Methods in Teaching Agriculture
(College Teaching)
Spring Quarter, 2012
Dr. Jamie Cano
212 Ag Admin Bldg
2120 Fyffe Road
(614) 292-6321 (office)
(614) 777-8748 (home)
Dr. Linda Martin
100 Ag Admin Bldg
2120 Fyffe Road
(614) 688-5612 (Office)
(614) 302-5235 (Cell)
Both instructors are available for appointments on an as-needed basis. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cano, contact Trina at 292-6909, or go by Room 208, Agricultural Administration Building. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Martin, contact Carol at 688-5612, or go by Room 100, Agricultural Administration Building.
The purpose of this course is to become aware of the theories, principles, and procedures associated with effective teaching in post-secondary classrooms. The specific objectives of the course are to:
1. Identify and apply psychological principles of teaching and learning
2. Promote learning at the high levels of cognition
3. Apply the basic tenants of learner-centered instruction
4. Use active learning strategies in the delivery of instruction
5. Develop a syllabus for a given post-secondary course.
Any student with a documented disability who may require special accommodations should self identify to the instructor as early in the quarter as possible to receive effective and timely accommodations.
If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact the instructor to arrange an appointment as soon as possible. At the appointment, the instructor and the student, can discuss the course format, anticipate your needs, and explore the potential accommodations. The instructor will rely on the Office of Disability Services for assistance in verifying the need for accommodations and developing accommodation strategies. If the student has not previously contacted the Office for Disability Services, the student is encouraged to do so.
Academic misconduct of any kind will not be tolerated or permitted. If students have questions about what activities constitute academic misconduct they should consult Faculty Rule 3335-23-04. The procedures that will be followed should suspected academic misconduct occur will follow Faculty Rule 3335-23-05.
All assignments and examinations must be done by individual efforts. It must be clear to the student that it is expected that the student must complete each assignment by herself or himself. Furthermore, it is not recommended that you share your resources if it can be construed to be academic misconduct.
Methods in Teaching Agriculture
(College Teaching)
Spring Quarter, 2012
Date / Lecture Topic / Readings / Assignment DueMar 26 / Overview of Course (Cano & Martin)
Principles of Teaching and Learning (Cano) / Handouts provided
Apr 2 / Rosenshine and Furst Variables (Cano)
Writing Instructional Objectives (Cano & Martin) / Handouts provided / One page paper on one R&F Variable
Apr 9 / Developing a Course / McKeachie, Chp 2
Apr 16 / Using Student-Centered Learning
Active Learning Strategies / Development of a Course Syllabus
Apr 23 / Gaining and Maintaining Student Interest
Apr 30 / Promoting Learning at the Higher Levels of Cognition (Newcomb) / One page paper on use of cognition in practice
May 7 / Teaching and Learning Styles (Cano) / Handouts provided
May 7 / Teaching Towards Cultural Competency (Whittington)
May 14 / The Scholarship of Teaching (Martin) / Handouts provided
May 28 / Memorial Day – No Class
Jun 4 / One page paper on your Vision Statement
Deliver electronically by this date to Dr. Cano
Methods in Teaching Agriculture
(College Teaching)
Spring Quarter, 2012
- One page paper (maximum) on one Rosenshine and Furst Variable (15% of final grade) (Due April 2, 2012 by the end of class)
- Use 12 point font, 1 inch margins all around, single spaced
- Provide a synthesis of research based articles you found related to ONE Rosenshine and Furst Variable
- Do not include personal opinion, only research based facts
- Must provide a “References Cited” separate page (not counted against the one page maximum)
- Your paper will be used as part of the class discussion on April 2, 2012
2.Course Syllabus (30% of final grade) (Due April 16, 2012 by end of class)
- All pertinent information needed by any student to contact the instructor
- Purpose and objectives for the course
- Any university required notices
- Course calendar
- Assignments and weights
- Any necessary course information needed by the student (textbooks, websites, lab manuals, etc.)
- Reference list of suggested additional resources
- One page paper (maximum) on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Education Objectives (15% of final grade) (Due April 30, 2012 by the end of class)
- Use 12 point font, 1 inch margins all around, single spaced
- Provide a synthesis of articles you found related to Bloom’s Taxonomy being used in a classroom setting
- May include personal opinion and research based facts
- Must provide a “References Cited” separate page (not counted against the one page maximum)
- Your paper will be used as part of the class discussion on April 30, 2012
4.Vision Statement (30% of final grade) (Due June 4, 2012, by 4:00 PM;; to be submitted electronically)
Create a vision statement for the kind of teacher you aspire to become. You are to select and interview three to five post-secondary teachers whom you consider to be outstanding (can be from outside of Ohio State). As a minimum, discuss each of the following questions identified below with those you interview. Provide the interviewee a copy of all questions you want them to answer prior to the interview.
- What are some of the practices you use in teaching that you would encoursage others to use?
- If you could start over as a post-secondary teacher, what are some things you would not try again? What are some that you wish you had adopted sooner?
- What are the best lessons you have learned as a post-secondary teacher that you think would merit my careful thought?
- What do you find most rewarding about teaching in the post-secondary environment?
- What is your guiding philosophy as you prepare for and enter the classroom as a teacher?
- What advice do you have for me as I begin my career as a post-secondary teacher?
The course will be graded S/U. Class attendance and participation is expected. There are a number of assignments for this course. Each assignment will be graded S/U and weighted accordingly. In order to receive an “S”, you must attend class regularly, participate as possible, and achieve a mark of “S” on all assignments. Additionally, in order to receive an “S”, you must complete each assignment by the due date and at nothing less than “average” work for a graduate student.
Attendance is expected at all scheduled class sessions. Please contact the instructors before class if you are unable to attend a session. NO ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DUE DATE.
Methods in Teaching Agriculture
(College Teaching)
Spring Quarter, 2012
McKeachie, W. J. (2011). McKeachie’s Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers (13th Edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
The course website is located at:
Be advised that the course website provides only minimal information. All power point slides from class will be posted on the website.