/ Here’s da Survey
It’s been said that we have a pretty active club. We do have a lot of activities, but this past year attendance has been down. We know that everyone’s lives are busy - Is it just the way the year has flopped out for folks? Do we plan too much? Are we too busy? Or do we pick activities that just don’t float your boat? It’s your club, you know. And we’d like to make sure that we’re doing things that you like. Please take some time to fill out this survey and return it to us. You can do it anonymously or be brave and sign your name – it’s your call. But we would really really like to hear from each and every one of you.
Meetings/Tech Sessions:
We traditionally hold these in the fall, winter and spring. Various vendors kindly host us because of (a) space (b) good marketing and (c) to promote camaraderie. We try to make sure that we cover both V-8 and V-6 topics. Please rate your interest in: (or make suggestions for)
Guest speakers
Host Shop and what they do
Hand-on common repairs (do you like when we do this and what would you like to see done?)
Do you enjoy the Dyno Pulls?
We’ve been serving food at these meetings. Do you think this is a good thing?

Car Shows/Cruise Nights

How do we do on these?
Do you think that we go to too many cruises? Not enough? What would you change?
Do you think that we go to too many car shows? Not enough? What would you change?
Do you have any that you would recommend?
Do you enjoy the races that we hold?
Do you like the points concept? Does it matter to you, or would you rather just race for fun?
This year we had dash plaques and trophies for each race. Did you like this idea?
Is there anything that you would change?

Christmas Party, other activities

Do you attend the Xmas party? If not, any particular reason why?
If so, is there anything that you would change?
/ We know that there are parking problems with the place in Brookfield. Do you have any suggestions on someplace else to hold it?
This is the second year that we’ve held a picnic along with a junkyard “crawl.” Does this idea appeal to you? What would you change about this?
We also tried a “drive-in theater night.” Would you attend this if we held it again? (hopefully in warm weather this time) Would you change anything about this concept?
We’ve tried to go to a few other tracks for their B-O-P races this year, particularly Great Lakes and Cordova. Would you be interested in these types of races?
We have club members from different states, other than Illinois. A few years ago some of us went to the Wisconsin International Raceway to race with some of our Wisconsin members, just for fun. In 2004, we might go to a track in Indiana, between South Bend and Elkhart. Do these kind of “away weekends” interest you?
Is there any other kind of activity that you’d like to see us do or lose?


Since we have a quarterly newsletter, we have evolved into using email for communication – reminders about upcoming events, changes in dates, etc. Is this o.k with you?
There’s been a suggestion that we go to bi-monthly newsletters. What do you think about this?
Is there anything else you’d like to bring up?
Please mail back to CCGSCA, 4010 Raymond Avenue, Brookfield, IL 60513.
Or you can turn it in at one of the meetings.
Thanks for taking the time to fill the survey out. Your input is important..