Service-Learning Orientation Script
Describe/Review the specific service-learning assignment for your course. (This should be in your syllabus to emphasize that this is an academic assignment, not just volunteer hours being required) Remember to cover the following:
Is the assignment optional or required?
- State the learning objectives for the service-learning assignment
- Provide examples of appropriate assignments and/or agencies
- How many hours are required?
- Describe the reflection assignment
Hand out Yellow Summary Sheet. Encourage students to go outside their comfort zone and try something new. Explain that there are over 100 partner agencies that deal with a wide variety of issues, are geographically convenient around the county, and a variety of times available for support (days, nights, and weekends). Remember, only approved agencies (those listed on the yellow sheet and in the handbook) are acceptable placements.
Explain that the Center for Learning Through Service is available to assist students. Our contact information is on the yellow sheet and our office is located in the Student Union Building #130 between the cafeteria and the bookstore. The staff in the Center for Learning Through Service have visited the sites, they know the people, and can answer questions about the sites and assist with any problems with the placement process. A map showing the location of all of the agencies is also available to assist students.
To begin the process: have student refer to the yellow sheet for directions to access the MYaacc site..
Other Information
Students must be 18 to participate with all agencies. Students under the age of 18 can participate in either the on-campus projects or the public schools.
Be very persistent when calling the agencies. These non-profits are understaffed and over-worked. They are excited to have you work with them. Be patient – they will get back to you. Remember to allow enough time for this process. You might have to call the agency several times before you are able to reach someone.
Start early! Some agencies can only accept 1 or 2 students each term. DEADLINES ARE FIRM!! Start the service-learning placement process no later than September 25, 2006
Fall 2006 Deadlines (No Exceptions)
1.Contract due October 2, 2006
2.Hours must be completed by November 22,2006
(Turn in Hours Log form and Evaluation by Site Supervisor)
Be respectful, caring, and compassionate while you are serving the community. You are representing the college!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my student ID#?
The ID# is your seven digit Datatel # that is on your registration form. If you do not know that number you may use your Social Security number.
Do I have to use one of the agencies on the yellow sheet?
Yes. Those are the only approved agencies for risk management purposes.
I live out of the county. Are there any opportunities for me?
Yes. Go to the Center for Learning Through Service for assistance. Remember, there are also on-campus sites available.
Can I do service-learning in more than one class?
Yes. You must talk to each faculty member to work out the number of required service hours. It might be possible to use the same site for both classes. Remember to have both faculty members sign the Placement Confirmation Form to approve the assignment.
Can I volunteer where I work or already volunteer?
Created on 8/8/2006 11:08 AM