The Dale Carnegie Honor Society Chapter
The name of the Chapter will be the INSERT CHAPTER NAME HERE (e.g. The University of Central Missouri Dale Carnegie Honor Society)
It shall be the purpose of this chapter to stimulate individual growth and self-improvement, both personally and professionally, in keeping with the teachings of Mr. Dale Carnegie and the objectives and goals of the Dale Carnegie Leadership Course. Further, the Chapter’s purpose will be to foster within its membership the qualities of leadership, selfless service, ethical conduct and effective and thoughtful communication. In all ways to embody a sense of “wining friends and influencing people” in the Chapter, the University, the Community, the Nation and the World.
Section 1. The local chapter shall be composed of active undergraduate and graduate students in good standing with the University and who have either completed the Dale Carnegie course or have read his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People and have pledged to subscribe to his teachings, ethics and principles.
Section 2. All prospective members shall be approved for membership by a simple majority of the quorum based upon full members present. A quorum is defined as 2/3rds of the active members on the Chapter Rolls as of September 1st of the current academic year.
Section 3. The Chapter shall elect officers at least once each year. The following officer positions must be included: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chapter Historian.
Section 4. The Chapter shall have a faculty advisor. The advisor shall be the responsible party representing Chapter to the University community and so far as its relationship with and to the National organization is concerned and for the fulfillment of the requirements of the Constitution.
Section 5. All meetings will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month that the University is in session. Summer meetings will be scheduled as needed.
Section 1. This Chapter shall not tolerate discourse or conduct that by its nature seeks to denigrate others whether by race, gender, religion, creed, or national origin.
Section 2. No member of this Chapter shall use it as a means of furthering any personal, political or other aspirations which would in any way conflict with the Dale Carnegie Honor Society.
Section 3. This Chapter, as a whole, shall not take part in any movement that is not in keeping with the Dale Carnegie Honor Society.
Section 4. This Chapter shall adopt no policy in conflict with any policy of the Dale Carnegie Honor Society and the Dale Carnegie Leadership Course.
Section 1. The officers of this Chapter shall be elected as follows: An election shall be held in April of each year, date and place of such meeting to be determined by the Faculty Advisor and serving President, and announced to each member of the Chapter at a regular meeting in March at least two weeks prior to the time of holding such meeting.
Section 2. The President shall appoint a nominating committee for the purpose of proposing names of candidates for office. At the election meeting nominations from the floor may also be made. After the Nominating Committee has submitted the slate of officers and the nominations from the floor closed, each member will vote for the officer of their choice before the meeting is closed. The ballot may be secret if the President so rules.
Section 3. The newly elected officers will serve from the date of their election in April until their successors take office at the same time the following year.
Section 1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter and report directly to the Faculty Advisor. S/he shall preside at all meetings. S/he shall issue the call for special meetings. S/he shall appoint and all special committees deemed necessary by the membership and shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees. S/he shall see that all other officers and committees of the Chapter function and render periodical reports of their activities to the members. S/he shall see that regular elections are held in accordance with International, Division, District and Chapter Bylaws. When possible, S/he shall attend District and Division Council meetings and get as many of the chapter members to attend as possible.
Section 2. If, for any reason, the President is unable to perform his or her duties, the Vice President shall occupy the position and perform the duties with the same authority as the Bylaws have conferred upon the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall be under the supervision of the President and the Faculty Advisor and shall keep all chapter records, except the record of fiscal receipts and disbursements which record is to be kept by the Treasurer. He shall make regular monthly reports to the membership. S/he shall keep a roster of all members, send out dues notices to the members and keep copies of all special committee reports.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive all monies and deposit the same in a bank account and shall pay out monies only on the authority of the President and Faculty Advisor. S/he shall prepare and submit reports to the President and Faculty Advisor. No payment shall be made without two signatures.
Section 5. The Chapter Historian is responsible for collecting, organizing and archiving all Chapter related documents of an historical nature. Such documents shall be kept at the Chapter headquarters.
Section 1. In the absence of rules to the contrary in these Bylaws, the proceeding of the Chapter on business matters shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of parliamentary procedure.
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present, so long as a 2/3 quorum of the membership is in attendance. Such amendment must be proposed in writing by a member at a meeting preceding that at which the amendment is to be voted upon.