Key Boards Committee
Meeting No. 3 MinutesPage 1 of 4
January 21, 1998
Wednesday, January 21, 1998
MEMBERS: / PRESENT:J. Taylor, Chair / J. Taylor, Chair
L. Chahley / L. Chahley
L. Langley / L. Langley
D.H. Edey, City Clerk
A. Massing, City Solicitor
F. Mitchell, Manager of Boards
Councillor Taylor called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
MOVED L. Langley
That the Key Boards Committee Agenda (No. 3) for the January 21, 1998 meeting be adopted with the addition of the following report:
J.03.A Proposed Appointment Process for Directors/Members of Key Boards.
FOR THE MOTION: L. Chahley, L. Langley, J. Taylor.
MOVED L. Chahley
That the Minutes of the January 7, 1998 Key Boards Committee Meeting (No. 2) be adopted.
FOR THE MOTION: L. Chahley, L. Langley, J. Taylor.
J.01.Review of the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority (ERAA).
Councillor Taylor informed the Committee that Sidney Hanson of the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority, has indicated that he will be discussing the appointment process with the ERAA Board and will be responding to the request for written submissions indicating general criteria for appointments as soon as possible.
In response to the Committee’s question raised during the review of Economic Development Edmonton at the January 7, 1998 Key Boards Committee meeting, A. Massing, City Solicitor, provided information regarding how the Mayor’s position on the Board for Economic Development Edmonton should be filled. She indicated that it is the shareholders’ option to appoint the Mayor to the position. D. Edey, City Clerk, indicated that he believed the position had automatically been assumed in the past rather than appointed. It was agreed by the Committee that the final report going to Council would include a reference to this.
A. Massing, City Solicitor, reviewed the current process for appointments to the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority, and answered the Committee’s questions.
D. Edey, City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.
Discussion ensued concerning the appointment process.
The length and number of terms was discussed as questions were raised regarding how long a Board member could be eligible to serve. Councillor Taylor expressed concern regarding five current positions on the ERAA Board as it appears that they are not able to serve the full two terms of four years each. The City Clerk’s Office will research ERAA Board members’ terms to confirm the matter.
The Committee discussed residency of Board members and it was agreed that each Board should be reviewed separately regarding this matter.
J.02.Review of the Edmonton Police Commission.
A. Massing, City Solicitor, reviewed the current process for appointments to the Edmonton Police Commission, and answered the Committee’s questions.
D. Edey, City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.
Discussion ensued concerning the appointment process, skills sets and criteria required. It was generally agreed that legal and financial backgrounds be a requirement.
Councillor Taylor referred to a letter from Ben Ayorech, Chairman of the Edmonton Police Commission, in response to the request for written submissions indicating general criteria for appointments. A copy of this letter to be distributed to Committee members.
J.03.DRAFT Recruitment to Key Boards Process.
D. Edey, City Clerk, reviewed the Proposed Appointment Process for Directors/Members of Key Boards report, and answered the Committee’s questions.
Discussion ensued and revisions were suggested.
It was agreed that the words “develop a profile for Board members” should be included in the title of the report.
D. Edey, City Clerk, to invite D. Bray, General Manager, Human Resources Department, to attend a meeting of the Key Board Committee, once a better sense of the process has been reached, to provide information on the availability of resources (external or internal consultants) for future appointments.
The Committee agreed that The City of Edmonton should incur the costs involved in advertising for Board vacancies as Council has chosen to be involved in the appointment process. D. Edey, City Clerk, to provide the Committee with information related to costs associated with advertising, including the hiring of internal or external consultants.
D. Edey, City Clerk, to prepare a revised report for the next Key Boards Committee meeting.
J.04.Next Meeting.
The next meeting of the Key Boards Committee to be announced.
Councillor Taylor to ask Economic Development Edmonton to invite Council to participate in the final selection for the appointment process currently underway.
D. Edey, City Clerk, to provide the Key Boards Committee with draft profiles of EPCOR, Police Commission and ERAA, and to contact EDE to get the profile used for the current appointment process.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Key Boards Committee
Meeting No. 3 MinutesPage 1 of 4
January 21, 1998