Mrs. Kamp’s ClassMartino Jr. High2015- 2016 School Year
Course Description
Welcome to 7th grade Language Arts! Our focus this year will be developing your skills as a critical thinker, learner, writer, reader, speaker, and listener. The mastery and development of these skills will not only help you achieve success in the language arts classroom, but also help you become a lifelong learner. These skills are not only critical in this classroom, but all subjects. The more effort you put forth in this class, the more you will be able to read, write, and communicate well with others now and in your future.
Consequences for Breaking Rules
Step 1: Verbal WarningStep 3: Phone Call Home
Step 2: Written ConsequenceStep 4: Office Referral
Late Work
Late work is accepted for full credit up to two days after the original assigned date-unless absent or otherwise specified. You must always turn in a late assignment form if you do not have it the day it is due. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED ONCE THE UNIT IS OVER. This includes worksheets, assessments, and projects.
Students are expected to check PowerSchool on a weekly basis. Parents also have access to their child’s grades. If a parent misplaces his or her login information, s/he should contact District Office.
My Webpage
All weekly assignments, notes, important class information, and more will be posted on my webpage. It is critical that you check each week. All grades will be updated weekly as well.
All absent work can be found in the designated folder on the front table. It is your responsibility to make upanywork you missed. You can also check my webpage. If you have any questions it is your responsibility to ask Mrs. Kamp or your study group for help. You are allowed the number of days missed to turn in your work before it is counted late (ex: Two days absent=two days to turn in your work—beginning with the day you return.)
Independent Reading
Students must bring an independent reading book to class each day so they are prepared when an opportunity arises in class. Classes can also participate in the annual Quidditch Cup—an independent reading competition.
Timed Writings
Timed writings are an on-going assessment of student writing and are practice for future state testing. Timed writings will be completed in class, and can be taken as an assessment grade.
Retakes are allowed on major assessments. I understand when personal circumstances occur or the material may be difficult. With that said, if a student feels s/he did not do his/her best, a retake ticket can be filled out. Students must have all required material from the unit and the retake ticket signed and filled out BEFORE they retake the assessment. Retakes are allowed up to one week after the original assessment date.
Mrs. Kamp’s Library
Mrs. Kamp has supplied books for all students to read throughout the year. To borrow a book you must sign out the card and give it back to Mrs. Kamp. To return the book, please put it in the bin on the bookcase. Books may be checked out during specified times.
Required Readings
Touching Spirit Bear, The Christmas Carol, The Giver, independent reading books, literature circle books, assorted short stories, poems, and more.
Required Writings
Throughout the course of the year, we will write the following essays: narrative, argumentative, and explanatory. We will also write several constructed responses.
E-mail: hone: 815-485-7593 Ext. #61571