DB2 CAS 8 IBM DB2 Academic Associate Program
Proctor Assistant Manual
For a typical session the order of events will be as follows:
1. The Proctor arrives at the location.
2. The Proctor signs in to the DB2 Academic Exam website
3. The Proctor opens the appropriate session
4. The Proctor or Proctor Assistant validates students who arrive for the exam:
· Students must show some identification to prove their identity and also prove they are a student at this university.
· Only students qualified to take the exam should be allowed to enroll in the exam. This process may vary in different locations and the proctor must confer prior to the exam with the instructor and/or the responsible IBM contact to ensure this process is clear and they have a clear process to understand how to identify qualified students. It is best to have a list of students who are qualified to take the exam.
5 All students need an IBM ID and password to register for the CAS testing system. Students who arrive without this must complete this registration first by going to ibm.com and selecting ‘Register’ in the top right corner of the web page. (see section 5 at the end of the document for further details)
6 The Proctor provides the web site for CAS testing and requests the students to register (section 4)
7 The student will be able to begin the exam when the proctor activates each enrollment and the status changes from Requested to Enrolled. This step should be completed on the proctor’s computer, if possible, to minimize any potential security issues.
8 Students must refresh their screen using ^R (Ctrl R) after the proctor has enrolled them into the session to be able to start the test. (see section 3 for student screens)
9 The Proctor closes the testing session. It is critical that the proctor close the session prior to leaving the testing room.
Note: Neither the Sponsor or the Proctor can register a student for the IBM DB2 Academic Exam or create an enrollment - they may only activate student requests.
Kindly make students to register for prometric website. steps for registering are as below.
Step 1 : log in to http://ibt.prometric.com/ibm
Step 2 : Click "First time registration"
Step 3 : Choose "IBM Information Management Certification" from step 2 in the page
Step 4 : "I AGREE"
Step 5 : Fill in all the fields with RED ARROWS
Points to be noted : . or _ can be used in username..let the username be unique
mailing address is residential address
state/province : "State name in max 3 letters" ex: TN, KL, KA
email address is email id
Company: < college name>
note down the prometric testing ID, User Name, Password
2. Students register for the CAS testing system
- Students access the CAS site for the DB2 Academic Exam and register using their IBM ID and password
Reminder: If students need to register for an IBM ID, directions are in Section 5 of this document.
2. After entering their IBM ID and password to register for CAS, they will complete the following profile information. Choose a different language for the testing framework, if desired.
Their school name should be entered for their Organization.
3. On the follow screen, students decide if they wish to provide their information for the purposes specified.
4. Click on Submit to be presented with the Student Welcome page. The proctor provides the name of the current testing session and has the students find and select this testing session and click on the Enroll link.
3. Students take the test
Students must now refresh their screen (Ctrl R) to see the screen that provides the test information and then click on ‘Take the Test’ to begin.
Students must agree to an Honor Code to start the exam. Students can choose any available language for the test from this screen (see section highlighted in RED
Students will have 90 minutes to complete 60 questions. They will receive a warning when 5 minutes remain and again when 1 minute remains. They can check on questions that they have not answered using ‘Test Overview’
Students ‘Submit’ the test when they have completed the exam. Students who pass the exam will be emailed a certificate of accomplishment to the email used when registering for the exam.
4. Troubleshooting
1. Problem: Student browser crashes while taking the Exam and before Exam Scoring is Completed or the student accidentally closes the browser window:
These instructions are also included in the Troubleshooting section of the student Help:
· If the student still has the main CAS exam link available and chooses ‘Take the Test’ again, they will see this:
· The proctor needs to resume the student test from the CAS Sitting Management screen:
· The student signs back onto the Testing System, if necessary, and clicks on ‘Take Test’ again. When they click on ‘Resume’, their test will continue. Their time remaining will be recovered from the test at the point it was interrupted.
2. Problem: Proctor enrolls student but the student does not get the ‘Take the Test’ screen
- Ensure the student refreshed the screen with Control R (CTRL key and R key pressed at the same time) after the proctor enrolled the student.
- The proctor should check that the testing session has been opened
3. Problem: The student fails the test and wants to retake the test
- Students may not retake the test on the CAS testing system. If the school and the local IBM proctors support the student, they may take the 302A exam using the Prime testing system. This costs $30 USD which must be paid by credit card at the time of taking the test. The test must be proctored by an IBM proctor and arrangements for the testing must be made, as specified on the DB2 Academic site at ibm.co/db2academic
5. Screen shots for students registering for an IBM ID
Screen 1: Starting the IBM ID registration process at ibm.com. Click on ‘Register’ in the top right of the screen. Note that the ibm.com content changes often and may not look as it does on the picture.
Screen 2: Provide required account information
Screen 3: Additional profile information. If your university name is not already listed on the ‘Company’ line, Add your university name there now.
Screen 4: Additional profile options
Screen 5: Completion of IBM ID creation
Version 1 June 2012