Strategies for Success
Instructor Role and Responsibilities
Strategies for Success
A Strategy for Success (SFS) course was designed to help participants succeed in life and work.
The course is to be administered in a way that promotes participation through positive and encouraging interactions, and will allow for flexibility in scheduling and engagement of participants.
The design of the course is to provoke a learning environment that is participant centered. Continual evaluation of the class and learning environment will be conducted throughout the course to determine the effectiveness of the curriculum.
Services focus on an individual’s:
· Development,
· Understanding of their behaviors and attitudes,
· Relationships with others,
· Work environment and personal life.
The instructor is essential in the SFS course by setting a tone and standard of effectiveness of a life skills course needed in lives of individuals struggling to engage in services.
Instructors Role
The instructor’s role in facilitating the SFS course is to deliver an affective 96 hour, six week course and to support a participant’s successful completion. The instructor is to remain neutral and specifically work with participants as it relates to the course and instruction.
The instructor’s responsibilities in fulfilling this role are as follows:
1. Support the RISE project goals and intentions with positive encouragement of program design and the pathway of a participant
2. Use the DSHS RISE Suite to schedule each 96 hour SFS Course
3. Deliver curriculum as developed for the RISE Project
4. Document participation status for each participant actively in class
5. Support a participant in a way that promotes learning and encourages participation
6. Determine participant’s ability to engage in and progress with curriculum
7. Communicate participation concerns directly with RISE case managers
Case Management Support
Provide updates and guidance to case managers regarding the following:
1. Information on identified barriers and participation issues
- Participant’s progress and engagement in the SFS course in eJAS
- Concerns or issues with participant’s behavior or resource needs
- Concerns that a participant has shared with you
- Encourage continual communications and interactions between Case Manager and Participant
If it has been determined that a participant will be asked to leave the class or cannot continue as the result of one of the following:
- Demonstrates that barriers are unresolved or significant barriers have surfaced,
- Behavior/participation issues,
- Not attending class,
- Participant asked to be rescheduled or to leave the course;
The Case Manager will be notified via DSHS secure email with a copy to with a full detail of the participant situation. This information is not to be documented in eJAS by the SFS instructor unless determined appropriate by the Case Manager.
Instructors will avoid the following:
Do not attempt to Case Manage participants, refer them to their appropriate Case Manager.
We understand that participants will come to instructors with problems throughout training, but it is the Case Manager’s role is to work through barriers and provide comprehensive case management.
Do not attempt resolution of issues between the Case Manager and Participant, refer participant to their appropriate case manager and report concerns.
Do not engage in conversations or attempt resolution of barriers with participant, instead communicate with the Case Manager for further resolution of barriers and discuss a plan of re-engaging a participant if necessary.
Do not document specific case information about the participant in eJAS, including Text Messages and Phone Messages. Report this information directly to the case managers for discussion with participant and appropriate documentation of resolution.
Appropriate eJAS Documentation of SFS
The following are examples of appropriate eJAS notes for an instructor. All other concerns and information about a participant should be communicated via DSHS secure email or by phone directly to the appropriate case manager for resolution and documentation:
SFS Participation Notes Examples:
Participant started week 1 of SFS
Student completed week 2 of SFS not week 1 as communicated to Case Manager.
Participant continues to attend SFS and engage in classes.
Participantstates he is unable to be in class at the scheduled start time due to childcare issues. Left message for case manager on XXXdate and instructed student to communicate with Case Manager.