Nominations are requested from Departmental Chairs or Directors of Centres, after which Consolidoc fellowships will be selected and awarded on a monthly basis by the Vice-Rector: Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies.

The Consolidoc programme, a special postdoctoral programme funded by the Vice-Rector, isaimed at giving new doctoralgraduates a kick-start to their research publishing careers across all fields of research. These fellowships areintended for doctoral students as a bridge between graduating and obtaining a position either as a longer-term Postdoctoral fellow or as a full time employee (within or outside Stellenbosch University). The Consolidoc fellowship is, however, not a guarantee of a further Postdoc fellowship or employment at SU.

The value of the fellowship for 2017 will be R54000 tax-free for 6 months with a possibility of an extension of three months, depending on performance. A progress report and/or final report will be expected.


•Stellenbosch University doctoral graduates only, irrespective of nationality.

•Consolidocs will retain their supervisors as their hosts for the duration of their fellowship.

•There is no age limit.

•Candidates must receive their doctoral degree in December 2016, March 2017 or December 2017, to be confirmed by the Faculty Secretary at any time during the year.
A confirmation letter from the departmental head or Faculty Secretary, that the candidate’sdoctoral degreehas been accepted by Senate, will serve as confirmation to enable registration.

•According to SARS regulations, candidates must not be in full-time employment at Stellenbosch University (SU).Postdoctoral fellows may work at SU for a maximum of 12 hours per week– remuneration will be taxed.

The nomination should:

  • Be completed on the attached form and endorsed by Departmental Chairs or Directors of Centres
  • Reach us by the followingclosing dates in 2017:7 April, 2 June, 3 Augustus, 12 October and 21 November 2017
  • Please note that incomplete nominations will not be considered.

Feedback will be providedas soon as possible after the ranking by the respective subcommittees have taken place and then the final approval from the office of the Vice-Rector.

Taking up of fellowship: As soon as results of the candidate’s doctoral studies are confirmed and accepted by Senate, the application to register (along with the necessary documentation) can be submitted to the Registrar.

Enquiries: please contact Corlia Richardson () for any enquiries.


  1. What is the status of a Consolidoc and what is the difference between a Consolidoc and a postdoc?

A Consolidoc is a Stellenbosch University doctoralgraduate who receives a fellowshipto spend an extra few months (initially 6 months, with a possibility of extension to 9 months) to write articles from the doctoral research. Although registered as a postdoctoral fellow on the payment systemthe fellowship is not funding for new research. A Postdoc is a person who starts an independent research career and embarks on new research after their doctoral studies.

  1. Could Consolidocs expect to be provided with facilities, work space and infrastructure at their host departments?

It is not expected of the Department to provide work space or infrastructure –not more than what the Consolidocreceived during their doctoral studies. Because no new research is undertaken, the study leader or host does not need to supervise any research.

  1. What is the role of the host/study leader?

The study leader/host should be the same person who served as study leader of the doctoral studies and should be available to give advice on the writing of articles out of the doctoral studies. The study leader could co-publish with the Consolidocs.

4.Is a Consolidoc really necessary for a minimum of 6 months? What if the student completes two articles within 3 months (especially as he/she could focus on this alone?)

The Consolidoc is a bridging period until such time that the person receives a postdoctoral fellowship, a professional position or reaches the end of the fellowship. If a study leader feels that information for publication from the doctoral research is depleted, and that no more publications would be possible, it could be discussed with the Vice-Rector whether the Consolidoc period should be brought to an end (with pro rata payment)

5.If the student does not find the funding adequate (for living expenses), or spend the money too quickly, what should the host department do?

There are no costs such as class fees or book expenses linked to the Consolidoc fellowship(only “official” expenses such as the student card). The funding is for living costs only and will be paid. The Department is not expected to contribute financially but could if they want to. The student’s time is supposed to be uniquely focused on the writing of articles. Work done for the Department should be paid for via the “Ad Hoc” payment system up to a maximum of 12 hours / week and will be taxable.

6.Can the Consolidoc expect to receive support to attend conferences or courses?

As the Consolidoc fellowship is for living costs, it should not be used for research-related travel. It is the Department’s prerogative to fund travel it if is part of their “culture” to support doctoral students, but there is no obligation in this regard towards a Consolidoc.