“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
Proverbs 29:18
Congregational Survey
and Adult Ministries Report
September 15, 2003
By Matt Lahrs,
Adult Ministries Intern
Surveys compiled by Brian Kalisch
of Jesus Christ.
“The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.”
Proverbs 12:15
This summer Matt and Pastor Brian traveled on Thursdays to the seven Evangelical Free Churches along the Front Range (listed on chart below) to meet with the staff member who was in charge of or familiar with their church’s Adult Ministries. The primary goal of these visits was to learn about their adult ministries and to find out what things they were doing to effectively minister to adults in their congregation.
CHURCHES: / First EFC / Faith EFC / Southern Gables / FellowshipCommunity / Life Fellowship / Calvary Bible / Flatirons Comm. / Christ Comm
Location: / Colo
Springs / Fort Collins / Littleton / Aurora / West-minister / Boulder / Layfayette / Greeley
Staffed Welcome Ctrs. / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Visitation Teams / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / Coming
ABF / Comm Groups / Some / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No SS / No SS
Yearly Curriculum / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Home Bible Studies / Very Few / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Common Interest / Very Few / Few / Yes / Yes / Few / Yes / Yes / Yes
Multifaceted Men Min. / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / YesMultifaceted Women / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
- The survey was developed for use with our congregation was developed from:
- Adult Ministry information that was gained from the EFC churches that were visited this summer.
- Talking with national survey experts.
- The survey was handed out to our congregation during the worship services on two Sundays, July 13th and 20th. On July 13th, we gave people 10 minutes to complete the survey at the end of the service. On the 20th, we gave them time between services to complete the survey.
- 288 surveys were turned in and compiled. In our directory, our active and semi-active members totals 350 adults (plus 150 youth & children).
- Brian Kalisch compiled all the surveys and calculated
all results using an Excel spreadsheet.
There was 1 “F”grade given in a few categories; but it does not show up in the graph because it is equal to 1/3 of 1%.
PREACHING (95% responded)
A = 183 B = 71 C = 12 D = 4 F = 1 /BLENDED WORSHIP (92% responded)
A = 117 B = 104 C = 24 D = 20 F = 0CONGREGATIONAL CARE (64% responded)
A = 107 B = 63 C = 10 D = 5 F = 0LEADERSHIP:Council/Comm (68% responded)
A = 83 B = 94 C = 15 D = 4 F = 1CHILDREN (48% responded)
A = 70 B = 50 C = 12 D = 4 F = 0YOUTH (41% responded)
A = 52 B = 42 C = 20 D = 4 F = 1ADULT (48% responded)
A = 39 B = 87 C = 60 D = 14 F = 1There was 1 “F” given in a few categories, but does not “show up” in charts because it is equal to 1/3 of 1%.
# of Responses
/% of
CHURCH STATUS (98% responded)
Member / 153 / 54%Regular Attender / 109 / 39%
Attend Sometimes / 7 / 2%
Visitor / 12 / 4%
GENDER (96% responded)
Male / 116 / 42%Female / 160 / 58%
AGES (100% responded)
20's / 33 / 12% /30's / 38 / 14%
40's / 73 / 27%
50's / 49 / 18%
60's / 33 / 12%
70's / 28 / 10%
80's or more / 20 / 7%
No kids / 138 Hshlds / 43%0-4 yrs / 40 Hshlds / 12%
5-11 yrs / 65 Hshlds / 20% /
12-14 yrs / 36 Hshlds / 11%
15-18 yrs / 33 Hshlds / 10%
18+ yrs / 10 Hshlds / 3% /
EDUCATION (91% responded)
High School / 87 / 33% /Associates / 50 / 19%
Bachelors / 75 / 29%
Masters / 36 / 14%
Doctorate / 10 / 4%
Other / 5 / 2%
# OF YEARS AT CHURCH (90% responded)
0-4 yrs/Brian / 130 / 50%5-10 yrs/Greg / 39 / 15%
11-20 yrs/Don / 46 / 18%
20+ yrs / 44 / 17%
MARITAL STATUS (96% responded)
Married / 218 / 79% /Single, Never Married / 27 / 10%
Widowed / 17 / 6%
Divorced / 12 / 4%
Separated / 2 / 1%
HOUSEHOLD INCOME (79% responded)
Under $25K / 36 / 16% /$26-$50K / 91 / 40%
$51-$75K / 56 / 25%
$76-$99K / 30 / 13%
$100+K / 15 / 7%
Census reports indicate median household in El PasoCounty is $47,000.
Camping / 93Walking / 86
Biking / 60
Family-Friendly Skiing / 56
Backpacking / 48
Softball / 44
Bowling / 43
Craft Night / 38
Volleyball League / 35
Scrapbooking / 32
Golf / 31
Hiking Fourteeners / 30
Quilting / 28
Weightlifting / 27
Rock Climbing / 26
Aerobics / 26
Four-Wheeling / 25
Water-skiing / 22
Other / 22
Open Gym Basketball / 19
Jogging/Running / 18
Table Tennis / 18
X-Country Skiing / 17
Foosball / 10
Motorcycle Touring / 10
Soccer League / 13
Dirt Bike / 9
Basketball League / 8
Hockey League / 4
9-to-Dine Friendship Groups / 112
Christian Concerts / 102
Dinner Shows / 68
Couples Valentine Dinner / 67
Father-Child Events / 62
Sky Sox Baseball / 61
AF Football / 58
Mother-Child Events / 49
Monthly Seniors Lunch / 46
Rodeo / 30
CC Hockey / 27
AF Basketball / 15 /
Other / 14
# 1 - Deeper Prayer Life / 113# 2 - How to Study the Bible / 79
# 3 - Marriage / 79
# 4 - Sharing Your Faith / 76
# 5 - Bible Overview / 76
# 6 - Parenting / 73
# 7 - Spiritual Giftedness / 67
# 8 - E-FreeChurch Beliefs / 57
# 9 - Biblical Worldview / 51
#10(tie) - Finances / 48
# 10(tie) - Wills/Trusts/Estate / 48
#10(tie) - Scripture Memory / 48
World Missions / 46
Peacemaking/Conflict Res. / 29
Biblical Business Principles / 26
Christianity 101 / 26
/ 22Career Guidance / 21
6 WEEK GROUPS (80% responded)
Definite Interest / 71 31%Some Interest / 126 55%
No Interest / 34 15%
Bible Study / 87
Deborah Brunch / 46
Annual Retreat / 43
1-to-1 Mentoring / 37
White Cross Projects / 31
Moms In Touch Group / 23
Small Group / 51
Retreat / 45
Mission Trips / 42
Team Service Projects / 37
Saturday Brkf/Speaker / 34
1-to-1 Mentoring / 29
Continue Growth / 202 / 80%Plateau(many said: “If we stay in the same facilities.”) / 45 / 18%
Decrease / 4 / 2%
# 1 - On-site Parking
/ 209# 2 - More Children Classes/Meeting / 130
# 3 - Larger Sanctuary / 125
# 4 – Within 3-4 miles / 124
# 5 - Youth Facilities / 118
# 6 - More Adult Classrooms / 117
# 7 - Gymnasium / 109
# 8 - Everything Under One Roof / 93
# 9 - Single-Level Facility / 80
# 10 - Kitchen Facilities / 67
Other / 14
Yes / 97 / 40%No / 146 / 60%
FOR RELOCATION (80% responded)
Yes / 112 / 48%Maybe / 98 / 42%
No / 21 / 9%
USED 1-YEAR READING PLAN (90% responded)
Regularly / 138 / 53%Sometimes / 55 / 21%
Started, Stopped / 28 / 11%
Not At All / 39 / 15%
1-YEAR PLAN NEXT YEAR? (62% responded)
Discontinue One-Year Plan / 15 / 8%Offer New One-Year Plan / 163 / 92%
DAILY QUIET TIMES (91% responded)
5-7 Per Week / 153 / 58%3-4 Per Week / 49 / 19%
1-2 Per Week / 45 / 17%
0 Per Week / 15 / 6%
I Know / 254 / 91%I Hope / 20 / 7%
Can't Know / 4 / 1%
(95% responded)
Adequately Prepared / 85 / 31%Somewhat Prepared / 160 / 58%
Not Prepared At All / 30 / 11%
TITHING 10%+ (86% responded)
Actively & Faithfully Do / 192 / 78%Never Have / 21 / 9%
Have Been Considering / 23 / 9%
Did, But Stopped / 11 / 4%
INVITING OTHERS (83% responded)
Have Invited / 211 / 89%Not Comfortable / 25 / 11%
0 Friends / 22 / 9%1-4 Friends / 106 / 41%
5+ Friends / 130 / 50%
Traditional/Hymns / 41 / 15%Blended Worship / 187 / 68%
Contemporary/Praise / 46 / 17%
SUN SCHOOLS (89% responded)
Currently Attend / 138 54%Do Not Attend / 104 41%
Tried and Stopped / 13 5%
SS Class
(and AgeRange) / SS Roster Size / Low-High Numbers / # of Newcomers (during last 3 1/2 years
of 50% new people) / Current time & location
(40s-50s) / 39 / 19-28 / 18 (46%) / 10:30 Fireside
Young Families (20s-40s) / 32 / 12-22 / 29 (90%) / 10:30 Gym
(40s-60s) / 25 / 10-15 / 10 (40%) / 10:30 Old Choir
(20s-30s) / 24 / 8-24 / 18 (75%) / 9:00 Old Choir
(50s-60s) / 20 / 12-21
Combined w/Fireside for summer / 2 (10%) / 9:00 Fireside
Combined w/Fireside
(70s-80s) / 17 / 8-15 / 0 (0%) / 9:00 Office Lounge
(40s-80s) / 14 / 12-21
Combined w/Primetime for summer / 0 (0%) / 9:00 Fireside
Combined w/Primetime
(40s-80s) / 13 / 7-13 / 3 (23%) / 10:30 Office Lounge
TOTALS: / 184 / 76-138 / 80 (44%)
- Matt personally attended 6 of the 8 adult Sunday School classes.
- Currently, each adult Sunday School operates fairly autonomously.
- Currently, we have some level of dissatisfaction in matters of room assignments, space issues, curriculum and assimilation.
- In recent years, there have not been any formal group leadership meetings with adult SS leaders to address common concerns, philosophy, curriculum, assimilation, space issues, etc.
- In the last few years, there has been no pastoral or ministry staff liason or leadership in matters of adult Sunday School (although Annie as office manager has also been serving as CE Chair).
Through our Friendship Registers, we know of 25 new households that
have started attending our church within the last 7 months.
Church Vision Statement:
Bring help and hope as we develop
fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Classes and Courses
- Work with Prayer Advisory Team to promote “2-Day Prayer Seminar” with Jim Downing in October.
- Work with Robert Michaels to offer a “Parenting” course on Sunday nights during Awana (in sanctuary office lounge).
- Work with Tim Howard to see that Crown Financial Course is promoted.
- Work with Brian to schedule “Discover Your Spiritual Gifts & Church Ministry Opportunities” seminar in preparation for Big Question Booklet distribution.
- For 2004*, prepare a 12-month curriculum of classes, courses and seminars to address many of the priority interests of our congregation.
*Note: This fall the elders & PAC will review Matt’s ministry, church attendance, giving, and the 2004 budget to determine if Matt will be recommended to the council and congregation for a permanent Director of Adult Ministries position.
Men’s Ministry
- Work with Men’s Ministry Team to organize August 16th kick-off breakfast.
- Oversee Men’s 6-week small groups for 30-50 men who have indicated an interest in a small group. Help groups move towards a longer term commitment.
- Develop a plan to see that Men’s leaders are trained and coordinated.
- Plan future men’s group events.
- Working with the Men’s Ministry Team, help prepare the 2004 calendar for men’s ministry calendar.
Connecting Groups
- Work with Brian to develop Connections Group brochures (highlighting ALL Adult Sunday Schools, small groups, Bible studies, support groups, common interest groups, sports/recreation groups, etc.).
- Have people in our congregation fill out an “interest list” and develop data base lists.
- Help new groups organize with an intentional process.
- Meet with existing leaders of groups and promote 5-purpose core value program:
- Praying for each other.
- Sharing the Word with each other.
- Enjoying each other.
- Caring for each other.
- Reaching out to others.
Adult Sunday Schools
- Work with CE team to organize leaders meetings for Adult Sunday School leaders to address common concerns, philosophy, curriculum, assimilation, space issues, 5-purposes, etc.
- Work with others to help lay the groundwork for the 2004 plans for Adult Sunday Schools.
- Work with individuals that want to organize sports/social/recreational events or groups.
- Participate on the Fellowship Activities Team to consider organizing and promoting some of the following events:
- Nine to Dine Fellowship Groups
- Air Force Football Game Outing
- Church Family Bowling Party Halloween Alternative
- November Outreach Dinner Event at Flying W Ranch
- Work with others to help lay the groundwork for the 2004 calendar of events.
- Review and strengthen existing program (handouts, letters, phone, mail, luncheon and newcomer class).
- Start Newcomer Personal Visitation program.
- Work with existing groups on the “Hedlund factor”.
- Create moveable/transportable “WelcomeCenter” area in the gym and improve “Welcome Lobby” outside of the Sunday School office.
- Work with others to help lay the groundwork for assimilation plans in 2004.
DearChurch Family:
As many of you are aware, with the help of Matt Lahrs this summer, we conducted a congregational survey to evaluate the effectiveness of our church’s ministries. We especially focused on how we could better serve the adults in the congregation.
The congregational survey summary is enclosed with this letter.
From people’s survey answers, we learned how to strengthen our adult ministries to more effectively minister to the people God has in our church family (and the new people the Lord is bringing to our church). In recent months, we have people from 24 households (50+ people) that have started coming to our church!
In August, the church council unanimously determined that we would like to have Matt Lahrs continue on a part-time intern basis this fall to help strengthen, deepen and broaden our Adult Ministries. But in order to fund this, we are going to need some special designated offerings between now in the end of the year.
If all goes well this fall and our general offerings increase, we will consider the possibility of voting on establishing a permanent “Director of Adult Ministries” position for Matt in our budget for 2004.
We would invite you to prayerfully look over the enclosed response card. Your special designated gift or pledge for “Adult Ministries” will greatly enhance the ministries in our church and will have a direct impact on the lives of many people.
If you have any questions on the survey report or adult ministries, please do not hesitate to talk with Matt or with one of us.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
Mike Stevens,Brian Kluth,
Church Council Chairman Senior Pastor
P.S. The return envelope and response card can be mailed into the church office OR placed in the Sunday offering. Your generous support is greatly appreciated.