- “Hi, ______. This is ______, a volunteerwith Breakthrough Austin. How are you doing today?(Wait for response).I just wanted to check in with you and see how things are going. I know that you graduated from high school with Breakthrough and we are interested in providing support to you. The purpose of this call is to continue to connect you with Breakthrough. What have you been up to recently?”
- Go through questions on rubric and jot down notes on the sheet.
- At the end of the conversation:
“We appreciate you taking the time to let us know how you’re doing. Abby
Ames works directly with our college students and you can reach her at the office, on her cell phone 512-853-0310, or via email at . Let us know if you need any other support as things come up and we’ll be keeping in touch with you throughout the year. Have a good one!”
List of services BT’s College Completion program provides:
-Transfer/enrollment assistance
-Financial aid advising
-Academic advising
-Emotional support
-Assist students in easing their transition from high school to college
-Match student with a mentor
-Periodic check ins
-Identify support services, organizations, and on-campus contacts for students
-Monitor student progress to ensure he/she is on track to degree completion
-Care packages
Role of College Coach/Mentor:
-Call student every 2-3 weeks to check in
-Provide support and mentorship
-Report “red flags” to BT
-Give reminders about registration, financial aid/FAFSA
Hi, ______. This is ______, a staff member/volunteer with Breakthrough Austin. I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. If you could give Abby Ames, a staff member who’s in charge of helping BT high school graduates, a call at the 512-853-0310 that would be great! Or you can send us a quick message on Facebook!We hope to continue to connect you to BT and help you with college completion and anything else. We look forward to hearing from you!
Hey ______! This is ______, a staff member /volunteer with Breakthrough Austin. Just checking in to see how you’re doing. Give Abby Ames a call at 512-853-0310 for a quick update or send us a quick message on Facebook. She’s in charge of helping BT high school graduates. We’d love to hear from you and hope to continue to connect you with BT! Hope all is well.
Hi ______!
This is ______from Breakthrough Austin. How have you been? I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.I know that you graduated from high school with Breakthrough and we are interested in providing support to you. We hope to continue to connect you with Breakthrough and help you with school and anything else!What is the best way for us to contact you? You can send Abby Ames, a staff member who’s in charge of BT’s high graduates, a message at . We look forward to hearing from you!
Notes/Student concerns/Next Steps/Other:
Record of Contact Attempts
Student:______Staff/Volunteer: ______Date:______
Medium in which student was contacted:
□ Phone call Phone number: ______
Cell Home Other: ______[Left voicemail? Yes No]
□ Text message Phone number: ______
□ Facebook message
□ Email Email address: ______
Record of Contact Attempts
Student:______Staff/Volunteer: ______Date:______
Medium in which student was contacted:
□ Phone call Phone number: ______
Cell Home Other : ______[Left voicemail? Yes No]
□ Text message Phone number: ______
□ Facebook message
□ Email Email address: ______