School Age
(A) Race/Ethnicity (C) Entry Code
1 American Indian/Alaskan E02-New Student
3 Black or African American E03-Out of State Student
4 Hispanic E04 Retained in Same Grade Level
5 White R01 Received from other IU Class1
06 – Multiracial R04-Received from School District
09 – Asian R05 Received from NonPub/Home
10 - Native Hawaiian or Oth Pacific Islander R08 Re-enters after expelled or DO
R09 Residency change Res to Non
(B) Grade
PS – EI Preschool
KH – Half-day Kindergarten
KF – Full-day Kindergarten
1-12 – Grades (Write Current Grade)
(E) Residency (D) Withdrawal Codes
·Resident W03 - To N-P or Home Ed.
·1302 Guardian W04 - Moved from District
·1305 Foster W05 - Transferred to another dist.
·1306 Institution W06 - Dropped Out
·Ward of State W09 - Graduated
W10 - Deceased
W17 - Expelled
W21 - Residency change (use R1 or R9)
Admiral Peary AVT - APVT Northern Bedford - NBC MAWA - MAWA
Altoona - ALT Northern Cambria - NC IDEA - IDEA
Altoona Area VT - ACTC North Star - NS GIFT - Gifted
Bedford - B Penn Cambria - PC REF - Referral
Bedford-Everett VT - BEVT Portage - P OTHER - Not Counted
Bellwood-Antis - BA Richland - Ri CHARTER – Not Counted
Berlin Bros. - BB Rockwood - Ro
Blacklick Valley - BV Salisbury-Elk Lick - SEL
Cambria Heights - CH Shade-Central City - SCC
Central Cambria - CC Shanksville-Stoneycreek - SS
Chestnut Ridge - CR Somerset – S
Claysburg-Kimmel - CK Somerset County AVT - SCAVT
Conemaugh Township - CT Spring Cove - SC
Conemaugh Valley - CV Turkeyfoot - TV
Everett - E Tussey Mountain - TM
Ferndale - F Tyrone - T
Forest Hills - FH Westmont Hilltop - WH
Greater Johnstown - GJ Williamsburg Community - WC
Gr. Johnstown AVT - GJCTC Windber - W
Hollidaysburg - H Intermediate Unit - IU
HOPE for Hynman Ch-HHCS Central Pa Digital Learning Foundation - CPDLS
Meyersdale - M
NT/TB - Traumatic Brain Injury SPL - Speech or Language Impairment
D/HI - Hearing Impairment including Deafness VI/B - Visual Impairment including Blindness
LD - Specific Learning Disability DF/BL - Deaf-Blindness
GIFT - Gifted MULT - Multiple Disabilities
ID – Intellectual Disability (MR) AUT - Autism
OI - Orthopedic Impairment OHI - Other Health Impairments
SED -Emotional Disturbance
(J) Transition (Multiple Choices possible)
(Blank) Student is Less Than 14 or 16 depending on date of IEP/Gifted without disability
PS Post Secondary Education/Training Goal
E Employment Goal
IL Independent Living Goal, if appropriate
80-100 Inside the regular class 80% or more of the day A – PASA Only
40-79 Inside regular class no more that 79% of day & B – PSSA Only
no less that 40% of the day C – Keystones Only
0-40 Inside regular class less that 40% of the day D – CDTs Only
PUB/Res Public Separate Facility (Residential) E – PSSA & Keystones
PRI/Res Other Private Facility (Residential) F – PSSA & CDTs
HOSP/HB Hospital/Home Bound G – PSSA, Keystones, & CDTs
PUB/N-Non Public Separate Facility (Non Residential) H – Keystones & CDTs
O-O-S Out-Of-State Facility I – N/A, not participating in an assessment
INST/HOME Instruction In The Home
PRI/Non Other Private Separate Facility (Non Residential)
ADULT/CF Correctional Facility
APS/Non Approved Private School (Non-Residential)
APS/Res Approved Private School (Residential)
(L) TYPE OF SUPPORT (M) Amount of Special Education
LS - Learning PS - Physical ITIN - Itinerant
LSS - Life Skills VIS - Blind & Visually Impaired FT - Full-Time
MDS - Multiple Disabilities GS - Gifted GIFT - Gifted
ES - Emotional AUT - Autistic SUP - Supplemental
HIS - Deaf or Hearing Impaired SLS - Speech & Language
TRAM - Transportation TRED - Transferred to Regular Education.
AUD - Audiological Services GRAD - Graduated with Reg. HS Diploma
PSYC - Psychological Service GED - Received GED and/or Certificate
PT - Physical Therapy Corr Fac for Adjudicate Youth Only
OC - Occupational Therapy MAX - Reached Maximum Age (Age 21)
CBI - Community Based Instruction DIED - Deceased
COUN - Counseling Services MovedC - Moved, known to be Continuing
INTE - Interpreter DROP - Dropped Out
MCD - Medical Services RFNE - Referral-Not Eligible
MENT - Mental Health Services Prov. By other than IU/SD
ORMO - Orientation & Mobility
OTHR - Other
HLTH - School Health Services
SOCI - Social Work Services Codes For Reason ER Not Done in 60 Days
PRCT - Parent Counseling, Training
RHG - Readers, Helpers, Guides Parent Reason - 01 (SA & PS)
SPCH - Speech & Language Pathology/Therapy Part B/619 Reason – 02 (PS Only)
ADPE - Adaptive Physical Education Administrative (SA) – A (SA Only)
BEHM - Behavior Intervention Program SLD Extension (SA) - E (SA Only)
ASTD - Assistive Technology Devices & Services
ENR - Enrichment & Advancement
REHB - Rehabilitation Counseling
VOED - Vocational Education
ESY - Extended School Year Programs
TRSV - Transition Services
(P )Neighborhood School
Y – Yes – Attends Neighborhood School
N - No – Does not Attend Neighborhood School
(Revised 9-28-12)
D:\PennData\Data Input Forms\Revised 9-28-12 SIS Supportive Information Sheet.docx