Public Open House #2 – Discussion Papers Comment Booklet /
As part of the Township’s Official Plan Review process, a series of Discussion Papers on various land use planning and policy topics have been prepared. You are invited to review the Discussion Papers and provide feedback to help inform the development of Official Plan policies related to these topics.
The following questions are to be read in conjunction with the Discussion Papers and can be found under the “Questions for your Input” section of each Discussion Paper. The Discussion Papers are available on the Township’s website (
Please submit your responses to the Township by January 31, 2018by email () or mail (Attn: Elaine Mallory, 1233 Prince Street, P.O. Box 280, Lansdowne, ON, K0E 1L0).
Economic Development
- What can the Township do to further attract economic investment in the area?
- Where should rural industrial uses be located? Should certain lands be designated? If so, where?
- How can the Township further promote tourism in the area?
- What specific services or infrastructure are needed to support tourists?
- What types of agri-tourism and eco-tourism do you see succeeding in the Township?
- How can the Township support the success and growth of local businesses?
- Should new commercial uses be permitted south of Highway 401?
- What types of commercial uses (i.e. retail, office, etc.) should the Township encourage? Where?
- Should design guidelines be considered for commercial development?
- Are there any other issues that are important to you that we have missed?
Community Improvement Plan
- What specific areas within the villages should the CIP target?
- What shouldthe objectives of the CIP be?
- What financial incentive programs would be most effective in achieving the CIP objectives?
- How should the Township engage local business owners in the process of developing a CIP?
- Would you be willing to have a minor tax increase to support CIP grants and loans
(e.g. 1% tax increase = $3.75 on $100,000 assessed value)?
- Are there any other issues that are important to you that we have missed?
- Should smaller housing types be located in the villages? In the rural area? On waterfront properties? Throughout the Township?
- Is a maximum height of four (4) storeys reasonable in the villages? Is there a preferred size of multi-unit residential dwellings? (e.g. Up to eight (8) units? Up to 25 units?)
- What is considered a reasonable maximum height for multi-unit residential dwellings along the waterfront?
- Should increased density be allowed in villages on alternative servicing systems subject to appropriate responsibility agreements?
- What services / infrastructure are needed to support smaller housing options?
- Are there any other issues that are important to you that we have missed?
Growth Management and Settlement Area Development
A Discussion Paper on this topic is still in the process of being developed, in conjunction with the Growth Management and Vacant Land Analysis for the Township’s settlement areas (i.e. villages). The analysis will be presented at the Public Open House on February 20, 2018.
Preliminary findings show that the existing supply of vacant lands within the settlement areas is sufficient to accommodate the projected population and employment growth to the year 2031. There is also ample supply of vacant lots within the rural area.
- Development trends over the last 10 years show the majority of new development in the Township occurring in the rural area. How should the Township encourage new development to be focused in the settlement areas, in keeping with the policies of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Official Plan?
- Ivy Lea only has one vacant lot with development potential. Should Ivy Lea be considered a settlement area, or more of a residential / commercial node?
Rural Residential Development
Rural Character
- Should the Township maintain existing lot area requirements, but add a 60 metre minimum frontage?
- How should strip development (not permitted) be defined? Could it be described as 4 or more lots within 300 metres?
- Could the Township’s rural character be defined as less than 5 lots per kilometre?
- Should the Township consider limiting new lots within 300 metres of existing strip development?
Surplus of Undeveloped Lots
- Should the Township reduce the maximum number of consents from 2 to 1 per lot?
- If there are more vacant lots than are needed for future development, should consents continue to be permitted?
Cluster Development
- How should the Township define residential cluster development? Should there be minimum density requirements? Should there be a maximum number of lots?
- Where should residential cluster development be located?
- Should the Township permit alternative servicing systems, subject to appropriate responsibility agreements?
Natural Environment
- Are there any natural heritage issues that are important to you and you would like to see addressed?
Waterfront Development
- What elements of waterfront development should waterfront design guidelines address (e.g. dwelling size, architectural style, building materials, accessory structures, native landscaping materials)?
- Should there be enhanced architectural guidelines for development that does not comply with setbacks (i.e. should legally non-complying lots be subject to additional architectural requirements if a landowner wants to build an addition/renovate)?
- For redevelopment, when would exceptions to the 30 m setback be acceptable? (e.g. limited square footage increase, or if moving dwelling further away from the water would cause a worse environmental impact)
- Currently redevelopment can include additional storeys (to a maximum of 12 m) and 1/3 additions on non-complying dwellings.Is this appropriate?Should there be a height maximum? Should lot size be considered?
- Should the Township require environmental improvements to offset the impacts of redevelopment applications?
- How much of the shoreline should be landscaped (e.g. 20% linear maximum with the rest to be naturalized, or should it be a sliding scale so that lots with less frontage can have a higher percentage)?
- Where should public access to water be located and what should it include (e.g. parks / picnic areas, docks, boat launches, trails)?
- Should new floating dwellings continue to be permitted in Ivy Lea and elsewhere, or not at all?
- What should boathouse guidelines include?
Preliminary Vision Statements
- When you think ahead to the year 2031, do these statements reflect your visions for the Township and your community?
- Are there any words you would change to paint a clearer vision for the Township and its communities?
- Is there anything important missing? Do you have any other comments?
Additional Comments:
Thank you! Please submit your responses to the Township by January 31, 2018.
By email:
By mail: Attn: Elaine Mallory, 1233 Prince Street, P.O. Box 280, Lansdowne, ON, K0E 1L0