Coda Form version 2.0 Page 1date 31/07/2015
CODA formCoda Form version 2.0 Page 1date 31/07/2015
1Your details
1.1Project name
/Click here to enter text.
/1.2Contract number
/Click here to enter text.
/1.3Your name
/Click here to enter text.
/2Did it turn out as originally planned?
2.1How well did the project meet is original aims and objectives?
Consider also the differences between the rollout plan at final review and what happened in reality. / Click here to enter text. /2.2New technologies or new products developed.
Include any patents if relevant. / Click here to enter text. /2.3Your assessment of the commercial opportunities for your product/service when used with space assets.
For example you use satcom or earth observation as part of the commercial offer. / Click here to enter text. /2.4Your assessment of the commercial opportunities for your product/service when used without space assets.
For example you are now selling the system but using 4G mobile phones instead of satcom. / Click here to enter text. /Please go to next page
3Numbers please !
3.1Direct sales value over the previous 12 months, in Euros
You sold the product directly to the customer. / Click here to enter text.Euros3.2Indirect sales value over previous 12 months, in Euros
You sold via a reseller or distribution partner (who normally takes a cut of the profit!). / Click here to enter text.Euros3.3Latest total sales over the previous 12 months, in Euros
Latest annual direct + indirect sales.Please, indicate the period
mm/yyyy – mm/yyyy / Click here to enter text.Euros
Click here to enter text.
3.4Please indicate the proportion of your cumulated total sales which are achieved in the following:
your home country:
other European countries:
outside Europe:
/ Click here to enter text.%Click here to enter text.%
Click here to enter text.%
3.5In which countries have you been generating sales?
Give the country names e.g. Germany, France, Spain.
/ Click here to enter text.3.6Current number of users (to date)
How many people regularly use your product eg. At least once per week. / Click here to enter text.3.7Cumulated number (to date) of equipment produced
They may be produced but not sold. E.g. in warehouse. / Click here to enter text.3.8Cumulated number (to date) of equipment sold
The number of units deployed (as applicable) in the world. / Click here to enter text.3.9Estimated time to commercial return in months from today?
Number of months before you anticipate a commercial return (months)-You can enter don’t know if that’s the case! / Click here to enter text. /3.10Were further financial investments required after the end of the ESA contract?
/3.11Value of additional financial investments necessaryto launch and sell the product service. (cumulated value in Euros)
Estimated value of extra work, investments, manpower costs. / Click here to enter text.Euros3.12Of the above costs, value that was funded by external sources.
E.g. Bank loans, cash in exchange for equity e.g. from angel investor. / Click here to enter text.Euros3.13Employment generatedwithin your company as a result of ESA contract
Give the number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs that were directly created.Please indicate the number of FTE jobs created in:
your home country:
other European countries:
outside Europe:
/ Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Partnerships are relationships with other companies/organisations (whether contractual or not) which will have a big effect on the success for your product or service. For example a deal with a key distributor or working with a university to give you a technological edge.4.1Were partnerships generated as a result of the ESA activity during the developmentphase
Include details of any new marketing/sales or technical partnerships that resulted.Please indicate the number of partnerships generated in:
your home country:
European countries:
outside Europe:
/ Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
4.2Were partnerships developed as a result of the ESA activity in the commercialphase?
Please indicate the number of partnerships generated in:
your home country:
European countries:
outside Europe:
If a partnership developed during the development phase is still active in the commercial phase, please do include it. / Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
4.3How many months is it since the project was closed? (final report delivered and accepted)?
Please go to next page / Click here to enter text. /5Value of the pilot activities
5.1Value of the pilot phase for preparation of paid sales?
If your project had a pilot phase (pilot users trying the application/service) how useful was this in preparation of paid sales for the application/service in its commercial phase? / Choose an item. /5.2Please comment on the key benefits/drawbacks of the pilot phase
Brief summary of plus and minus points. / Click here to enter text. /6Other benefits
6.1Any other improvements which resulted from this project e.g. better collaborative working, internal processes or QA ?
/ Click here to enter text.6.2Suggestions that could improve ESA processes or interfaces.
/ Click here to enter text.6.3Any other Comments.
/ Click here to enter text. /Please save this word file and email it back to the Technical Officer.
We thank you for your cooperation