Criminal justice and violence across the lifespan conference
Submission of thematic symposia
The deadline for abstract submission is the 18th March 2018
Please submit this form in Microsoft Word formats to:
Any queries may be directed to the same email.
Thematic symposium
Submissions to this format will typically include 3-4 presentations broadly examining a similar topic area related to conference themes. The chair of the symposium should include the following information in this submission: title of the session, the names of the contributors and the titles of their presentations and the abstracts. The required format of the abstracts is below.
Abstract submission guidelines
Each abstract should include the following information:
Title of the presentation
Name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation of presenting author
The abstracts should be in English and no longer than 300 words with a clear outline of the aims, methods, results, and implications of the findings. All abstracts will be reviewed by the organising committee, with a decision following soon after the abstract submission deadline. It is expected that the named first author will present the paper. Presenters are expected to have registered and have paid the conference fee prior to the start of the conference.
Chair’s name:Email:
Institution, department:
Title of symposium:
Number of presentations proposed (max. 4):
Please indicate (X) the themes to which your symposium most closely aligns:
Forensic interviewingHate crime
Homicide and atypical homicide
Intimate partner violence
Offender management and risk assessment
Research methodology
Image-based abuse/revenge pornography
Robotics in forensic settings
Sexual violence
Child sexual abuse and exploitation
Street based and youth violence
Treatment of persons in custody
Working with sex offenders across the lifespan
Prisons and prison-based interventions
Symposium presentation 1:
First author’s name:Email:
Institution, department:
Second author’s name:
Third author’s name:
Please add rows for additional authors.
Title:Abstract (no more than 300 words):
Symposium presentation 2:
First author’s name:Email:
Institution, department:
Second author’s name:
Third author’s name:
Please add rows for additional authors.
Title:Abstract (no more than 300 words):
Symposium presentation 3:
First author’s name:Email:
Institution, department:
Second author’s name:
Third author’s name:
Please add rows for additional authors.
Title:Abstract (no more than 300 words):
Symposium presentation 4:
First author’s name:Email:
Institution, department:
Second author’s name:
Third author’s name:
Please add rows for additional authors.
Title:Abstract (no more than 300 words):