Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting July 19, 2017
Lansdowne Borough Council
General Meeting
July 19,2017
The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday,July 19, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.
Council members present: President Schleigh, Ms. Byrne,Ms. English, Mr. Radich and Ms. Williams. Absent:Mr. Aubrey,Ms. Jamesand the Fire Company representative. Also present: Mayor Campuzano, Borough Manager Totaro, Borough Secretary Henry, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Donegan.
The televised meeting will be aired at 7:00 p.m. the following Monday on RCN channel 52, Comcast channel 5 and Verizon channel 44.
Mayor Campuzano led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor asked for a moment of silence in memory of long time Lansdowne resident George Becker. Mr. Becker was a veteran, model train enthusiast and involved with the Boy Scouts.
Approval of agenda: Ms. English moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Approval of Minutes: Ms. English moved to approve the minutes of theJune 28, 2017
General Meeting of Council. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Announcements and Presentations: The Mayor had no announcements or presentations.
Treasurer’s Report -Mr. Totaropresented the Treasurer’s report ended June 30, 2017.
General Fund: beginning balance $675,523; ending balance $3,309,142.
Sewer Fund: beginning balance $1,036,805; ending balance $1,701,864.
Liquid Fuels: beginning balance $646,299; ending balance $891,708.
Non-uniformed Pension: beginning balance $2,959,093; ending balance $3,079,971.
Police Pension: beginning balance $8,378,827; ending balance $8,790,973.
Mr. Radich noted that the 7.5% target in the Police Pension Fund had been reached in six months.
Solicitor’s Report - Mr. Scott had no formal report.
Mayor’s Report -The Mayor recognized all the full and part time crossing guards who collectively served 26 years for part time and 67 years for full time. The Mayor read calendar items as follows:
1.5K run and walk - Senior Services Center fundraiser - 8:30-9:30 a.m.
2.National Night Out - August 1, 6:00 p.m. in Highland Avenue lot.
3.Fall newsletter - article deadline is August 4. Newsletter will be mailed September 1.
4.October 28 (tentative) - Kids Halloween Party, 1-3 p.m.
6.Paper, shredding and electronics event - October 14, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in Highland Avenue lot.
7.Town Forum - October 12, 7-9 p.m. at 20 Century Club. Discussion topics will focus on public safety and economic development with an open forum for questions and answers.
The Mayor reported that from May of last year to May of this year there were no major accidents at the blinking stop sign on Marshall Road. There had been up to 16 accidents a year on average in prior years. The Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra asked if the Borough would want to be a sponsor for their upcoming season by taking a full page adin their program booklet.
MOTION: Ms. Byrne moved to pledge $150 for a full page ad in the LSO program booklet. Ms. Williams seconded. Vote: unanimous.
The Mayor noted that a painted rocks box has been installed in Borough Hall by American Legion Post 65 as part of the "Delaware County Rocks" program. Interested residents can paint a short message in support of our troops on the rocks, which will then be put into care packages for overseas troops. The Mayor thanked the UAA for their hard work in making the July 4 festivities a success, noting that this year the UAA is "in the black" financially. The Mayor recognized the Lansdowne Allied Youth Council for their 70 years of working with Borough youth. The Mayor congratulated Councilwoman Williams for the recent newspaper article about the Lansdowne Landing. The Mayor reminded residents to check in on seniors and pets during the current heat wave.
President’s Report -President Schleigh thanked Borough Council members for attending the added Council meeting last week due to the cancellation of the regularly schedule general meeting for lack of a quorum. Councilwoman James will be notifying Borough Council in about a month when she will return from medical leave. President Schleigh commented that he and Mayor Campuzano have reached out the Councilman Aubrey several times about attending future meetings but have received no communication in this regard. President Schleigh stated that "if unwilling or unable to continue to serve this Borough, he should consider submitting his resignation in writing" so that the work of Borough Council can continue.
Committee Reports:
Infrastructure Committee - Ms. English reported the committee did not yet meet this month.
Public Health and Safety- Ms. English reported that the committee met on July 12. Topics of discussion included finalizing National Night Out events, resolving many resident issues, talking with Mr. Kemp of the Senior Services Center regarding their upcoming fundraiser and wrapping up the process for the hire of a part time police officer.
Finance and Administration - Mr. Radich reported thatthe next Finance Committee meeting will be held on August 7, noting that Craig had already given a comprehensive report.
Economic Development and Code Enforcement -Ms. Williams reported the committee met on July 6. The next meeting is scheduled for August 9. Several topics were discussed:
1.Reviewing the permitting and licensing process for taxpayers who are delinquent with their school taxes.
2.Restricting some types of first floor storefront businesses in the downtown business district and giving incentives for types of acceptable businesses. This will be further discussed in the Comprehensive Plan phase for next year.
3.Reviewing ways to facilitate the permit approval process with the Historic Architecture Review Board ("HARB"). Current procedures take about three months for approval. HARB chair Gene Wayne is willing to change the scheduled HARB meetings from the third Thursday to the fourth Thursday of the month. Borough Council members were all in agreement with the proposed process. Mr. Scott commented it is a good idea to have a Council member present to familiarize themselves with HARB recommendations before presenting them to Borough Council for Certificates of Appropriateness.
4.Arts Board - Met on June 29. Newly appointed member Catharine Karsten asked if the Borough ever considered purchasing a piece from each art show held at 2020 House. Jodi Throckmorton will jury a new show there in early August. Lansdowne resident Lea Jackson has proposed establishing a writing program at 2020 House. A new show entitled "Lansdowne Women in Arts" is scheduled for March of 2018. The Arts Board will be creating a Facebook community of Lansdowne artists. The next Arts Board meeting will be on August 9.
5.Lansdowne Landing - Planning committee met on July 10 and was told that if holding events, they have to come before Borough Council and get permits. The LEDC will pay up to $372 for electricity at the Landing. "Slippery when wet" signs will be posted around the mural; three trees are planned for the back area; rain barrels installed; vining for shading has been put on the trellis; lights are on order; currently looking for 55 gallon drums for the light posts. The Programming Committee will be holding regular pot luck dinners for now - next dinner will be held on July 29. Ms. Williams gave some averages/statistics: 207 people visited between 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.; total parking spaces of 93, 16 cars on average use the lot, 16 spaces used for the mural and 67% of lot continues to be available for parking; light to moderate usage of the Landing; sales increases realized at Farmers Market; the Landing has been written up in the Delco Times and received great response from the Greater Philadelphia Classic Towns organization. Yeadon Borough wants to do something similar and Narberth has also expressed interest. The National Association of Realtors gave a $4,000 grant for the Landing.
6.LEDC Board Meeting - Plans are to have a creative space in the old Noel Schmidt building for a show to run July 31 to August 6.
Community Relations Committee- Ms. Byrne reported the Inside/Out program will be held on September 10 and now 11 pieces will be placed in various locations with two at the Veterans Park. Ms. Byrne is working with the school district regarding a Battle of the Bands event for the Borough's 125th anniversary. The next Committee meeting will be held on July 25, 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall.
Library Liaison report: The Library Board is holding its second round of interviews for the new Library Director.
Public Comment: Ms. Williams moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comment. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
1.Gillian Marshall - 143 Bryn Mawr Avenue. Ms. Marshall commented that she owns the property and one of its selling points was the natural habitat of Reservoir Park. Ms. Marshall spent about a year removing invasive growth on her property and replacing with native plants, etc. On June 15 the street lights were replaced with new klieg lighting and her property is now flooded with the light that has destroyed her quality of life because the wildlife no longer resides there. The neighbors are upset as well and Ms. Marshall asked if other options could be considered. She suggested that hoods could be fitted to shine the light downward with a narrower focus. Ms. English will talk with her and commented this was the first complaint she had received about the new lighting.
2.James Jackson - resident. Mr. Jackson questioned some of the action items from last month's meetings. President Schleigh commented that after the minutes are approved and posted to the web site, Mr. Jackson would be able to see more detail regarding the redistricting issue, the PA school funding litigation (dropped because the school passed the budget), special licensing permit (for the Lansdowne Theater's fundraiser) and the William Penn School District resolution (dropped because the tax levy was dropped by the School District).
Ms. English moved to Resume Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. Byrne seconded. Vote: unanimous.
Communications - No items.
Old Business:
1.Fair Housing - President Schleigh revisited the Wells Fargo issue brought up at last month's meeting regarding the financial harm caused by discriminatory/predatory lending practices and whether the Borough should pursue any action. Ms. Williams asked if the Comprehensive Plan would tackle that issue. President Schleigh noted that this Plan does not deal with litigation matters. Mr. Radich felt that the focus would be to raise awareness of foreclosed properties in the Borough instead of fostering sound economic development practices and was against the idea. After a brief discussion, Borough Council members expressed no appetite in pursuing the matter.
New Business:
1.Automation of Park Permits - Ms. Williams reported that Jennifer Hoff has offered to develop a "smart form" online that would allow residents to pay the permits electronically and give the Borough useful data on park usage. Mr. Scott asked if the permit application currently requires a fee. Ms. Williams said "yes". There is currently the capability to pay by credit card at Borough Hall and can be changed to include web based online payments. President Schleigh asked who gets the data generated by the program. Ms. Williams commented it is the Borough. Mr. Radich asked if a privacy statement would be necessary. Ms. Williams noted the only personal information about the applicant is the name and e-mail address. Mr. Radich noted that banks are required to disclose what they do with private information. The Mayor asked if those without computers could still pay for the permits by mail. Ms. Williams said they could.
MOTION: Ms. Williams moved to accept the donation of online permit processing design and applications from Jennifer Hoff on behalf of the Borough for park permits. Ms. Byrne seconded. The vote carried with a voice vote. Mr. Radich voted "nay".
Action Items:
1.Mr. Radich moved to approve bills for the period. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
2.Ms. Williams moved to advertise Ordinance 1308 regarding multi-family buildings. Ms. English seconded. Vote: unanimous.
3.Mr. Schleigh moved to approve revised artist agreement. Ms. English s seconded. Vote: unanimous
Executive Session - No items for Executive Session.
Adjourn – Ms. Byrne moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Williamsseconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:15p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ann Henry
Borough Secretary
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