Attachment 2
Registration form for participation in the International Research Conference
Human Resource Management as a Basis for the Development of Innovative Economics
Surname ______
Name ______
Organization: postcode, country, city, street, house, title ______
Contactinformation (telephonenumber,fax, e-mail) ______Title of the report ______
Section ______
Form of participation (tick as):
- Plenary report
- Report at the conference
and publication
- Publication of the articles only
Author (s) ______
In case the hotel is needed please specify
- date of arrival / departure ______
Forms of payment (choose the appropriate)
Please invoice my company to pay the registration fee (payment data and fax number are attached);
Please send me the payment data to pay via bank.
Invitation is necessary:
by e-mail by mail by fax
Date ______Signature
(Filledinbyeachparticipant, incl. people not holding reports)
- I do not mind the publication of my contact details in the conference booklet
Information about authors will be published in the conference booklet, section «Information about authors»
Contact Information
660014, Krasnoyarsk
48 b Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Str, Office 21
Department of International Personnel and Project Management
Tel. +7391262 95 91
Secretary of the conference:
Anna N. Kazakova
+7923308 9067, e-mail: ,
- Submission of registration forms and thesis (paper version and electronic version)
- Applications for reports without publication
March, 3
- Distribution of the second information letters (invitation letters) and the conference programme
March, 17 – 18
- Working days of the conference
March, 19
- Departure of participants
Participation (publication of report thesis) is free
SiberianStateAerospaceUniversity named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev
Russian Association of Business Education
Supported by
Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Region
Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Scienceand Scientific-and-Technological Activity Support
Central-Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs of Krasnoyarsk Region
Agency for Labour and Employment of the Krasnoyarsk Region Administration
Public Corporation “Information Satellite Systems”named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev
Public Corporation “Krasnoyarsk Engineering Plant”
IIInternational Research Conference
«Human Resource Management as a Basis for the Development of Innovative Economics»
March17 – 18, 2011
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
We would like to invite scientist, specialists of enterprises and organizations, university instructors, researchers, post-graduate students and university students for participation in the conference “Human Resource Management as a Basis for the Development of Innovative Economics”.
SubjectAreasof the Conference
1. Human Resource Management in a modern organization under the conditions of innovative economics.
2. Knowledge management as the basis for the development of self-studying organization.
3. Motivation systems: various principles and approaches.
4. HR: struggling for the competitive advantage.
5. Changes in the labour legislation: conditions and practice of use.
6. Business strategy in organization of HR Department work.
7. Social responsibility of business
8. Students’ research sector and poster session
Round Table “Current Problems of Training Specialists in HR Management”.
Conference will be held at Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev: 31 Krasnoyarsky Rabochy, Krasnoyarsk 660014, Russia
For participation in the conference you should present to the Organizing Committee the following materials:
–Articles laid out in accordance with the requirements (see the Attachment 1) in electronic version (by E – mail)
–Registration form for the conference (see the Attachment 2);
–You should send the registration form and articles of your report to the e-mail address or .
Attachment 1
Requirements for articles
1. Text structure. Name and surname of the author(s)(in italics) followed by the name of the university organization and city should be written in the centre of the first line of the page. Below this, in a single line, should be written the name of the report and a brief 3-7 line annotation (in italics). Then a gap should be left and then the text of the article. Another gap should be left before the bibliographical list of works mentioned in the text of the abstract. At the end of the article name and surname of the author(s), title of the report and short annotation in Russian should be presented.
2. Text volume. – 3 - 7 full pages А4 (210 mmх297 mm). Margins: right and left – 2 cm, upper and lower – 2.5 cm.
3. Text format. Script – Times New Roman, size 14, paragraph – 0,5 cm; interline interval – single, letter and word spacing – normal; division of words is not accepted; pages numbers should be indicated in pencil in the middle of the bottom margin.
А. А. Ivanov(in italics)SiberianStateAerospaceUniversity named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev,
Russia, Krasnoyarsk
Annotation (resume), in italics
Text, text, text, text, text, text…………. (size 14)
Bibliography (size 12)
Information for the Registrants
- The Conference booklet is planned to have been published by the start of the conference.
- The Organizing Committee can assist in hotel reservation.
- Registrants outside Krasnoyarsk can take part in the sightseeing excursion around Krasnoyarsk.
- Working languages of the conference: Russian and English.
- After the receipt ofarticles the Organizing Committee reviews them and decides about the report format. The following issues are recommended:
The number of authors for one article – not more that 5;
One author can be published in not more than two articles.
- The editorial board reserves the right to refuse the publication of materials that fail to meet the requirements, the deadline or the topic of the edition.
Conference attendance is free of charge.
The participant will receive:
- Official registrationas a conference member, inclusion in the list of participants that is published in the collected articles of the conference;
- Right to provide articles (of not more that 2 reports (incl. co-authorship);
- Receipt of 1 set of collected articles of the conference;
- Assistance of the Conference Committee in the hotel reservation;
- Paid dinner;
- Participation in the cultural programme.
Conference participants should cover substance, accommodation and travel expenses themselves. The dinning room and the canteen will be available for the participants.