Torsdag den 19 janari
Day 1 - Challenges to National Innovation Systems in a globalizing world
Moderator for the whole conference: Magnus Aronsson ESBRI
9.00-9.10 /Intrduction - Welcome
Per Eriksson, Director General, VINNOVA9.10-9.50 /
Keynote speech - Important trends and challenges in a globalizing world
Prof. Luc Soethe9.50-10.10 / Questions to Prof. Luc Soethe
10.10-10.30 / Coffee
10.30-12.00 / Theme/Panel 1:The role of transnational companies (TNC) in territorial clusters and systems of innovations – opportunities and threats.
What are the main trends in contemporary TNC investment strategy?
Do TNCs manage to move ‘sticky knowledge’ between places?
What are the effects of inward and outward investment, respectively, on the dynamics of territorial industrial systems?
Introductions (15 minutes each) addressing one or several of the above questions:
Prof. Börje Johansson (CESIS),
Prof. Mats Forsgren (CIND),
Prof. Örjan Sölvell (SSE).
Discussants: Prof. Andrew Davies, Prof. Bart van Ark
12.00-13.00 /
13.00-14.30 / Theme/Panel 2: Localized processes of innovation in a globalized economy – opportunities and threatsIn what sense do spatial proximity and localized capabilities still matter in processes of innovation?
What are the core factors explaining a region’s attraction on industry/investment, R&D resources, and skills/talent?
Can any region become a strong region, and what is the scope for national and regional policies to promote regional economic and innovative strength?
Introductions (15 minutes each) addressing one or several of the above questions:
Prof. Peter Maskell (CBS),
Prof. Roberta Capello (Milano),
Prof. Bjørn Asheim (CIRCLE),
Prof. Meric Gertler (UoT/ISRN)
Discussants: Prof. Anders Malmberg, Susanne Håkansson ITPS
14.30-14.50 /
14.50-15.30 / Experiences from Policy Inititives for Growth in Regions – VINNVÄXT and VISANU - Lessons for future initiatives.Presentations made by:
Daniel Hallenqreutz and Per Lundeqvist, CIND
Maria Lindqvist NUTEK
15.30-16.00 / Summing up: Per Eriksson VINNOVA, Jan Fagerberg University of Oslo
Fredag den 20 januari
Day 2 - Challenges in Industrial dynamics, Entrepreneurship and R&D
9.00-10.30 / Theme 1The role of Entreprenuers/ Entrepreneurship in knowledge transfer.
How do entrepreneurs utilize (R&D-based) knowledge? What kind of mechanisms do entrepreneurs, new ventures and SME provide to Innovation Systems?
Introductions (20 minutes each) addressing one or several of the above questions:
Prof. Phil Cooke,
Prof. Åsa Lindholm-Dahlstrand,
Prof. Staffan Jacobsson,
Discussants: Prof. Richard Harrison, Lars Nyberg NUTEK
10.30-11.00 /
11.00-12.30 / Theme 2The role of the entrepreneurial university
How can universities themselves become more entrepreneurial and innovative?
What is the role of an entrepreneurial university?
Prof. Maureen McKelvey (RIDE)
Prof. Sverker Sörlin (CESIS)
Prof. Stan Metcalf
Prof. Andrea Bonaccorsi,
Sven Gunnar Edlund VINNOVA
12.30-13.00 / Summing Up: Per Eriksson VINNOVA, Prof. Bengt-Åke Lundvall
13.00-14.00 /