CHAPTER 8 Contract

The Prophet Muhammad

Must Do: DUE BY: 12-19-14

All work is to be done on binder paper and attached to this cover page except SECTION A which goes in your composition notebook on the left side of the book

A.  Complete and attach the PreReading Chapter 8 p. 83______(24 points)______

B.  Vocabulary - Students are to write the definitions for each word______(15 points)______

C.  Book Sentence - and a sentence found in the book containing these vocabulary words (15 points)______

1.  Muhammad (p. 83) / 2.  Islam (p. 83) / 3.  Zamzam (p. 83)
4.  prophet (p. 83) / 5.  Muslims (p. 83) / 6.  Abraham (p. 83)
7.  Ka’ba (p. 83) / 8.  polytheist (p. 84) / 9.  clan (p. 84)
10.  tribe (p.84) / 11.  convert (p. 86) / 12.  monotheism (p. 86)
13.  siege (p. 88) / 14.  caliph (p. 89) / 15.  dynasty (p. 90)

D.  Reading — Chapter 8 The Prophet Muhammad pages 83-91

A.  Generally, you should read 1 to 2 sections each day, depending on the size of the chapter.

E.  Answer the Essential Questions — Answer the following questions (2 points each question) (22 points)_ ___

All questions must be answered with one sentence per point – thus 2 points equals 2 sentences

1.  Describe the town of Makkah into which Muhammad was born, including its economic, religious, social, and cultural characteristics. (7.2.2)

2.  Who was Muhammad?

3.  Describe Muhammad’s early life.

4.  How did Muhammad become a prophet? (7.2.2)

5.  What is the Qur’an?

6.  What are the origins of this book? (7.2.3)

7.  What messages did Muhammad preach?

8.  How did most Arabs respond to Muhammad’s teachings? (7.2.2)

9.  How did the Muslim community grow in Madinah? What happened when Muhammad and his followers returned to Makkah? (7.2.4)

10.  What happened to the Muslim community after Muhammad’s death? Describe the accomplishments and shortcomings of the first four caliphs. (7.2.4)

11.  Describe how the Muslim empire spread under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty. (7.2.4)

F.  Timeline — Label and illustrate a timeline with the events listed below. For each event, draw a creative and appropriate picture or symbol. Date and label the event on an appropriate timeline(10 points)______

______Muhammad’s call to be a prophet

______Muhammad’s first attempts at preaching

______Death of Muhammad

______Umayyad capital moved to Damascus

______Muslim conquest of present-day Spain

G.  Parent Signature (4 points)______Parents please sign to verify that your child has completed the assignment above. Credit will not be given for parent signature unless the student has completed all the work and attached it to this contract

Total points = 90 ______

Chapter 8: Standards

The Prophet Muhammad

7.2 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Islam in the Middle Ages.

7.2.2 Trace the origins of Islam and the life and teachings of Muhammad, including Islamic teachings on the connection with Judaism and Christianity.

7.2.3 Explain the significance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah as the primary sources of Islamic beliefs, practice, and law, and their influence in Muslims’ daily life.

7.2.4 Describe the expansion of Muslim rule through military conquests and treaties, emphasizing the cultural blending within Muslim civilization and the spread and acceptance of Islam and the Arabic language.


•trace the origins of Islam and the life and teachings of Muhammad, including Islamic teachings about Judaism and Christianity.

•recognize the importance of the Arabic language and Islamic religion in unifying the diverse groups of this region.

•summarize the spread of Islam from Muhammad’s lifetime to the mid-700s C.E.

•research and organize ideas for an illustrated manuscript that expresses your ideas clearly, demonstrating an understanding of grammar, structure, and the forms and genres of writing.


In this lesson, you learn about the life of Muhammad + the rise + expansion of Muslim rule.

In a Writing for Understanding activity, you first listen to a recording that dramatically tells the story of Muhammad’s life.

Then you create an illustrated manuscript that retells the story in your own words.