Term of office : 10 June 2005 – 14 July 2007
PresidentImmediate Past President
Executive Director
Committee Members / : Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin (Malaysia)
: Dr. Aly Mishal (Jordan)
: Late Prof. M.A. Khan (USA)
: Dr. Salih al-Ansari (Saudi Arabia)
: Prof. M. Tariq (Pakistan)
: Prof. Munir Gharaibeh (Jordan)
: Prof. Faroque Khan (USA)
: Dr. Ashraf Jedaar (South Africa)
: Dr. Mahmoud (Jordan)
My reminders then to myself and all exco members :
1. Give dedicated time to FIMA
2. Excel in all tasks delegated to us
3. Maintain frequent communications with each other
4. Be open in expressing opinions, maintain transparency and self criticism
And the wisdom of the then out-going president, Dr. Aly Mishal who counselled :
1. As a federation of IMAs from different settings, discuss and seek consensus in decision making
2. Respect the different thought processes in the IMAs
3. Listen and be tolerant towards our different work cultures in IMAs
A total of 6 exco meetings were held as follows :
11 June 2005 – Post Council exco meeting, Sanaa’
1-2 Jan 2006 – Semi annual exco meeting, Islamabad
16 July 2006 – Pre Council exco meeting, Yogyakarta
18 July 2006 – Post Council exco meeting, Yogyakarta
13-14 Jan 2007 – Semi annual exco meeting, Istanbul
12 July 2007 – Pre Council exco meeting, Istanbul
During the 2006/2007 period, a total of 12 exco updates via e-mail was mooted by the president with multiple responses from the exco members. Many discussions and decisions were made following these cyber discussions.
The venue for FIMA 2008 was confirmed in Morocco in collaboration with IMANA. Prof. Faroque and the late Prof. M.A. Khan was the FIMA representative to discuss details with IMANA.
The president and Dr. Aly Mishal represented FIMA at the IOMS-WHO International Conference on Genetic & Reproductive Technologies in Cairo, in April 2006. A discussion was held with IMA Egypt & we visited their hospitals as part of the IHC project.
The IMANA congress in Beijing, July 2006 was attended by the President who addressed the banquet and also Prof. Faroque.
The president and Dr. Aly Mishal represented FIMA at the International Conference on Islam & Modern Medical Issues in Khartoum, 30th Mar – 2nd May 2007.
The president hosted Dr. Salamun, the secretary of the Indonesian IMA on 3 occasions in 2007 in Kuala Lumpur.
IMA / STATUS / DR/DENTIST / ALLIED HEALTH / STUDENTS / TOTAL1. Pakistan / Ordinary / 2649 / 0 / 600 / 3249
2. Jordan / Ordinary / 260 / 0 / 0 / 260
3. IH Jordan / Ordinary / 215 / 462 / 0 / 677
4. Palestine / Ordinary / 90 / 7 / 10 / 107
5. Bosnia / Ordinary / 137 / 15 / 40 / 192
6. Turkey / Ordinary / 2000 / 200 / 2200
7. N.America / Ordinary / 910 / 43 / 690 / 1643
8. Sudan / Ordinary / 420 / 480 / 300 / 1200
9. Uganda / Ordinary / 110 / 300 / 200 / 610
10. Morocco / Ordinary / 82 / 40 / 12 / 134
11. Iraq / Ordinary / 320 / 80 / 80 / 480
12. Malaysia / Ordinary / 2500 / 1000 / 1000 / 4500
13. Bangladesh / Ordinary / 4982 / 15 / 4997
14. UK / Ordinary / 200 / 600 / 150 / 950
15. S.Africa / Ordinary / 703 / 138 / 135 / 976
16. Sweden / Ordinary / 35 / 10 / 45
17. ArabMed / Ordinary / 2000 / 2000
18. Yemen / Ordinary
19. Lebanon / Ordinary
20. Algeria / Ordinary
21. Egypt / Ordinary
22. Saudi Arabia / Ordinary
23. Indonesia / Ordinary
1.Public Aid Society, Gazza / Associate
2.Al-Wafa, Gazza / Associate
3.Azerbaijan / Associate / 1507 / 35 / 623 / 2165
4.Singapore / Associate / 25 / 2 / 27
5.Khmer / Associate / 20 / 70 / 90
6.Thailand / Associate
7.Kenya / Associate
8.ISRA Sudan / Associate
9.Medical-Relief Jordan / Associate / 19165 / 3282 / 4055 / 26502
TOTAL / 32 Members / 19165 / 3282 / 4055 / 26502
IMA Kashmir & Somalia have submitted their application for membership. The status of Singapore, Khmer Republic for ordinary membership is still unclear. IMA India is invited to attend the Council meeting.
A CD depicting the history and activities of FIMA and another CD on vital information on FIMA was distributed in July 2006 inYogyakarta.
Two other CDs on updates in FIMA and the presentations at FIMA 2005 in Yemen is being prepared and hopefully will be distributed to all IMAs in Istanbul, July 2007.
The host server has been successfully transferred from Pakistan to Malaysia.
The new address is www.fimaweb.net
All updates on FIMA activities have been regularly uploaded on this webpage.
The following exco members have been responsible for fostering relations with the various international bodies :
WHO – Dr. Aly Mishal
International Islamic Council on Daawa & Relief (IICDR) – Dr. Aly Mishal
UN – Prof. Faroque Khan
OIC – Late Prof M.A. Khan & Dr. Aly Mishal
Kindly see APPENDIX I for full report
The president who is also the editor for FIMA Vision was only able to communicate current information on FIMA activities via the platform of FIMA UPDATES. A total of 54 FIMA UPDATES was sent via e-mails to all IMAs and individual members of IMAs.
Another 12 e-mails on Palestine & Lebanon Relief was circulated during this period.
It is hoped that a hard copy of FIMA Vision will be ready for distribution in Istanbul.
The FIMA Yearbook 2005-2006 is a combined issue addressing “Geriatrics and end of life issues : Biomedical, Ethical and Islamic Horizons. Dr. Aly Mishal brought copies to the International meeting in Khartoum and they will be distributed to IMAs in Istanbul. The theme for the 2007 Yearbook will be issues related to HIV/AIDS and the 2008 Yearbook will discuss issues on human research and contemporary biomedical issues.
The FIMA Student Affairs Council (FIMASAC) was officially formalized on 31st August 2006 during the Umra program. Prof Atallah is the chairperson.
The venue of the 9th International Summer Camp 2007 was moved from Turkey to Indonesia. It will be held at Lido, Bogor, Indonesia from 26-30 July 2007.
The 6th Umra & Ziarah program has been postponed until further notice.
Kindly see APPENDIX II for full report
Virtually all of the relief activities were widely publicized through our FIMA UPDATES. Much of the focus in 2006-2007 has been on relief in Lebanon, Palestine, Africa and FIMA SAVE VISION.
Dr. Ashraf has compiled the FIMA response to humanitarian relief in 2004-2006, addressing the Tsunami disaster, the South-Asia earthquake (Pakistan & Kashmir) and the disaster in Lebanon.
Other activities include :
a. Database of relief workers.
Acute response team :-
- Prof. Iqbal Khan: PIMA
- Dr Parvaiz Malik: IMANA
- Dr Ikram: IMAM
- Dr Jamal Muhammed: IIMA
- Dr Yakub Esak: IMASA
Regional database :- no response
b. Memorandum of Understanding :-
– Protocols from major IMA’s requested: no response
– Use MOU (with adaptation) used by FIMA Save Vision Campaign
c. Training Programme
– In collaboration with UN/Mercy Malaysia
– Disaster Preparedness
– Disaster Management
Kindly see APPENDIX III for full report
This project is chaired by Prof Hafeez ur-Rahman. Eye camps have been held in Sudan, Somalia, Mali, Nigeria and Chad. At a nominal cost of USD 25 one is born again to a world of lights and sights
Over a 15 months period up to May 2006, there were :
· 8 free eye camps in Sudan
· 55,671 patients seen
· 5,2671 surgeries done
· 59 surgeons involved
· 8 countries – Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, KSA, M’sia, Ireland, Bangladesh, Sudan
· 4 partners – WHO, MOH Sudan, Arab Medical Union, MERCY M’sia
More than 70,000 patents have been seen up until 2007, and more than 10,000 surgeries performed. One FIMA eye hospital established in Al-Geneina, Darfur and another underway in Gadarif, Sudan.
An Eye section established in a Zakat Hospital in West Bank, 2 in Gaza and another underway in West Bank by IMA Jordan.
The plans for 2007 include :
· 17,000 eye surgeries
· Somalia 500 surgeries done so far
· Nigeria 500 surgeries done thus far
· Mali 500 surgeries done so far
· Chad 225 surgeries done so far
· Niger 500 surgeries done so far
· Capacity building – training of technicians & opthalmologists; 5 surgeons and 10 Sudanese technicians trained in camps; 2 trained for Palestine by IMA Jordan.
· A 3 weeks training programme was held in Lahore and trained 4 surgeons
· Collaboration with international agencies – WHO, IICDR, OIC
· Eye surgeons are being enrolled in the FIMA Opthalmology Council
The official website is www.fimasavevision.org
Kindly see APPENDIX IV for report
There are presently 6 members. These are :-
1. International Islamic Medical College, Pakistan
2. YARSI, Indonesia
3. University of Science Technology, Yemen
4. Peshawar Medical College, Pakistan
5. Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan
6. Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, Malaysia
The following responsibilities have been delegated to the members :
1. Curriculum development & student assessment (CUCMS)
2. Research & post graduate affairs & development and maintenance of website (IIMC)
3. Development & cooperation (UST)
Two workshops were held in Islamabad :
1. Problem based learning in underdeveloped countries
2. An Islamic perspective of integrated medical education
An international medical education workshop in Nov 2006 was postponed.
Future plans include :
1. Compiling complete database of all members
2. Textbook on medical ethics
3. Multi centre research programme
Kindly see APPENDIX V for full report
There are presently 222 members. These are :-
1. Jordan – 5 hospitals
2. Malaysia – 5 hospitals
3. Indonesia – 90 hospitals
4. Pakistan – 30 hospitals
5. Yemen – 5 hospitals
6. Bangladesh – 60 hospitals
7. Egypt – 25 hospitals
8. Lebanon – 1 hospital
9. Uganda – 1 hospital
An IHC meeting was held in Yogyakarta attended by 18 delegates. An Islamic hospital workshop was held in Yogyakarta. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for IHC was launched and distributed to members.
A seminar on Ibadah Friendly Hospital was held in Kuala Lumpur on 23 Feb 2007.
The next IHC meeting will be held in Istanbul on 13 July 2007.
Website : www.islamichospitalmalaysia.com
Kindly see APPENDIX VI for full report
FIMA was consulted on the ISLAMIC RELIEF International conference on “ISLAM & HIV/AIDS – COMPASSION & ACTION” held in JOHANNESBURG from 16-20 April 2007.
The 3rd International Muslim Leaders Conference on HIV/AIDS will be held in Addis Ababa from 23-27 July 2007 with the theme “The Islamic Approach to HIV/AIDS: Enhancing the Community”
Kindly see APPENDIX VII for full report
A meeting was held in Cairo in April 2006 to prioritise the action plan of this committee. The first task would be to initiate the compilation of a text on Islamic Medical Bioethics for Undergraduates.
Dr. Ali Al-Hawamdeh has been selected as the recipient of this award in 2007. The presentation will be made at the FIMA Convention in Istanbul.
The Ahmad Al-Qadi Memorial lecture for 2007 will be made in honour of the late Prof Muhammed Azhar Khan as an obituary of his life's achievements. An award will be bestowed post-humously at the FIMA-IMANA Convention 2008 in Morocco, as a symbol of FIMA's appreciation of his dedication and services to its vision and mission.
The agenda and format of the 24th FIMA Council Meeting was e-mailed on 2 Mar 2007 via FIMA UPDATES No. 23 ( Kindly see APPENDIX VIII )
The features include :
a. Exco report will be presented by the president
b. Accounts will be presented by the treasurer
c. IMA reports must be submitted in advance. Activities for 2006 must be presented in 5 minutes in 10 slides.
d. There will be 4 workshops to discuss and elaborate on 4 core and niche areas of FIMA ( see below for details )
e. Since elections will be held in 2007, there was a proposal to ensure only one IMA is presented in the executive committee to expand the representation of IMAs in the exco.
WORKSHOPS / CONTENTS / FACILITATORS1. FIMA – The Way Forward / Past, Present, Future
Strategic Planning
Objective measurements of Impact / Prof. F. Khan (IMANA)
Dr. M. Khan (IMASA)
2. Medical & Humanitarian Relief – The FIMA Model / Dr. Ashraf (IMASA)
Dr. Hafeez (PIMA)
Dr. M. Iqbal (PIMA)
3. Medical Bioethics – FIMA a world opinion leader / Dr. Aly Mishal (Jordan)
Prof. Abu Fadl (SA)
4. Students – FIMA Moulding The Future / Dr. Salih al-Ansari (IMAKSA)
Prof. Atallah (IMAKSA)
Dr. Amaluddin (IMAM)
Dr. Sadat
Prepared by :
Dr. Musa Mohd. Nordin
President 2005-2007