• For achievingabove-average technical skills, coaching skills along with outstanding abilitiesto correctly role-model the choreography, connect with your class participants and create Fitness Magic.

  • Awarded for showing a clear and consistent understanding of Choreography, Technique and Coaching skills. 5 out of 5 compulsory skills competent.

  • Sufficient elements have been identified to warrant the recognition and assistance from the Group Fitness Manager or Club Representative.
  • To obtain a PASS, both the instructor and club management must acknowledge and ensure all areas within the compulsory criteria are addressed.
  • A Safety Assurance form must then be co-signed by both the instructor and Group Fitness Manager and returned to the Agency’s Assessment Department 4 weeks before a PASS is awarded.
Areas requiring immediate attention are:
  • Sufficient elements have been identified to warrant the recognition and assistance from the Group Fitness Manager or Club Representative.
  • When receiving this outcome, both the instructor and Group Fitness Manager must ensure all areas within the compulsory criteria are addressed.
  • Instructors receiving this grade need to work with a competent instructor until they are ready to resubmit their Assessment and have been cleared by the club management.
  • A Safety Assurance form must also be completed and returned with the resubmitted Assessment within 4 weeks for a PASS to be awarded.
Areas requiring immediate attention are:


This form provides a ‘snapshot’ of the areas requiring immediate attention. Any compulsory elements (indicated as bold)are to be addressed as a priority. Refer to your Program Manual and Release DVD to continue to develop the skills/elements highlighted below.
Correctly delivers the choreography? / Yes / No / Choreography Knowledge
Follows the correct class format? / Yes / No / Class Structure
Demonstrates correct movement, body position and ROM (Base, Flava and Breakout)? / Yes / No / Execution
Demonstrates correct rhythm of choreography and music? / Yes / No / Timing
Demonstrates correct execution and range for entire class / Yes / No / Fitness
Demonstrates correct feel and attitude for the moves? / Yes / No / Feel
Is easily understood and followed?
/ Yes / No / Initial Cues / Follow-up Cues /
Uses effective coaching language?
/ Yes / No / Visual Instruction / Motivational Cues / CRC / Voice
Delivers the right information at the right time? / Yes / No / 3 Stages of Coaching
Is organized? / Yes / No / Appearing Organized / Push Play and Go
Engages participants? / Yes / S-T / No / Engaging Participants
Appears open and approachable? / Yes / S-T / No / Open and Approachable
Caters to the needs of the class? / Yes / S-T / No / Catering to Your Classes’ Needs
Captures the essence of the program? / Yes / S-T / No / Capturing the Program Essence
Creates a journey of contrasts? / Yes / S-T / No / Contrasting the Journey
Has a natural teaching style? / Yes / S-T / No / Natural Teaching Style


QUESTION - When is track competency achieved, when is an instructor ‘really dancing’?
ANSWER - When the overall look (execution and timing) resembles the presentation of the track on the Release DVD. Execution includes Posture and ROM (Base, Flava, Breakout)
To ‘resemble’ the Release DVD presentation means that no less than 7 tracksmust show correct execution and timing in the number of moves identified beside EXECUTION for each track listed below. For example: Track 1: Work– EXECUTION (3 of 4). A move is competent if more than ½ the execution points listed below for each key move are correct. This includes correct ROM (Base, Flava, Breakout) for the move.
While correct Fitness and Feel are important, they are not part of track competency.
An Xindicates that there is an issue with the execution point listed. A √ indicates Execution, Timing, Fitness & Feel competency
Track 1: Work / √/x / Track 2: Bring Em Out / √/x / Track 3: Feedback / √/x
EXECUTION (3 of 4) /

EXECUTION (3 of 4)

/ EXECUTION (3 of 5)
Key Moves /Sequences /

Key Moves /Sequences

/ Key Moves /Sequences
Spring Tap
Torso leaning forward / Hippidy Hop
Low Posture / 2-Step
Low posture
Sinking into the knees / Weight on the toes / Shoulder-width steps
Feet shoulder-width / Small knee lift, just off the floor / Drop weight into trailing heel
Weight on the toes / Bouncing onto the leading leg / Arms by sides
Springing up and up on the beat / Small turn of the knee inside / Bump Pump
Feet together, shoulders back
Feet stay wide / Arms relaxed at shoulder height / Hips bump forwards, shoulders rock back
No weight on the heels / Double Tap
Low Posture / Slow turn of body from outside to inside
Feedback Arms
Elbows forward of torso / Small tap to shoulder-width / Elbows up, forearms facing front
Shoulders forward / Sink into supporting leg, pushing weight into tapping foot / Step Tap to Back
Low posture
Leading arm to high and
low diagonal / Torso stays centered over supporting leg / Feet stay outside shoulder-width
Bend into supporting leg / Strong push into flat tapping foot / Tap wide
Circle Turn
Torso leaning forward / Arms relaxed, hands to head height / Step back on slight diagonal
Arms below chest height
as you turn / Elbows pulse outwards on beat / Body lifts up on step, down on tap
Workin’ Dem Hips
Low posture / Front Side Flick
High posture, shoulders back / Sinking into the knees
Feet outside shoulder-width / Toe taps in front of foot, hip-width to side, flicks to opposite butt cheek / Arms relaxed, grooving by sides
Toes turned out / Weight on supporting leg / Slow Walk Forward
Low posture
Flat foot into the floor / Arms relaxed, floating at torso height / L leg turns outside
Hips circling around the back towards the stomping leg / Chubby Checker
High posture / Drop into knees on click
Arms swing to 45° with relaxed swing in front / Weight on toes / Elbow in, click to 90°
Hands flat/relaxed / Heels swivel inwards, knee and hip rotate outwards / Turn over L shoulder in 2 cts
Lean to R side as arms come down body / Shoulders back, arms relaxed at 90° / Feedback Arms
Leading arm to high and low diagonal
On cts 5&6
Bend into supporting back leg
Turn R knee forward as you drop
Scuff L heel on ct 8
Drop torso towards knee
Track ROM: Base, Flava, Breakout / Track ROM: Base, Flava, Breakout / Track ROM: Base, Flava, Breakout
Execution Competency / √/x / Execution Competency / √/x / Execution Competency / √/x
Timing Competency / √/x / Timing Competency / √/x / Timing Competency / √/x
Fitness / √/x / Fitness / √/x / Fitness / √/x
Feel (Uplifting, welcoming,
Club stylez) / √/x / Feel (Community, Hip Hop, freakin’ crazy!) / √/x / Feel (Stylish, precise,
Velvet Rope) / √/x
Track Competency / √/x / Track Competency / √/x / Track Competency / √/x
QUESTION - When is track competency achieved, when is an instructor ‘really dancing’?
ANSWER - When the overall look (execution and timing) resembles the presentation of the track on the Release DVD
Track 4: Killing In The Name / √/x / Track 5: Voodoo People / √/x / Track 6: Livin’ A Lie / √/x
EXECUTION (2 of 3) / EXECUTION (3 of 4) / EXECUTION (3 of 4)
Key Moves /Sequences / Key Moves /Sequences / Key Moves /Sequences
Step Touch/Voodoo Drop
Low posture / Diagonal Arms
Low posture, chest leaning forward into movement / Hip Circle
Low posture, shoulders slightly forward
Stepping outside shoulder-width / Feet stepping outside shoulders / Feet shoulder-width, turning trailing heel in
Leaning forward, weight on toes / Weight on toes / Hips circle toward back corner first
Hands relaxed, hip level / Straight diagonal line from fingertips / Arms soft, small click for FLAVA
Arms up and relaxed, elbows to 90° / Elbows stay wide in between straight lines / Quick pause on each end of movement
Dropping all weight into heel / Arm Sweep ‘N’ Drop
High posture / 3-Step with clap
Low posture, knees soft
Releasing opposite knee / Feet outside shoulders / Three super small steps to each side
Throw It Away
High posture, shoulders back, chest lifted / Left arm soft as it sweeps, hand long but relaxed / Inside turn of body on end of each side
Feet shoulder-width / Huge circle in front of body / Arms by sides, elbows soft
Legs straight / Bend into L knee to drop chest / Clap to shoulder height
Up on toes / Chest sweeps down to both knees / Heel Pop
Feet shoulder-width
Arms straight out to 90° / Butt out the back, flat back / Heels lift quickly off floor then back down
Fingers splayed / Chassé/Circle Turn Back
High posture, floating with your movement / Knees push forward
Arms sweep down smoothly / Feet lead movement to the left, hips follow, arms drift last / Hips and shoulders stay still
Bending through knees / Arms sweep up above head, elbows bent, facing left side. Hands relaxed fist / Groove It Out
Low posture, knees soft, body faces L side
Flat lower back, chest stays lifted / Chest lifted facing side / Feet stay shoulder distance
Pushing into Voodoo Jump from quads / Arms sweep down and up into Circle Turn Back / Drop body into L leg, raise up to R leg
Jump Cross
Low posture, shoulders back, sinking into knees / Push off toes to Jump into Circle Turn Back / Elbows soft to 90°, arms groove L then R
Feet outside shoulders / Rhythm goes – Chassé, cts 1 2 3, Circle Turn Back, cts 5 7 8
Crossing knee turns out, heel in / Optional Butterfly Jump
Feet outside shoulders
Fist grabs to waist height / Chest leads down to L knee, sweeping across R knee to Jump
Chest leads forward / Arms sweep down, elbows soft, then out to 90° for Jump
Feet slide together / Movement goes down/up, not to side
Upper body leans forward / Body faces back mid-flight
Shoulders back, elbows back and soft / Jump comes from legs, pushing hard up from legs
Landing on soft L leg, sinking into L knee
Chest drops after landing, to swing into Arm Sweep ‘N’ Drop
Track ROM: Base, Flava, Breakout / Track ROM: Base, Flava, Breakout / Track ROM:Base, Flava
Execution Competency / √/x / Execution Competency / √/x / Execution Competency / √/x
Timing Competency / √/x / Timing Competency / √/x / Timing Competency / √/x
Fitness / √/x / Fitness / √/x / Fitness / √/x
Feel (Unleashed, instructional, Hard Rock) / √/x / Feel (Unrestricted, suspended, contemporary) / √/x / Feel (Laid-back, internal, recovery) / √/x
Track Competency / √/x / Track Competency / √/x / Track Competency / √/x
QUESTION - When is track competency achieved, when is an instructor ‘really dancing’?
ANSWER - When the overall look (execution) and timing resembles the presentation of the track on the Release DVD
Track 7:The Anthem
feat. Lil Jon / √/x / Track 8:Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger / √/x / Track 9: With Every Heartbeat / √/x
EXECUTION (3 of 4) / EXECUTION (2 of 3) / EXECUTION (1 of 2)
Key Moves /Sequences / Key Moves /Sequences / Key Moves /Sequences
Spring Tap
Posture forward in the chest / House Tap Forward
Low posture, knees super soft, chest leaning forward / Comb Over/Schnapp
Posture lifts then drops
Feet shoulder-width, weight on toes / Weight only on the toes / Lead with R arm,
forearm coming behind head, over then in front of body,
hand open and relaxed
Weight pushes up and up on the beat / Tap behind goes to back diagonal / Bending low with the legs, not the back
Knees soft / Pick knees up in between each Tap / Drop halfway with flat back. R arm should reach your shin, no lower
Arms swing below waist,
up to head height with
click away from body / Tap is ALWAYS on the off-count: 1 & 2 & 3 & Kick / Unravel arm R on the same path, back in front of head, over then straight down to Schnapp
Hands in relaxed fist / Arms to shoulder-height, hands relaxed fists, swinging in and out / Push up with legs
Low posture / Kick is sharp, flexed foot / Unravel L arm, leading with the elbow, straight up to Schnapp
Lean upper body forward / Shoulder Whip
High posture, feet shoulder-width, chest up / Straight line from L arm to R arm
Drop all weight into knee / Shoulders lead the movement, pulling the arms up and around to the back / Sink all weight into R leg, turn L knee out and release L heel
Leading leg sweeps staying connected to floor, straight leg / Elbows soft, hands relaxed / Hinge at hips, feet shoulder-width only
Hands to crotch level / Ripples from the shoulders, leaning back with the torso, through the hips, lifting the knees and releasing the heels / Wave ‘N’ Rock Arms
High posture, feet shoulder-width, knees soft, transfering weight from side to side
Scoopidy Scoop
High posture / Clap to chest height / Chest lifted
Knees soft, feet hop outside shoulder-width / Double/Single Knee Combo
High posture, feet hopping outside shoulder-width / Lead with R elbow, extending arm up but keep elbow soft
Weight stays on toes / Knee comes up on the beat / Keep R arm up whilst leading L elbow up
Heel scuffs 1 inch (2.5 cm) above floor, then kicks down on beat / Knee lifts halfway only, not a full knee lift / Throw arms towards the front, rocking to the side
Hips have a small turn inside / Whole body weight lifts up and up on the beat / Elbows soft
Arms up to 90°, elbows and hands relaxed / Turn hips to outside, turn knee out
Upper body has element of freestyle / Keep all weight on supporting leg, lightly tap the toe without weight
Anthem Hips
Low posture in legs,
shoulders back / Arms are free above the shoulders, hands relaxed. (They should help get your body up.)
Feet start super wide,
at least 3 feet (1 meter)
Lead with heel three times,
feet come together, leading heel can be slightly in front
Reset position on opposite side
Hips sway away from heel in figure 8
Arms sway smoothly, elbows bent with same elbow as heel
Grab arms out wide, shoulder-height with soft elbows, push through with huge chest
Track ROM: Base, Flava, Breakout / Track ROM: Base, Flava, Breakout / Track ROM: Base, Flava,Breakout
Execution Competency / √/x / Execution Competency / √/x / Execution Competency / √/x
Timing Competency / √/x / Timing Competency / √/x / Timing Competency / √/x
Fitness / √/x / Fitness / √/x / Fitness / √/x
Feel (Spring-loaded, uplifting, nasty) / √/x / Feel (Syncopated, euphoric, elevated) / √/x / Feel (Captivating, intense, contrasting) / √/x
Track Competency / √/x / Track Competency / √/x / Track Competency / √/x
QUESTION - When is track competency achieved, when is an instructor ‘really dancing’?
ANSWER - When the overall look (execution) and timing resembles the presentation of the track on the Release DVD
Track 10: Silence / √/x / Track 11: Somebody Else’s Guy / √/x
Key Moves/Sequences
Steppin’ Combo
High posture, knees soft
Turn heel in and knee out on Tap
Three easy-feel steps to the side
Arms come up above head, elbows turned out and super soft
Push hips away from Tap for ‘A little bit of this and that’
Circle turning forwards, arms smoothly lead you into it
Track ROM: Flava, Breakout / Track ROM:Base, Flava,
Execution Competency / √/x / Execution Competency / √/x
Timing Competency / √/x / Timing Competency / √/x
Fitness / √/x / Fitness / √/x
Feel (Nostalgic, euphoric, BREAKOUT) / √/x / Feel (Funkadelic, groovealicious, releasing) / √/x
Track Competency / √/x / Track Competency / √/x
QUESTION -When is track competency achieved, when is an instructor ‘really dancing’?
ANSWER - When the overall look (execution) and timing resembles the presentation of the track on the Release DVD

Number of Competency Tracks: 7

Total Achieved:

Technique Competency Achieved: Yes / No

Bring attention to the following areas:


Was the choreography delivered correctly?
Choreography is important to successful instructing and great classes are produced in the same way as other performing arts.
Instructors are like the actors, for whom writers produce the lines that can be worked on to make them stars!
With a choreographed track, we are released from having to create new tracks and are free to enhance the other skills that are essential for a great workout…
Choreography is the hub of the Les Mills system and, as such, a high level of importance is placed on an instructor’s ability to deliver the choreography exactly as written.
Action Plan (Drills):
Choreography Knowledge
(Compulsory) /
  • Listen to the music – in the car, at home, everywhere
  • Watch your DVD over and over again
  • Make notes about sequences
  • Try to anticipate the sequence of dance movements and tempo given to the specific track
  • Review in line with choreography notes
  • Go to Quarterly Release days and watch expert role models.
  • Practise in front of mirrors until competency has been achieved.
  • Practise, practise… and practise again

Class Structure
(Compulsory) /
  • Ensure that you always stay true to the essence of the program, withall blocks/tracks presented in the order defined by the choreographers.