, the former Prime Minister of Rumania, was won for Christ
by a servant-maid in his house just as, centuries ago, the servant-
maid St. Sophia had won over Empress Helena, mother of Con-
stantine the Great. The Empress, in turn, had convinced her son
to give liberty to the Christians in the Roman Empire and this
changed the history of the Christian Church and the history of the
world. The Underground Church has penetrated behind the walls
of the Kremlin itself. The daughter of the greatest mass-mur-
derer of Christians was won for God. Brought up under the
strictest Communist discipline, Svetlana Stalin is a trophy of
I have seen Christians in Communist prisons who were dying
and yet witnessing until their last breath.
Submission to Christ
'Baptists ... undermine their will-power' (Article 4, p. 55).
This is the Communists' way of saying that Christians teach men
to submit their wills to the will of God. What a great achieve-
ment this is !
I remember when I was first harassed under the Communists in
1948. Along with others I was put in terrible conditions. We were
in solitary confinement and our cells were guarded by big dogs.
When we went to the toilet or to the bath we were escorted by
guards with revolvers in their hands.
I was scared. I cannot pretend to pose as a hero. I was a simple
man and sometimes, in my misery, I felt I could not say our
Lord's Prayer. When I came to the words 'Thy will be done' I
would stop. I found myself saying : 'Father, Thy will be done in
all matters but in one matter I must ask my will and not Thine.
Take me out of these terrible circumstances. I cannot bear them
any longer!'
I remember the happiness that came to me when, after an
agonizing spiritual struggle, I could say to God: 'Thy will be
done in this matter also. If you wish me here, I will do my best
for Thy Glory even in a dungeon.' And God rewarded me richly.
I was able to witness to Christ before my interrogator and he was
deeply impressed.
We can only congratulate the Russian Christians for 'under-
mining the will-power of their fellow-men' in this sense.
Avoiding Communist Propaganda
'The Leaders of the sect teach their flock; do not attend movies
or theatres ... do not sing, except pious songs' (Article 4, p.
Every Russian film is a vehicle of propaganda, spreading an
ideology of hatred and Godlessness. The Christian leaders are
right to warn their flocks of such influences.
When the Communists came to power in Rumania they put
their propaganda posters everywhere—even in street-cars and
buses. Their posters showed the crimes of earlier régimes and
demanded that the former rulers of our country should be hanged.
The posters contained terrible pictures of actual hangings. My
son was only five years old at the time and I can remember him
travelling in a street-car with his hands over his eyes. 'I don't
wish even to see these ugly things,' he said. He had the right
Christian instinct.
I cannot help comparing this teaching of Russian Underground
Church leaders about godless movies and pious songs with what I
see in the West, even in Christian families. There are even
families of Christian pastors who will spend evening after evening
in front of their television sets. And all the dirt of some of those
television shows is gloated upon without discrimination. The
warnings about dirty sex films are rarely heard.
When the Communists reproach the Russian Christian leaders
for teaching discrimination in these matters, they say something
that reflects nothing but credit.
Caring for the Weak
'The Leaders of the Baptist sect pay special attention to people
who find themselves in a difficult situation or plight, and to in-
experienced boys and girls' (Article 4, p. 56).
I have been an 'inexperienced boy' in a capitalistic country,
and I have passed through many 'difficult situations'. It was not
until I was twenty-seven that I met a Christian who would stop
me on the street and speak about the way of salvation. And this
was not a pastor but a carpenter. What should a priest or pastor
be doing?
When I was fourteen a friend took me to a brothel for the first
time. In Bucharest there was a quarter of the town filled with
pubs, gambhng-houses and other houses of perdition. I became a
regular customer of those places.
Not once did I meet a pastor near the doors of such a place
warning young people to keep clear!
Now Communism has taught Christians to become earnest and
to value souls. Jesus left heaven and descended into hell for souls,
and he would have done it if there had been only one soul to save.
The Russian Christians seek out those inexperienced boys and
girls in difficult situations and show them the truth. So says the
Russian Press. Another compliment to the Christians from their
worst enemies !
The pastors of the Underground Church don't teach doctrine
to their young people. Being untrained they know little enough
themselves. But then—what is doctrine? It is the storehouse of
past experiences. These persecuted Christians have the actual
experience of the cross and of its victory in their daily lives.
Not often the pastors try to win the youth with logical argu-
ments which seldom convince. Rather they exhale the love of
Christ. It is by this love that young people are being won.
It is indeed true that 'the leaders of the Baptist sect pay special
attention to people who find themselves in a difficult situation or
In the Communist countries, many people are in great need.
The Communists may propagate a doctrine of equality, but while
their leaders live in luxury, the simple worker or farmer who is a
party worker is very little cared for. In Russia the real community
of goods is practised by the Christians rather than the Com-
munists. In the Underground Church you will find the same sort
of situation that is described in the Bible—'they had all things
common ... distribution was made unto every man according as
he had need' (Acts 4:32, 35).