Instructions for completing BA/MA (BS/MA) application
Program in Conservation Biology in the Department of Biology
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, University of Virginia
General admission information
This MA program is designed to provide UVA undergraduates the opportunity to obtain a Conservation focused MA within one year of completing a BA or BS in Biology or Environmental Sciences. Criteria for admissions include the following: undergraduate GPA, appropriate background courses taken as an undergraduate, letters of recommendation, and a statement of interest. Students who have majored in Environmental Sciences must have taken BIOL 3020 prior to admission.
Research is an integral part of this graduate degree, thus before beginning this application you should identify and contact a faculty advisor who is a member of the Environmental and Biological Conservation (EBC) graduate committee in the Biology Department. Most research projects will be initiated during the summer between the forth and fifth year, and finished during the fifth year.
Students may begin taking graduate classes when they have finished their undergraduate degree. Therefore accelerated undergraduate students, who have completed their undergraduate degree requirements, may wish to graduate one semester early in order to begin this graduate program.
Application Deadline
Applications are due by the end of the penultimate semester of your undergraduate career.
EBC Graduate Committee in Biology
Deborah Roach
Laura Galloway
Henry Wilbur
Janis Antonovics
Doug Taylor
Butch Brodie
Application form
BA/MA (BS/MA) Program in Conservation Biology
Department of Biology
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, University of Virginia
1. Name: (first, last, other)____________________________________
2. Student ID Number: _______________________
3. Anticipated Semester/year of entrance: ____________________
4. email: _________________
5. phone: __________________
6. Undergraduate major: ________________
a. If Environmental Sciences major have you completed Biol 3020?__________
7. Undergraduate GPA: overall_________ Major___________
8. Letters of Recommendation: List the name and email of two UVA professors who are writing a recommendation for you.
9. EBC Graduate Advisor: __________________________
10. Statement of Interest: On a separate sheet of paper please provide a statement of your interest and experience in Conservation Biology along with a brief summary of your research plans.
11. List any 5000-level courses you have taken (excluding courses used to complete your Biology major or 120 hours required to for the baccalaureate degree) which you intend to apply to the Conservation MA Program: ___________________________________
I certify the information given in this application is complete and true to the best of my knowledge.
Print Name: ________________________________________
Signature of Applicant: _______________________________ Date: _________________
After completing the application form
Return your completed application with letters of recommendation (in signed/sealed envelope) and a copy of your course records from SIS to Rita Webb, Biology Graduate Program Coordinator, 229 Gilmer Hall.