Appendix A
Meetings of the Working Group
Date / Attendees / Purpose22nd May 2008 /
Councillors N. Best, Cox, Mrs Fowler, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Steve Sienkiewicz (Democratic Services Team Leader)Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To discuss the scope of the review.
9th July 2008 / Councillors Mrs Fowler, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Delyth Baxendale (Assistant Director, Public Health)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To gather information on current performance and initiatives currently in place.
3rd September 2008 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler, Mrs Ridyard, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Brenda Marshall (Health Development Manager, Blackpool PCT)
Zohra Lambat, Public Health Service, Blackpool PCT)
Gary Marsh (Health Trainer, Volunteer Centre)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To gather information and understand the role of the Health Trainers.
23rd September 2008 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler, Hardy, Mrs Ridyard, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Delyth Baxendale (Assistant Director, Children’s Health)
Justine Blomeley (PE School Sport Manager)
Chris Simcock (Head of Sport and Physical Activity)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To gather information and identify current issues in relation to the availability of physical activity both within and outside of school.
16th October 2008 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler, Hardy, Mrs Ridyard, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Delyth Baxendale (Assistant Director, Children’s Health)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To discuss current issues and identify priority areas for the review to focus on. To also agree the formation of two sub-groups.
13th November 2008 / Councillors Hardy and Stansfield
Cathy Adams, Woburn Residents Association
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Visit to gain information and view the children’s play facilities at Woburn alley.
21st November 2008 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler and Stansfield
Mr N. Hodkins, Headteacher, DevonshirePrimary School
Ms Bowker, Deputy Headteacher, DevonshirePrimary School
Ms V Goodhew, Community Links Manager, DevonshirePrimary School
Ms L Jones, Catering Manager, DevonshirePrimary School
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Visit to gather information on the school meal service and play facilities available to children at DevonshirePrimary School.
26th November 2008 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler, Hardy, Mrs Ridyard and Mrs Taylor
Delyth Baxendale (Assistant Director, Children’s Health)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To gather information on surveys undertaken in Blackpool and to consider the Healthy Weight, Healthy Blackpool draft strategy.
18th December 2009 / Councillors Hardy and Mrs Taylor
Steve Pullan (Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Housing) / Sub-group meeting to discuss the feasibility of using Blackpool’s transport fleet for the transportation of pupils to/from swimming lessons.
13th January 2009 / Councillor Hardy, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Chris Simcock (Head of Sport and Physical Activity)
Georgina Atkinson (Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Sub-group visit to view the facilities on offer at Palatine Leisure Centre and Sports Barn.
14th January 2009 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler, Hardy, Mrs Ridyard, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Delyth Baxendale (Assistant Director, Children’s Health)
Chris Simcock, Head of Sport and Physical Activity
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To consider updated information on the initiatives currently in place to improve performance.
22nd January 2009 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler and Mrs Ridyard
Dr P. Barker (Deputy Headteacher, MontgomeryHigh School)
Mr S. Foti (Catering Manager, MontgomeryHigh School)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Sub-group visit to view the school meal service at MontgomeryHigh School.
12th February 2009 / Councillors N. Best and Mrs Ridyard
Mr S. Tierney (Headmaster, St Mary’s CatholicCollege)
Mr K. Kinnear (Assistant Headteacher, St Mary’s CatholicCollege)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Sub-group visit to view the school meal service at St Mary’s CatholicCollege.
12th February 2009 / Councillors N. Best and Mrs Ridyard
Mr S. Crawshaw (Catering Services Manager, Blackpool Council) / Sub-group visit to gather information on the Council’s catering service and current issues.
25th February 2009 / Councillors N.Best, Mrs Fowler, Mrs Ridyard, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Delyth Baxendale (Assistant Director, Children’s Health)
Professor Paul Gateley ( Director Carnegie Weight Management)
Rachel Hardaker (Programme Co-ordinator, Carnegie Weight Management)
Sarah Abiss (Healthy Weights, Healthy Lives Programme Co-ordinator, NHS Blackpool)
Jackie Heighton (Healthy Weights, Healthy Lives Lead, NHS Blackpool)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To consider an evaluation of the Carnegie Weight Management Programme.
17th March 2009 / Councillors Mrs Fowler and Mrs Ridyard
Mr H. Clough (Deputy Head, AnchorsholmePrimary School)
Mrs H Betty (Catering Manager, AnchorsholmePrimary School) / Sub-group visit to view the school meal service at AnchorsholmePrimary School.
23rd March 2009 / Councillor Mrs Taylor
Justine Blomeley, Physical Education Sport Manager
Carol Bracegirdle, Principal Officer, Travel and Road Safety
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Sub-group meeting to gather information on the physical activity provision within schools.
30th March 2009 / Councillors N. Best and Mrs Fowler
Ms Fennel (Headteacher, Collegiate HighSchoolSportsCollege)
Ms C. Lord (Catering Manager, Collegiate HighSchoolSportsCollege)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Visit to view the school meal service at Collegiate High School Sports College.
30th March 2009 / Councillors N.Best and Mrs Fowler
Mr M. Knight (Playfootball)
Mr C. Simcock (Head of Sport and Physical Activity)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Visit to view the facilities at Playfootball.
30th March 2009 / Councillor Mrs Fowler
Mrs J Melon (SHOKK Gym)
Mr. M. Melon (SHOKK Gym)
Mr C. Simcock (Head of Sport and Physical Activity)
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Visit to view the facilities at SHOKK Gym.
15th April 2009 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Fowler, Mrs Ridyard, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To consider the Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives updated strategy and to review and prioritise the issues identified during the review.
26th May 2009 / Councillors Mrs Fowler and Mrs Taylor
Fiona Jones, Trainee Youth Participation Worker)
Four representatives from Blackpool’s Light
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / Meeting to gather information on the reasons behind childhood obesity and ideas for addressing this from a young person’s perspective.
9th June 2009 / Councillors N. Best, Mrs Ridyard, Stansfield and Mrs Taylor
Bernadette Jarvis (Acting Senior Democratic Services Adviser) / To consider the evidence gathered and start to formulate potential recommendations.