Dear Friends
Over the summer my mind seems to have been constantly on the weather, so much seems to depend upon it, holidays, trips out and days at the cricket (of which I’ve had a few) all seem to depend upon the weather being good. To be fair this summer has been better than some in the recent past but still we have had some rain which will have undoubtedly have affected your plans. The gardeners among you will argue that we need the rain to enhance the beauty of God’s world around us, which we do, but not on a cricket day.
I’m always amused by that phrase, which we all use, that describes the rain as ‘that rain that wets you through’….is there any other sort? But the unpredictable British climate does mean that when we go out in the summer we often take with us protection for every conceivable weather condition, from an umbrella to a bottle of sun cream.
The bible is full of references to rain, going right back to the creation story in Genesis people have seen the importance of rain to help crops grow and provide water for drinking. Noah certainly saw his fair share of rain and that rain produced the rainbow which reminds us of God’s covenant to all people.
Rain continues to a vital resource for people who live in parts of the world where there is very little water and crops suffer because of long periods of drought. In these places rain truly is a gift from God.
Before I begin to sound too much like a TV weather man I want you to consider the idea of God’s love raining down, falling everyday right across the world. Do we dive for cover, reach for our umbrella to protect ourselves or do we stand unprotected and arms outstretched waiting to be soaked to the skin in the love which God pours out for each one of us everyday.
I really do hope that the sun continues to shine for the rest of the summer and into autumn but it probably won’t so when the rain comes let it remind you of the love of God poured out so freely for each one us……….and may it be the sort of love that soaks you through.
With love and prayers,
September 7thDavid Kenyon Communion
September 14thJanice Le Blanq
September 21stTrevor KershawHarvest Festival
September 28thMajor Keith Bearcroft
We are very grateful to the following friends who have kindly promised to provide flowers for the month September.
September 7thMrs Keeton
September 14thMrs Henderson
September 21stMrs Dibb
September 28thMr & Mrs Thorp
Mrs Hippeywill be responsible for arranging and distributing the flowers throughout this month.
Church Gifts
June 29th£ 97.02
July 6th£ 82.95
July 13th£ 72.20
July 20th£107.50
July 27th£ 99.76
August 3rd£ 78.12
August 10th£ 93.28
August 17th£159.40
August 24th£ 70.51
Ladies Circle
The Ladies Circle has arranged a meeting to celebrate the 200th Anniversary. On Thursday September 11th at 7.30pm the well-known local historian, Ian Dewhirst MBE, is coming to give us a talk about 'Victorian and Edwardian Church and Chapel Life'. If you have never heard Ian you are in for a treat, he is a really entertaining and humorous speaker.
This meeting is an open meeting so bring along husbands, relatives and friends. Let's give Ian a real Allerton welcome.
Also a date for your diary, the Ladies Circle coffee morning will be held on the September 27th 10am - 12noon. Coffee and biscuits £1.
Members Meeting
The next Church Members Meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th September at 7.30pm. the agenda is up on the notice board, anything you wish to add to it, please inform Chris Thorp.
Gang Show
Our 200th Anniversary celebrations continue at 3pm on 20th September with a Gang Show which the Bradford Scouts have kindly agreed to perform for us. Tickets are available now at £5 for adults and £2.50 for children,this includes Cornish and Peas. There are 100 tickets available so don’t leave it too late to get yours and invite your friends.
Krafty Kids
This is a new Art class for children which will be held at our church every Saturday morning between 10am and 11.30am from 13th September when up to 12 children will be enjoying arts and crafts in the room behind the stage. It will be run by Trish McEvoy who painted our 200th Anniversary picture and sponsored by Cooperative Funeral Care.
Gala Dinner
The highlight of our 200th Anniversary year is our Gala Dinner on Saturday 11th October at Sandal Farm Restaurant. The Guest Speaker is the Rt Revd Chris Edmondson, the Bishop of Bolton. There will be a charity raffle in aid of the Bradford Marie Curie Hospice, one of the charities we are supporting through our Bi-centenary year. Letters of invitation are already circulating far and wide and we hope that many members, relatives and friends will be able to join us to celebrate this important milestone in the churches history. If you know of anyone who has not received either a written or a verbal invitation please give their name and contact details to Chris Ing or Trevor as soon as possible.
Wedding Annivesary
Margaret & Alan Jones will be celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on September 18th 2014. Many congratulations to you both.
Every SundayFamily Service 10.30am