Extracurricular Programs

Do well……



Community Support/Pride

Parent support

Good variety of activities

Gym scheduling

Drama shows

Track & field

Working/co-op with other communities

Chorus/band director

FFA Director


Consistency in programs (Jr High-High School)

Mentoring (coaches & sponsors)

Girls Sports (equality)

Better training in terms of inclusion

Keep what we have going and be consistent

1st year teachers not required to coach

Admin involvement/better communication

Student/coach conduct


Increase participation –Allow communications between sports

District/community support of coaches

Ball field scheduling

Maintenance-use volunteer/students

Promote student engagement

More care of eligibility (coaches/sponsors)

Transparency w/fundraising

New Ideas…..

Jr. High Softball

Enrichment activities (invite retired teachers)

Free admission for students

Purpose of Drama -Class? Activity

Upgrade all facilities (baseball)

Exit meeting with coaches

New Gym

Groups sponsor low income kids so they can participate

Student tutors for participants

Cut policy

Logo/cast for all Pikeland E.C. students?

Explore other co-ops


Finance/School Funding

Do well…..

Balanced budget

Local/Business partnerships (funding)


Special Education programs

Outside resources (Grants)


Pikeland foundation

Use of laptops at PHS

Local option of sales tax


Hiring incentives for staff

Upgrade technology/textbooks

Transparency/Communication of Budget

Grant opportunities (additional) ask community groups

Technology (ipads, chrome books, apps)

Allocate for extracurricular-communicate how it’s used

Acknowledge businesses, recognize who donate (turns), align communicate to other groups

Reason we have to flow $ through offices form parent groups

Save labor costs by using volunteers and trade classes

Use local businesses for catering/T-shirts, etc. (buy local)

List of needs (proactive list)-community shared

How does $ get to Pikeland Foundation, Who is on committee?, communicate with teachers and/or buildings

Professional development funding

New ideas…..

Grant programs-teacher/community members

Corporate/Alumni Partnerships (Fund items needed)

Explore Medicaid billing

Go green-Google docs

Free lunch program

Finance special projects through community people & process

Fund special ed aide (1:1) in a different way

Build trust-Communication; newspaper/radio report

Website wish list (specific project)

Less dependent on state money

Alumni fundraising/allow-invite to come back (involvement), Saukee Nation-Alumni

Every student have ipad (donate form companies)

Seek corporate funding-busses, etc. (Pepsi, Nike-on public busses)

Activity fee-all-school pass (ex:G/P)

Add staff-innovate schedules, class sizes (directive of curriculum)

Planned giving through estates

Family/Community Engagement

Do well…..


Teacher ease/teacher website

All call

Email announcements and Friday notes to parents

South school PTO

Websites PCS & PHS

Facebook South

Love PHS Announcements

PHS teacher support by sport-single group event

Vets Program

Book Mobile

PHS & Other building “closets”

Snack Pack Program

Socialization skills 1st-HS, Learn right behavior-They know, Parent/Teacher conference, Teacher eval form


Website PCS & PHS-updated and current emails-get rid of old website

District policies/materials on line & searchable

Use community resources *more welcoming culture PCS/District

More positive PR for activities & events

Morning announcements from all attendance centers

Why should someone want to choose Pikeland #10?

What do the teachers need?

Reminder from PCS about PTO

Communication-returning phone calls/emails (within 24 hours)

Website Master (email provided)

More community forums/listening posts

Parent advisory groups-discussions by building

Facebook by building for family communication

Be sure doors open for Quiz Bowl

Community nights for activities-by team/group

Parent comments to admin/board-confidential

More celebratory programs (Christmas, spring, play, poetry speaking)

Why would a teacher choose Pikeland?

Engaging lower income families

Board meetings always in comfortable area-expect engagement

More open dialogue w/board/admin & success

One-on –one communication

Share data related to special ed (%, OHI, LD, etc. RTI programs)

New Ideas…..

End of year/season summary (parent & student)

More community forums

Mentoring program for bottom 30%

District calendar on the website (updated) (schedule tied to Google map) turn off old one

Public information officer-Marketing

Each grade level have remind

Create aclass for websites

Training night for parents-Teacher ease, video, share emails

Value-buy local.support local economy

Enrichment with retired teachers/community members for advanced.

Letter to the parent at the end of the year for the parent to give to the next year teacher

End of year season sport/activity survey-success/improvement

Blackboard website

Retired teachers mentoring new/less experienced staff

Create schools as “Community Hub”, for community events & gatherings, not just school sponsored

Facebook page for all buildings and district

More community forums with District & board

Teacher Friday notes/Brave Book (folder)

A La Carte

Do well…..

Manage Limited Funds Well

Staff cares about kids


Remind messages

Scholarship Awareness/Assistance

Helping students with college search

Staff willing to work in unorthodox measures



Education for teachers and families on inclusive practices

Website/Facebook pages

Use community experts

Culture of bullying

Safety nets for lower (non iep) learners

Follow laws for Special Education and best practices

Create a welcoming atmosphere District wide

Improve home school connection with graded work

Improve website/face book pages?

Social Counseling vs. College Counseling- two jobs

Parental & student accountability

New ideas…..

Marketing of School District

Social Counseling Vs. College Counseling

Meet the Teacher night

Mentoring (teachers & staff)

Engage parents on a regular basis

Branding Expectations

How to use Teacher Ease better

Use retired staff as “experts”

Job shadowing

Middle school buddies for students with needs


Do well…..

Teacher Ease

Student Snapshot

School Reach

Remind 101

Teacher communication

Expand collaboration among teachers


Board Communication

District Wide Website

Positive Learning Environment

Teacher ease-possible lunch inventory (what did kids eat)

Remind-More consistent use, sports, classrooms

Update website-announcements consistently from All schools

Positive communication from office staff to students(PCS)

Better understanding individual student needs

Positive student handbook, Market/sell our successes, web, face book

Parents update contact info, online school registration


Make email names for teachers uniform

Remove old website

District wide website should include searchable district policies and documents

New ideas…..

EOY Surveys/Exit interviews-Student, teachers, parents

Board email, web streaming meetings, summaries, forums

Utilize volunteers more

Student assistance, regular Board listening posts, forum

Face book PCS & PHS & District communication

Person devoted to website

Volunteer, NHS, create web design club, sponsor, partner with a college for web design

Announcements on website, teacherease

Add teacher pictures to the website by contact info

Teach kids communication skills, adult mentoring, volunteers willing to help

Google doc for automated (not manual) registration w/ability to print

District wide communication between teachers year to year, use what’s working in some grade levels (2-3), (k-8) all the way through

How funds are managed for PTO, extra-curricular, etc.


Do well…..

Sending School Reach calls

Safety drills (code red drills)

Air conditioning

Having guest buzz in/check in

Students use buddy system at lower levels

South is very clean and PCS


Enhance technology infrastructure

Landscaping at PHS

Parking lots

Weapon safety issues/consequences laid out

South school sidewalk, insulate annex ceiling

Electrical capacity @PCS cafeteria, PHS (kicked breakers during play)

Change location of house lights switch in auditorium

Mildew on PCS building

Infrastructure to enable enhanced technology offerings

Football bathroom/area in general, locker rooms

Softball field-weeds/home plate hole

New ideas…..

Use drug dogs regularly

New sign at PHS

Slated planned gift options

Intruder drill with firing blanks

PCS baseball/softball field care

GYM-seek funding private, location of a new gym

Football field

Better office/teacher communication-friendlier

Beautify schools with landscaping

Use by public of gyms and ball diamonds, how to access procedure

All facilities open-school as “community hub”

Buddy system for middle school to aid in bullying

Use community

Move PHS dumpster


Do well…..

Fine Arts/Vocational

Language Arts

Weighted Course work

Teacher ease (daily announcements) email more than one

Conference P/T

Encouragements of reading

SOAP (PCS) 6-8

PHS math

Speech IEP (k-12)

Jr. high language Arts

Art, Band, Chorus, Ag, History

AR, Read 180, south and PCS


Math curriculum (consistent/mapping k-8)

Enrichment opportunities

Vocational-Educational tracking

Daily announcements-PCS

SOAP conflicts with PE (k-8)

Speech (offering PHS)

Foreign language

Creative opportunities

Writing across the curriculum

Hands on science

Non-fiction reading

Consistent curriculum

Share out data

Improve class size (3-5)

Keyboarding lower grades

Guided reading 2nd

Look at more advanced

More Physical Ed opportunities at PCS

New ideas…..

Work Study

Increased Course offerings (foreign language, keyboarding lower grades)

Increase access technology

Improve time management at lower grades, Include rotation of classes, lower grades

Recognize academic success (Jr.High)

Opportunity for enrichment

Shared record keeping between grade levels, strength and weaknesses of students especially at lower grades

Require parenting class (students)

Before and after school programs

Director of student engagement, leadership, good choices

Summer school for credit recovery

0-hour courses, do we let them out early?

Computer science-includes vocational offering