Send to: Mike Gerdes

Meeting Minutes for 2011 North Central Virginia Regional Orchestra

November 5, 2011

VBODA District 9, District 15, District 16

  1. 9:15 - Call to Order
  1. Motion to accept last year’s minutes
  2. Review of 2010 Minutes
  3. Vote to pass last year’s minutes. Minutes accepted.
  4. Thanksto Audition and Event hosts – Michael Diecchio, Danielle Bowers & James Forry
  1. Audition-Host Chairperson Dates/Locations for 2012
  1. Junior Audition Host – Bud Hearne
  2. Date: October 6, 2012
  3. Place: Potomac HS
  4. New registration to follow district band
  5. Sections audition at different times
  6. Senior Audition Host – Hylton HS
  7. Date: Winds Only – September 19, 2012; Strings Only – September 22, 2012
  8. Place: Hylton HS
  9. Motion: winds on Sept. 19, 2012 strings on Sept. 22, 2012
  10. Motion carries
  11. Review of current rotation – changes made, final version below
  1. Audition Rotation – Voted in 2005 to keep auditions in PWC due to central location.

Senior Regional AuditionsJunior Regional Auditions


Brentsville District HS Marsteller MS

Mike DieccihioDanielle Bowers


Hylton HS Potomac MS

Dennis BrownBud Hearne


Woodbridge HSBenton MS

Taryn WoodRochelle Kidd


Potomac HSGainesville MS

Robby CarrollLisa Kline


Brentsville HS Godwin MS

Mike DiecchioAmber Arnold

  1. Event - Host Chairperson Dates/Locations for 2012
  1. Based on rotation PWC should be host
  2. Date: November 2nd/3rd 2012.
  3. Host: Patriot HS, Cheryl Seamster
  4. Chairs: Junior Chair - Leslie Lydick; Senior Chair - Rebecca Sinclair
  5. Motion: Move the regional event to the 2nd weekend in November to accommodate SAT.
  6. Discussion: Avoid SAT weekend and move to Veterans Day weekend. Issue every year for SAT/Veterans Day. Possibility that we discuss every year that Regions be on either SAT weekend or Veterans Day weekend. Prince William has a conflict with All County auditions.
  7. Vote: Nay wins motion.Event remains on the first weekend in November.
  1. Review of current rotation – Fauquier would like to host, possibility for 2013-2014 (See section V below.)
  1. Event Rotation

Rotation Schedule for Hosting the Regional Orchestra Event:

2006-07: Loudoun County, Freedom High School

2007-08: Stafford County

2008-09: Prince William County

2009-10: Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania

2010-11: Loudoun County, Tuscarora HS

2011-12: Stafford County, Stafford HS

2012-13: Prince William County

2013-14: Fauquier County, possibly

  1. Conductors for events
  1. Sr. Conductor: see Appendix A below for list with voting results
  2. Jr. Conductor: Appendix A below for list with voting results
  3. Open forum for motions/discussion relating to conductors
  4. Motion: Keep last year’s list. Move to the top of the list and remove David Searle from list
  5. Vote: Yay wins it.
  6. Reevaluate this list next year.
  7. May not work if top two cannot be involved.
  8. Motion: Move that we leave top two names on list and we vote to reprioritize the rest of the names on the list.
  9. Discussion: Keep Wilkins and Maiello. JRO had Robert Gardiner two years ago, so should not have him on list. Take Robert Gardiner off list.
  10. Vote: 27 yes, 2 no Motion passes.
  11. Further discussion and voting on conductor list: Don’t remove people; just put them to the bottom of the list. Senior List: Delete everyone from the list and start new or delete numbers and keep names and revote. James F. says top 3 names for Juniors have said they will be willing to conduct for future years.
  12. Motion: Choose Junior conductor for the next 2 years. Amend to say Choose and contract conductors for the next 2 years for both Junior and Senior Regional Orchestra.
  13. Vote: Yays have it. Motion carries.
  14. Motion: Junior Conductor: Motion to keep the list the same. Motion carries.
  15. Motion to expand list for Junior Conductors. Motion carries.
  16. New Business:
  17. Motion: When conductors are found, notify web master so the website can be updated. Motion carries.
  18. Motion: Whole directors section should be password protected for the web page.
  19. Motion passes – Do not give password to students. Professional obligation. Email Mike Gerdes for username and password (contact info below.)

Motion to break – 10:28. Resume at 10:50 to discuss music selection.

  1. Music Selection – discussed in small groups, not the meeting-at-large
  1. Jr. Audition
  2. Prepared Piece: American Princess, Phillips (grade IV)
  3. 2 octave Scales: Major: CM (bass drop down) minor: a harmonic minor
  4. Jr. Recommended Concert pieces:
  5. Full Orch: Berceuse & Finale, Stravinsky, arr. Isaac (grade V)
  6. Strings: Harmonious Blacksmith, Isaac
  7. Strings: Appalachian Sunrise, Gazda
  8. Strings: Orange Jam, Jeffrey Bishop
  9. Sr. Audition
  10. Prepared Piece:Tchaikovsky 5-last mvt (based on rotation. Excerpts to be selected at VMEA by committee. Committee chair = Rebecca Sinclair
  11. Scales: 3 octave (2 straight octave basses) 3 sharps and 3 flats major and relative melodic minor: slur 2, separate 2 up and 4 slur down
  12. Chairperson and conductor will work together on program
  1. Open forum for motions/discussion
  2. Bud Herne: A committee to be formed for Jr. Regional for harp. List has been made for auditioning harps.
  3. Strike Brahms from rotation and add Shubert Unfinished Symphony, point brought up, not agreed upon.
  4. Senior Audition rotation: Brahms 1 last mvt.2011, Tchaikovsky 5 last mvt. 2008, Dvorak 8 last mvt. 2009, Copland Outdoor Overture 2010.
  5. Who chooses music, conductor or school directors? JRO - Give programs to conductor or suggested list.
  6. Pull excerpts for auditions instead of doing full pieces.
  7. Motion: Form committee to assign audition excerpts for SRO for the current rotation. Rebecca Sinclair will chair committee.
  8. 21 Yes No 0 Motion carries.
  1. Future hosts – Provide sight-reading ahead of time

Motion: Audition chair approves sight reading in advance. Motion Carries.

  1. Call for adjournment
  2. Motion to adjourn – 11:25.

Appendix A

Sr. Regional Conductors

Thomas Wilkins-Omaha 24

Anthony Maiello-GMU 22

Christopher Zimmerman 26

Dennis Layendecker 17

Robert McCashin 12

James Ross 10

Peter Boonshaft - Hofstra 7

Dr. Gerado Edelstein 7

ArmenioSuzano 6

Robert Gardner-Penn State 4

Jan Wagner-Shenandoah 2

Dan Abraham 2

Glen Quader-Asst. Cond. Fairfax 1

Neil Casey 1

Deanna Kringel- Chesapeake 0

Wayne Taylor 0

Kathleen Goodrich 0

Jr. Regional Conductor

1 Dr. Stephen Benham-Duquesne Music 20

2 Carrie Gruseille 19

3 Andy Dabjjinski-BYU 16

Elliot Del Borgo - 29

Brian Balmages - 23

Veronica Jackson/Johnson 13

Ruth Johnsen – Raleigh, NC 9

Robert Gillespie – Ohio State 9

Christopher Lees – University of Michigan 6

Deb Myers- Fairfax Co. 5

Charles Peltz – Dir. Of Orch Luzerne Music Center 5

Susan Day - 3

Peter Boonshaft 3

Bob Culver-Michigan 2

Allison Bailey – Fairfax County 2

Richard Meyer (used in 2010) 2

Wayne Taylor-GMU 1

Kathy Nelson 1

Janet Jensen U. of Wisconsin 1

Kriegel 0

Appendix B

Sr. Audition Rotation Schedule:

Brahms 1-last mvt-2011

Tchaikovsky 5-last mvt-2008

Dvorak 8-last mvt -2009

Copeland-Outdoor Overture-2010- YOPW, Osborne-Ralph Boehm

FYI: Webmaster for North Central Virginia Regional Orchestra:

Mike Gerdes
