cx / 3 / y2x / 3c2 / 4cx / x2y / y2 / 18.39 / 6y2 / 1.3x / gh
5g2 / -1x / 5x2 / -cx / -1x2 / 7y2 / 11 / 0.6x2 / fcx / 4y2 / 5h
-c2 / 0y2x / 47.56 / 19 / 5x2y / 6g / 5c2 / 4y2x / 3g / 8y2 / 2x
-9g / 1 / 7g2 / -x / 10y2 / ½ / -6x / 4g2 / 45g / 2c2 / 6gh
2c2 / 0g2 / 8c2 / 8cx / 10x2y / -9x2 / x2 / -x2y / -3y2 / ¼ x / 4gh
64cx / 0.453 / 8y2 / 3x / 0 / 1.5x / 4x2 / 15x2 / 5c2 / 4.3 / -1
-8x / 9x / -g / 6x2 / 5 / 8g / 4x / 10x2 / 6y2x / x2 / 16cx
x2 / 5cx / -7x2 / 4x2y / 7y2x / ½ x / 5gh / 14 / x2 / 5x / 99x2y
6c2 / 9gh / 17 / 7gh / 1.7c2 / .2gh / -4x2 / 0.4y2 / 10y2x / 2x / -8c2


Core Math Period:Project

Combining Like Terms Project

Directions: Color code the chart to make all the the like terms the same color.

Make a color code key for each of the colors you used. Write the terms under each color and then combine the like terms.

Color / Terms / Combine Like Terms

Simplify after combining like terms from your table. Final expression:

Extension Questions:

  1. What strategy did you use to color code the like terms?
  1. How do you combine like terms? Be sure to give a detailed explanation.
  1. Ms. DeMarzo was completing her worksheet and color coded y2x, x2y, 10x2y, and 7y2x together in blue. Do you agree or disagree with Ms. DeMarzo? Explain your thinking.
  1. Using the same terms from question 3, what would the simplified expression be for those four terms?

Show all work and explain your thinking.


4 pts- Mastery / 3 pts- Understanding / 2 points - Approaching / 1 pt- Developing
Color Coding
(coloring the chart on page 1) / Student can color code all of the like terms in the table and identify which are like terms. / Student can color code most of the like terms in the table and identify which are like terms. / Student can color code some of the like terms in the table and identify which are like terms. / Student has difficulty color coding the like terms in the table and identifying like terms
Combining Like Terms
(completing the table on page 2) / Student can correctly identify all like terms and combine them effectively every time. / Student can correctly identify most of the like terms and combine them with very few mistakes. / Student can correctly identify most of the like terms and combine them with some mistakes. / Student has difficulty identifying like terms and has many mistakes when combining them.
Final Expression / Student can string together all of the terms to make a final expression from the chart and table. / Student can string together most of the terms to make a final expression from the chart and table. / Student can string together some of the terms to make a final expression from the chart and table. / Student only has some of the terms in their expression or combines unlike terms.
Extension question #1-2 / Student can efficiently explain all strategies they used in a well detailed explanation in complete sentences. / Student attempts to explain strategies in an explanation in complete sentences. / Student attempts to explain the strategies they use, but lacks detail and does not use complete sentences. / Student attempts to explain the strategies but does not have any detail and does not use complete sentences.
Extension question #3-4 / Student states whether they agree or disagree and gives a full, detailed explanation why. Student correctly combines all like terms. / Student states whether they agree or disagree and gives an explanation why. Student makes few mistakes when combining like terms. / Student does not state whether they agree or disagree but gives an explanation. Student makes many mistakes when combining like terms. / Student does not give an explanation and does not correctly combine like terms.