News, Notes & Deadlines

November 2008Volume 38 Number 3 Published by ACUO ©2008

Arts, Humanities & Education Projects



687.000 A

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies: Travel Grants

support research on the 18th Century; special programs support travel to distant collections in North America and research on the history and culture of France

DEADLINE: 01/01/2009

PHONE: 336-727-4694



Metropolitan Museum of Art

residential fellowships support one month to one year of research and study in art history or conservation

DEADLINE: 01/02/2009 (conservation)

PHONE: 212-570-3710


045.004 A

NEA: Literature Fellowships

provides fellowships to published creative writers and translators of exceptional talent in the areas of prose and poetry. Supports time for writing, research, or travel in order to advance their careers

DEADLINE: 01/09/2009 (Translation Project)

PHONE: 202-682-5034



American Research Center in Egypt Graduate Study in Egypt: Fellowship Program

supports pre-poctoral and post-doctoral fellowships in Egypt for 3-12 months. Fields of study include: archaeology, architecture, art, Egyptology, history, the humanities, Islamic studies, political science, and social sciences.

DEADLINE: 01/09/2009

PHONE: 212-529-6661



John Carter Brown Library: Research Fellowships

support advanced research on the colonial history of the New World at the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University; special programs support research on the history of cartography, the history of women and the family in the Americas before 1825, early maritime history, and the Jewish experience in the New World before 1825

DEADLINE: 01/10/2009

PHONE: 401-863-2725



Newberry Library: Long Term Fellowships

support 6 to 11 months of study using the Library's collections; special programs focus on late medieval and Renaissance history and literature and American history

DEADLINE: 01/12/2009

PHONE: 312-255-3662



Camargo Foundation

residential fellowships in the Aix-Marseilles area facilitate work in the humanities and social sciences on French and francophone cultures; also supports creative projects by visual artists, photographers, composers, and writers

DEADLINE: 01/12/2009

PHONE: 202-302-7303



Smithsonian Institution: Fellowship Programs

residential fellowships in support research and study in fields including the natural sciences, anthropology, archeology, space sciences, earth sciences, history of science and technology, history of art, American social and cultural history, and folklife

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 202-287-3271




Volume 38 Number 3 News, Notes & Deadlines November 2008


Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library: Fellowship Program

residential fellowships in Winterthur, DE support research in anthropology, archaeology, architectural history, art history, cultural history, decorative arts, African American material folklore, historic preservation, history of technology, material culture, social history, urban studies, and women's history

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 302-888-4649



Archaeological Institute of America

awards and fellowships support travel and study related to classical Mediterranean history and culture; geographical areas of interest include Greece, the Aegean Islands, Sicily, Southern Italy, Asia Minor, and Mesopotamia; special programs focus on the Aegean Bronze Age and Aphrodisias material

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 617-353-9361



Macdowell Colony

residencies in Peterborough, NH support writing, composition, visual art, photography, printmaking, filmmaking, and architecture

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009 (May through August)

PHONE: 603-924-3886



Phi Beta Kappa: Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship

supports studies in French and Greek language, literature, history, or archaeology for unmarried women aged 25-35; languages alternate each year between Greek and French

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009 (Greek)

PHONE: 202-265-3808



Kress (Samuel H.) Foundation Curatorial Fellowships

support curatorial work in European art from antiquity through the early 19th century; museums apply on behalf of fellows

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 212-861-4993



American Antiquarian Society: Short-Term Visiting Academic Research Fellowships

supports research in all fields of American history and culture through 1876 including art, music, science, African-American history, and women's history

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 508-755-5221



Hambidge Center for Creative Arts & Sciences: Residency Program

supports creative work in literature, visual arts, ceramics, dance, music & composition, and photography. Residency located in Georgia

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 706-746-5718



Virginia Center for the Creative Arts

residential fellowships in Mt. San Angelo, VA support writing, visual arts, and composition

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009 (for Summer residence)

PHONE: 804-946-7236



American Music Center: Aaron Copland Fund for Music

supports recording projects that help document and expose music of contemporary American composers. Also provides support for performing artists ensembles

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009 (Recording)

PHONE: 212-366-5260, ext 29



Institut Francais de Washington Gilbert Chinard Scholarships

support research in France for a period of at least two months; areas of interest are art, economics, history, history of science, linguistics, literature, and social sciences

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 919-962-0135



Council of American Overseas Research Centers: Fellowships for Advanced Multi-Country Research

supports scholars in their research overseas in the Near and Middle East and South Asia on the broad issues of multinational significance in the social sciences, humanities and related natural sciences

DEADLINE: 01/16/2009

PHONE: 202-842-8636


226.000 C

Rockefeller Foundation: Multi-Arts Production (MAP) Program

supports creation in the performing arts; awards are made to artists and organizations "investigating issues of cultural pluralism...; the interface of cultures...; the character and dynamic of difference; and the negotiation of difference"

DEADLINE: 01/20/2009

PHONE: 212-852-8486



NEH: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations- Implementation Grants

allow institutions to provide the public with opportunities to explore the humanities through activities such as exhibitions, reading and film discussion series, catalogs, lectures, symposia, and websites

DEADLINE: 01/28/2009

PHONE: 202-606-8267



American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS): East European Studies Program

supports research in the social sciences and humanities related to Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and the successor states of the former Yugoslavia

DEADLINE: 01/30/2009 (Travel Grants)

PHONE: 212-697-1505


045.006 A

NEA/Japan-US Friendship Commission: US/Japan Creative Artists'

provides six-month residencies in Japan for individual creative artists in any discipline

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009

PHONE: 202-275-7712


045.301 C

Institute of Museum and Library Services: National Leadership Grants

support projects to encourage: innovation in providing public service and meeting community needs; widespread and creative use of new technologies; model projects to be replicated throughout the field; greater public access to museum collections; and an extended impact of federal dollars through collaborative projects

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009

PHONE: 202-606-8539



Center for 17th and 18th Century Studies: Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellowships

theme-based residencies in Los Angeles are awarded to young scholars for two to three academic quarters for participation in interdisciplinary programs. In 2009-2010, the core program theme will be "Cultures Of Communication, Theologies Of Media In Early Modern Europe And Beyond"

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009

PHONE: 310-206-8552



Clark (William Andrews) Memorial Library: Clark Short-Term Fellowships

one- to three-month residencies support research in the Clark Library in Los Angeles; focal strengths include 17th and 18th century British culture, the 1890s, and Oscar Wilde

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009

PHONE: 310-206-8552



Clark (William Andrews) Memorial Library: Clark-Huntington Joint Bibliographical Fellowship

two-month residencies in Los Angeles support bibliographical research in early modern British literature and history as well as other areas where the two libraries have common strengths

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009

PHONE: 310-206-8552



Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown Fellowships

residential fellowships in Provincetown, MA support writers and visual artists beginning their careers

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009 (visual artists)

PHONE: 508-487-9960



NEH: We the People Challenge Grants

provides matching grants to address long-term improvements in and support for humanities activities focused on exploring significant themes and events in American history

DEADLINE: 02/03/2009

PHONE: 202-606-8446


226.000 A

Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study & Conference Center: Residences

hosts week-long international conferences, month-long study residencies for scholars, scientists, and artists, and team residencies of five to 28 days for creative and problem-solving groups

DEADLINE: 02/11/2009

PHONE: 212-852-8468



National Council on Eurasian and East European Research: Title VIII National Research Competition

supports research designed to contribute to the understanding of the current status and dynamics of societies in Eastern Europe and the NIS of the former USSR; program focuses on the social sciences and humanities

DEADLINE: 02/13/2009

PHONE: 202-822-6950



American Association of Museums (AAM): Museum Assessment Programs

support a review of the management and operation of museums, from collections policies through assessment of the public's perception, experience, and involvement with the museum

DEADLINE: 02/15/2009

PHONE: 202-289-9118



Djerassi Resident Artists Program

residencies in Woodside, CA are awarded competitively to artists in the disciplines of choreography, literature, music composition, visual arts, and media arts/new genres for both mid-career artists

DEADLINE: 02/15/2009

PHONE: 415-747-1250




Volume 38 Number 3 News, Notes & Deadlines November 2008

Science, Engineering and Mathematics Projects



Volume 38 Number 3 News, Notes & Deadlines November 2008


Conservation, Food & Health Foundation

supports field research and projects which assist in the conservation of natural resources, the production and distribution of food, and the improvement and promotion of health in the developing world

DEADLINE: 01/01/2009 (concept paper)

PHONE: 617-426-7172



Leakey (L.S.B.) Foundation: Research Grants

support research archaeology, paleoanthropology, primatology, and cultural anthropology. Special Research grants support research on the great apes, hunter and gatherers, or multidisciplinary paleoanthropology

DEADLINE: 01/05/2009

PHONE: 415-561-4646



DoD/Army Corp of Engineers: Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program

funds environmental research and development that identifies, develops, and transitions environmental technologies that relate directly to defense mission accomplishment. The SERDP is interested in pre-proposals for research focusing in the areas of Environmental Restoration, Munitions Management, Sustainable Infras tructure, and Weapons Systems and Platforms technologies. The SEED program is focused exploratory development in just the areas of Munitions Management and Sustainable Infrastructure technologies

DEADLINE: 01/08/2009 (pre-proposals- SERDP)

PHONE: 202-260-0422



NSF-BIO: Division of Environmental Biology

supports fundamental research on populations, species, communities, and ecosystems. Scientific emphases range across many evolutionary and ecological processes and include biodiversity, molecular genetic and genomic evolution, mesoscale ecology, macroscale ecology, ecosystem services, conservation biology, global change, biogeochemical cycles, and restoration ecology. Research on origins, functions, relationships, interactions, and evolutionary history may incorporate field, laboratory, or museum approaches; observational or manipulative experiments; as well as theoretical approaches involving analytical, statistical, or simulation modeling

DEADLINE: 01/09/2009 (some deadlines are later)

PHONE: 703-292-8481



American Astronomical Society: International Travel

helps defray the costs of travel to overseas scientific meetings

DEADLINE: 01/09/2009

PHONE: 202-328-2010



DOD\ONR: Young Investigator Program

supports academic scientists and engineers who wish to conduct research in the myriad of areas of interest to the Department of the Navy. Funds research in 65 program areas in 13 different research division of ONR

DEADLINE: 01/12/2009

PHONE: 703-696-0431


047.040 C(2)

NSF: Division of Integrative Organismal Biology

supports research aimed at integrative understanding of organisms as units of biological organization, with particular emphasis on their development, form, function, and evolution

DEADLINE: 01/12/2009 (some deadlines are later)

PHONE: 703-292-8423


047.043 B

NSF: Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences

research and related activities that contribute to a fundamental understanding of life processes at the molecular, subcellular, and cellular levels

DEADLINE: 01/12/2009 (some deadlines are later)

PHONE: 703-292-8443



NSF: Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)

supports projects that build on prior work and contribute to the knowledge base of undergraduate STEM education research and practice. With an emphasis on measurable outcomes , the program will support: 1) Conducting research on undergraduate STEM teaching and learning; 2) Creating learning materials and teaching strategies; 3) Developing faculty expertise; 4) Implementing educational innovations; and 5) Assessing learning and evaluating innovations

DEADLINE: 01/12/2009 (Phase II, Phase III)

PHONE: 703-292-8670



Smithsonian Institution: Fellowship Programs

residential fellowships in support research and study in fields including the natural sciences, anthropology, archeology, space sciences, earth sciences, history of science and technology, history of art, American social and cultural history, and folklife

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009

PHONE: 202-287-3271



US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Fund

supports mutually beneficial agricultural research and development in the US and Israel

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009 (fellowships)

PHONE: 301-504-5616



DOE: Fundamental Research in Superconducting RF Cavity Design

seeks proposals relevant to the development and design of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) cavities that can substantially improve performance through better understanding of material properties, surface dynamics, processing procedures, and cavity geometric configurations

DEADLINE: 01/15/2009 (full)

PHONE: 303-903-2718



USDA: National Research Initiative- Competitive Grants Program

supports research in a variety of fields related to agriculture. Topics covered by January deadline include: Education, International Science (202-720-3801); Education Challenge, Higher Ed (202-720-2067)

DEADLINE: 01/16/2009 (Education, International Science)



NSF: National Space Weather Program (NSWP)

supports research to ultimately achieve timely, accurate, and reliable space environment observations, specifications, and forecasts

DEADLINE: 01/16/2009

PHONE: 703-292-8518



Council of American Overseas Research Centers: Fellowships for Advanced Multi-Country Research

supports scholars in their research overseas in the Near and Middle East and South Asia on the broad issues of multinational significance in the social sciences, humanities and related natural sciences

DEADLINE: 01/16/2009

PHONE: 202-842-8636



NSF: Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)

supports the acquisition of major instrumentation used for research and research training including single instruments, a system of instruments, or multiple instruments

DEADLINE: 01/22/2009

PHONE: 703-292-8040



NSF: Scientific Computing Research Environments for the Mathematical Sciences (SCREMS)

provide support for purchase of computing equipment, and limited support for professional systems administrators or programmer personnel for research computing needs

DEADLINE: 01/22/2009

PHONE: 703-306-1870



Toshiba America Foundation

supports improvements in the classroom teaching of science, mathematics, and technology in grades 7-12; projects costing less than $5,000 may be proposed at any time

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009

PHONE: 212-596-0620



Crane-Rogers Foundation: Institute of Current World Affairs Fellowships

support overseas study in the broad area of "current world affairs" for individuals under the age of 36, to assist in developing a deep understanding of an issue, country or region outside the United States and to share that understanding with interested segments of the English-speaking public

DEADLINE: 02/01/2009 (letter of inquiry)

PHONE: 603-643-5548



Dreyfus (Camille and Henry) Foundation: Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards

awards in this programs are made on the basis of individual research attainment and promise. It is designed to strengthen the teaching and research careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences by providing discretionary funding at early stages in their careers

DEADLINE: 02/05/2009 (nominations)

PHONE: 212-753-1760



Sun Microsystems, Inc. Academic Excellent Grant Program

provides Sun equipment to institutions of higher education who have developed creative projects that address Sun's investment priorities and create partnerships for success

DEADLINE: 02/05/2009



NASA: Solar & Heliospheric Physics

supports studies of the mesosphere and thermosphere regions of the upper atmosphere, the ionosphere, and the auroral processes of Earth through theory, simulation, modeling, indepth data analysis and synthesis, and laboratory studies

DEADLINE: 02/06/2009 (final)

PHONE: 202-358-0880



NSF: Earth Sciences: Instrumentation and Facilities

supports the acquisition or upgrade of research equipment; the development of new instrumentation, analytical techniques, software or cyberinfrastructure; the development or expansion of national or regional multi-user facilities, and; the funding of research technicians in this area

DEADLINE: 02/11/2009 (target)

PHONE: 703-292-8558



NSF: Interdisciplinary Training for Undergraduate in Biological and Mathematical Sciences

supports projects to enhance undergraduate education and training at the intersection of the biological and mathematical sciences

DEADLINE: 02/12/2009

PHONE: (703) 292-7188



NSF: Ocean Sciences

support research on the biological, geological, physical, and chemical processes in the ocean and ocean technology

DEADLINE: 02/15/2009 (target)

PHONE: 703-292-8582



NIST: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

partnerships with colleges and universities allow undergraduates to perform summer research at the national NIST laboratories; emphases on atomic, molecular, & optical physics and materials science and engineering

DEADLINE: 02/16/2009

PHONE: 301-975-4200



USDA: National Research Initiative- Competitive Grants Program

supports research in a variety of field related to agriculture; topic covered by February deadlines is: Plant Feedstock

DEADLINE: 02/18/2009

PHONE: 202-401-6188



DOE/USDA: Plant Feedstock Genomics for Bioenergy

supports genomics-based research that will lead to the improved use of biomass and plant feedstocks for the production of fuels such as ethanol or renewable chemical feedstocks. Specifically, applications are sought for fundamental research on plants that will improve biomass characteristics, biomass yield, or sustainability

DEADLINE: 02/18/2009 (full)

PHONE: 301-903-6165



NSF: Interdisciplinary Grants in the Mathematical Sciences

enable mathematical scientists to: undertake research and study in another discipline so as to expand their skills and knowledge in areas other than the mathematical sciences; subsequently apply this knowledge in their research; and enrich the educational experiences and broaden the career options of their students

DEADLINE: 02/19/2009

PHONE: (703) 292-8874



NSF: International Research and Education: Planning Visits and Workshops

supports the initial phases of developing and coordinating integrated research and education activities with foreign partners. Support is primarily for travel and subsistence expenses; salaries and stipends are not typically supported

DEADLINE: 02/20/2009 (Workshops)