Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles Carbon Management Programme
Carbon Management Plan
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles
Carbon Management Programme
Carbon Management Plan (CMP)
Date: 26 March 2009
Version number: DRAFT ver 1
Owner: Corporate Management Teams of the Comhairle and the Health Board
Approval route: CnES / NHS W.I. / OHCPP / ISB
Approval status: Approved in principle, for full approval post Carbon Trust approval
Foreword from [your Chief Exec and Political Sponsor]
Foreword from the Carbon Trust
Management Summary
2Carbon Management Strategy
2.1Context and drivers for Carbon Management
2.2Our low carbon vision
2.3Strategic themes
2.4Targets and objectives
3Emissions Baseline and Projections
3.3Projections and Value at Stake
4Carbon Management Projects
4.1Existing projects
4.2Planned / funded projects
4.3Near term projects
4.4Medium to long term projects
4.5Projected achievement towards target
5Carbon Management Plan Financing
5.2Benefits / savings – quantified and un-quantified
5.3Additional resources
5.4Financial costs and sources of funding
6Actions to Embed Carbon Management in Your Organisation
6.1Corporate Strategy – embedding CO2 saving across your organisation
6.2Programme Management – bringing it all together effectively
6.3Responsibility – being clear that saving CO2 is everyone’s job
6.4Data Management – measuring the difference, measuring the benefit
6.5Communication and Training – ensuring everyone is aware
6.6Finance and Investment – the money to match the commitment
6.7Policy Alignment – saving CO2 across your operations
7Programme Management of the CM Programme
7.1The Programme Board – strategic ownership and oversight
7.2The Carbon Management Team – delivering the projects
7.3Succession planning for key roles
7.4Ongoing stakeholder management
7.5Annual progress review
Appendix A: Carbon Management Matrix - Embedding
Appendix B: Definition of Projects
Appendix C: Management Structure
Foreword from the Chief Executives
The Outer Hebrides, in common with all Scotland are equally exposed to the effects of climate change. The Comhairle and the Health Board will lead on programmes and projects to mitigate the impact on climate change through the use and development of low carbon energy and management of consumption and waste.
Partnership, leadership, corporate commitment and competent management underpin the effort to achieve a reduction of twenty percent in our carbon emissions. Public sector service development and sustainability will be framed in environmental limits to demonstrate ourcommitment to climate change.
The Carbon Management Plan is a driver for change across all of the authorities operations and activities. Shared Services and developed partnerships across the Public Sector in the Western Isles will increase efficiency as well as reducing the carbon footprint. Governance and performance measurement will be given a high priority to make sure that our reduction target of seven thousand tonnes is achieved within the agreed time frame. Although the detailed development of projects and investment is not as advanced in programme as desirable, the target reduction will be achieved. Strategic developments in Asset,Estate and Waste Management will make significant contribution to reduced emissions.
The opportunities in Carbon Management to reduce costs and emission and achieve operational benefits are well understood. The partners are committed to resourcing the plans and proposals through available in-house and out-sourced means and solutions.
Mr Malcolm Burr, CE Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Mr Gordon Jamieson,CE NHS Western Isles
Foreword from the Council Leader
The Carbon Management Programme and implementation plan overarches all of our aspirations for “Green Hebrides- Green Council” and sets an excellent management platform to achieve our strategic objectives. Along with the NHS Western Isles the Comhairle is fully committed to reducing carbon emissions by 7000 tonnes by 2014. This accounts for 20% of our emissions and we will continue the endeavour to further reduce emissions of greenhouse gas during the five year programme and in future years.
There is a strong political will in the Western Isles to mitigate the impact on Climate Change and improve our performance in sustainability. We will aim to do this with our Community Partners in a way which will generate economic growth in the community through developments in technology, renewables and biomass to meet our energy demand. Our vision will be communicated to our communities to give them the opportunity to participate in our success.
The challenges of embedding carbon management in our culture will be overcome through effective communications, competent planning, governance and performance measurement. Every employee will be required to take ownership of our collective responsibility to reduce emissions and every department will have its performance measured annually. We believe that our objectives are achievable and deliverable in the current political and economic context. The role of every public organisation in the Western Isles is to give clear visible leadership towards a low carbon economy.
The valuable professional support given by the Carbon Trust is acknowledged and appreciated.
Councillor Angus CampbellLeader of the Comhairle
Foreword from the Carbon Trust
Cutting carbon emissions as part of the fight against climate change should be a key priority for local authorities - it's all about getting your own house in order and leading by example. The UK government has identified the public sector as key to delivering carbon reduction across the UK inline with its Kyoto commitments and the Public Sector Carbon Management programme is designed in response to this. It assists organisations in saving money on energy and putting it to good use in other areas, whilst making a positive contribution to the environment by lowering their carbon emissions.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles were selected in 2008, amidst strong competition, to take part in this ambitious programme. The Council and the Health Board partnered with the Carbon Trust on this programme in order to realise vast carbon and cost savings. This Carbon Management Plan commits the organisation to a target of reducing CO2 by 20% by 2014 and underpins potential financial savings to the organisation of around £1 million.
There are those that can and those that do. Public sector organisations can contribute significantly to reducing CO2 emissions. The Carbon Trust is very proud to support Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles in their ongoing implementation of carbon management.
Richard Rugg
Head of Public Sector, Carbon Trust
Management Summary
1.Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles will form a management partnership to manage the Carbon Plan, aiming to reduce consumption of energy and water and reduce the production of waste and carbon emissions.
2.The carbon reduction strategy is framed in International and National commitment agreed by Governments and the local aspiration to be a carbon neutral community. The management partnership will produce the strategic and operational planning to achieve a 20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2014.
3.The combined baseline for carbon for the two Authorities’ is 36,000 tonnes and the target is a 20% reduction of 7000 tonnes by 2014. The baseline is based on the best available data which will be subject to continuous review and revision for the term of this programme. The baseline is calculated using National formula and protocol.
4.There are fifteen carbon management projects which will form the basis of the targeted reduction, funded from existing revenue and capital and some external Grant Aid. The Hydrogen Project will be grafted into the programme when the development is more advanced.
5.The proposed cost and investment plan requires an additional £1.1 million to achieve a £2 million saving by the end of the financial year 2014/15. This is based on the best available cost information in 2008/09 and the known and approved Capital Investment Programme up to 2012. There are quantified and unquantified costs, benefits and savings which can be achieved through implementation of the plan along with the reduction in carbon emissions.
6.Carbon and environmental management responsibility will be embedded in the culture and management of the two organisations. Every employee will be made aware of their individual responsibility and will be given the resource to achieve through training and education. Both Authorities’ aspire to lead in this area of competence with a view to leading the wider community in the reduction of carbon emissions.
7.Leadership, partnership and good governance in a competent management framework and an efficient decision making structure will deliver the aims and objectives set in the plan. The management team will comprise political, technical and operational representatives who will converge competencies and energy to deliver the prescribed outcomes.
8.This is a strategic programme of critical importance to the Authorities’ and the community. It is the first fully integrated management partnership project designed to deliver improvements in the environment, benefit to core service and an improvement in quality in Public Sector operations in the Western Isles.
This document is the source planning document for both Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles to deliver carbon emissions reduction in their respective activities. In this document, reference to the Authorities means both the Comhairle and the Health Board.
The Carbon Management Plan is designed to support the Authorities in the business of implementing a carbon reduction regime in line with “Green Council, GreenIslands”, strategic objective in the Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy for 2007 – 11 and the Health Boards Property and Environmental Management Strategy. This plan will cover the period from April 2009 – March 2014. The obligations in the Climate Change Declaration in relation to carbon reduction are adequately realised within this Carbon Management Plan. The plan will present a content and structure to determine how the organisations will engage in the various carbon reduction initiatives to achieve their objectives. The overarching objective is to provide a context and a Business Plan to deliver measurable reductions in energy consumption, waste production and carbon emissions.
The context of this Project is in the overall definition of the obligations in the Climate Change Declaration and the Carbon Reduction Commitment, framed in policy and programmes in the Comhairle and NHS Western Isles. This project is unusual in governance in that it is equally accountable to both the elected Council and the appointed Health Board. Although the project is led by the Council, the Health Board is considered to be an equal partner both in project inputs and the shared outcomes.
The accountability is dealt with in detail in Governance and responsibilities within the Resource and Reporting management section. There is a strong bias in the team in favour of Council resource and this has been agreed with the Health Board. The reason for this is the high proportion of carbon generated by the Council in comparison to the Health Board.
Both organisations already have a number of policies, plans and strategies and a range of ongoing projects and initiatives relating to sustainable development and climate change. These will be incorporated into the plan along with the Carbon Baseline and all other relevant outcomes from the Carbon Management Programme jointly undertaken in 2008, with assistance from the Carbon Trust. Many of the ongoing initiatives being progressed by Sustainable Communities and Technical Services Departments relate to Sustainable Development without specific reference to Carbon Management, especially in the area of micro-generation and renewables. These projects will also be referenced and registered in this plan to present a coherent and integrated strategic approach to carbon reduction.
Existing Climate Change related strategies for Environmental and Asset Management Planning include the Sustainable Development Strategy, Travel Plans, Local Transport Strategy, Waste Strategy, Recycling, Street Lighting, Clinical and Property Strategies, Energy efficiency and renewable technologies.
2Carbon Management Strategy
2.1Context and drivers for Carbon Management
The specific context of the Carbon Management Strategy is in the obligations framed in the Climate Change Declaration, the Carbon Management Programme, the Comhairle’s Corporate Strategy 2007/ 11 and NHS Western Isles Property and Environmental Strategy 2009/14. The general context is the Authorities endeavour in pursuit of efficiency and quality improvements in service delivery and the utilisation of all its’ assets.
The Scottish Climate Change Declaration acknowledges the impact and reality of change and the effects climate change will have on communities and Public and Private Sector organisations. The Declaration presents a structured and adequate response to Climate Change, converging leadership and commitments to mitigate the Authorities impact on Climate Change, through the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Both Authorities are signatories to the Declaration and both are committed to incorporate Climate Change adaptation measures in plans, programmes, policy and strategy. The Declaration is in line with central government policy for carbon reduction and the wider global political economy for the reduction of greenhouse gases.
The drivers of the Carbon Management Strategy are political, economic and technical. Some have a global reference, others have national and local and some reference to all three. The drivers will converge to achieve the agreed targets and all of them have a multi-level contribution in achieving the specified carbon reduction goals. The Carbon Management Strategy covers a wide range of assets and activity and is in itself a driver for change. Business as usual is not an option as government and organisational commitmentwill demand change in behaviour, process, planning and investment. Following are the aspects of the strategic development and implementation of Carbon Management.
- International agreements to reduce greenhouse gases and mitigate the impact of Climate Change
- Finite supply of carbon fuels against a sustained continuous increasing demand
- National Government set targets for Carbon Reduction and efficiency in the use of assets
- Scottish Government Policy and Single Outcome Agreements
- Performance measurement of Assets and Asset Management
- Reducing costs in Service Delivery and improving quality and efficiency
- Reducing the amount of waste generated and improving the efficiency of Waste Management
- Measuring, monitoring, controlling and limiting the consumption of energy and the production of waste and carbon gas emissions
- Improving the performance of the Authorities in Environmental Management
- National concordant with governments to improve efficiency in government services
2.2Our low carbon vision
The Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership has a shared vision to create a prosperous and healthy community in a low carbon quality environment based on the principles of sustainable development and transport with regard for the Local, National and Global environment. The Partnership will lead the development of strategy and planning to minimise the production of greenhouse gas and maximise the opportunities for the generation of renewable energy to supply the community and the wider national demand for energy.
2.3Strategic themes
The Strategic Themes of the Authorities’ encompass the areas of activity which will produce the operational efficiency by which emissions will be reduced. The Strategy is modelled to introduce and deliver change in the organisations political and professional culture, connecting with other corporate and service strategies to embed Carbon Management at the centre of the Authorities’ activity. The Themes will essentially establish the framework by which agreed targets and objectives will be achieved.
The targeted reduction of 7000 tonnes is the combined target for the Council and Health Board. The cost and investment required to achieve the target, scheduled in Section (4) and (5) is the combined cost and investment profile for both Authorities to achieve the stated target. This is presented as one to consolidate the partnership between the two Authorities on this specific project.
The Comhairle and NHS Western Isles are testing the feasibility of a Shared Service regime for non core activity for both organisations such as Energy, Maintenance, and Management etc. As this is the first joint project it is proposed to have one plan, one aggregate target and one combined cost and investment profile. It is anticipated that the scheduling of two separate plans and two separate targets against two individual footprints would not be compatible with the joint funding proposals for management and shared costs. The arrangement will be reviewed periodically by both Authorities and the Integrated Services Board to make sure that the aims and objectives and the specified targets are being met.
The Strategic themes adopted by the partnership to underpin the projects and the programme are as follows:
- Structuring and refining communications from corporate to operational level to accommodate and promote effective communications on Carbon Management and individual responsibility to participate to mitigate the effect of Climate Change.
- Embedding Carbon Management in the strategies, programmes, plans, management and operations of both Authorities’. The plan to deliver the objectives will rest heavily on the success of embedding Carbon Management in the organisations. This will be achieved through raising awareness, promoting participation, providing training and education and measuring performance against agreed targets.
- Consolidating partnerships and joint development of policy, standards and applications to manage change in the management culture of the Authorities’.
- Restructuring and organising existing resources and changing roles and responsibilities within the Authorities’ to deliver specific measurable and achievable carbon reductions in each year of the programme.
- Introducing Performance Management in both assets and the management of assets which will include energy performance measurement and carbon footprinting of assets.
- Policy development sensitive to the requirements in climate change obligations and carbon management.
- Promoting and managing “Change Behaviour” campaigns and programmes to reduce consumption and emission.
- Promoting and resourcing Energy Management to a higher profile within the organisations to achieve reductions in the consumption of energy.
- Providing and commissioning new technologies to measure and control consumption, improve efficiency and reduce waste in all energy consuming assets.
- Replacing obsolete high emission assets with new low emission replacements.
- Engaging internal stakeholders, external partners and the wider community through effective and sustained communication campaigns to reduce the generation of all forms of waste. The management of waste will be reviewed to explore opportunities for conversion of waste to energy, recycling, increasing the amount of waste to bio gas production and reducing the amount of waste going to Landfill.
- Supporting and funding the development of renewables from wind, water and bio fuels.
2.4Targets and objectives
The Target agreed in the Carbon Management Programme and embedded in the Carbon Management Implementation Plan, is the reduction of both Authorities’ Carbon Footprints by 20% by 2014 equating to a total reduction of 7000 tonnes of carbon emissions.It is accepted by both Authorities that this is the introductory phase of a process which will eventually become integrated into every aspect of Public Sector business. The first target reduction of 7000 tonnes is modest and achievable with the organisation and resources presented in the plan. The implementation and development of carbon management will produce accurate data on the performance of both Authorities’ and set a baseline for a more ambitious reduction in the second phase between 2015 to 2020. It is generally accepted that this is not a project and the process will continue in application for the foreseeable future in all aspects of the Authorities’ business.