Introduction of the STME Service Portal
You can read this document in two ways; going from picture to picture or read the text and use the pictures as illustrations.
Login page
The easy link to the ST service portal is
This page presents you with a Welcome screen and a link to request a password two links on the page open up a new window to request a password.
The next screenshot will show you the password reset (request) screen that will pop up when you use the links marked above in red. The screen will open up in a smaller new window it will have some instructions and a field called User-ID in which you can put your full email address or SMTP usually this is in the format but use whateveryour format is.
Clicking the Forgot Password Link (under theSign in button)will bring up the “Forgot Password” dialogue. Please fill in your email address and the Text verification field and click the “Send New Password” button.
Hereby an example of a mail with a new password, this is a system generated password which is difficult to remember. In the portal there is the possibility to change your password which is recommended
Home Screen
After successful login youget to the Home Screen:
The Home Screen provides you with features to
-Inform yourself about Alerts and Outages
-Submit new and view existing incident tickets logged by yourself
Alerts and Outages
The outage board: this page contains information of existing known outages.
How to submit an Incident?
Click the “Submit Incident” link on the sidebar.
Via this view you have the ability to log an incident by yourself this incident will automatically be submitted to the Service Desk.
There are 2 Fields to be filled out:
-Incident Summary: A brief description of your incident. This field is limited to 100 characters.
-Incident Details: This field should contain all incident information as detailed as possible.
Ticket Status
The Ticket Status Tab is used to query existing incidents. The query will return only those incidents that are open on your name.
The ticket status field contains the following information about your tickets:
-Ticket # (number)
-Ticket Type
-Ticket Status
-The Incident Description