Minutes of MCMC Partnership Meeting
9.30 am – 11.30 am Tuesday 6th September 2011
Bruce Room, Old Viewforth
Present:Chris Martin, CYP; Jenni Barr, Stirling Council; Charlotte Anderson, SC EPS ; Angela Bingham, Apex Scotland; Liz McCafferty, Job Centre Plus; Des Friel, Stirling Council; Marie McGrath, Stirling Council; Clare Fisher, Stirling Council; Carol Davie, NHS; Tracy Degan, Barnardos; Rosa Huczynska, Stirling Council; Toni Kelly, SDS; Val Ormiston, SDS; Lesley Gallagher, Stirling Council; Helen Winton, Stirling Council
Minuted By:Lorraine Love (Youth Services)
Apologies:Stephen McPherson, SEBN Service; Nicole DeBrincat, Raploch URC; David Murray, Psychological Services; Mairi Duncan, Psychological Services; Lynne MacInnes, Youth Service
- Welcome and introductions
Des opened the meeting and welcomed the partners.
- Minutes of previous meeting & Matters Arising
Previous minutes were accepted with changes.
Des noted that he still has to meet with Graham Hollowell from the Scottish Government. Des will e-mail results of Graham’s report when complete.
3.Sub Group Reports
Toni confirmed that the SLDR follow up is taking place and is due to end 30 September. This will be following up on the destinations of young people who left school December 2010 and Summer 2011.
Toni updated the meeting on the SLDR Sub Group and advised that nearly all planned action points are complete.
Toni did a presentation on “My World of Work”. This is a new online web service from SDS. Young people can use the web site to identify their strengths and skills, suitable job roles and produce their CV.
The presentation included:
- My DNA. This is where the young person fills in an on-line questionnaire and the results are analysed and show the strengths and preferred learning styles for that particular young person.
- Careers A-Z. This shows vacancies available for different careers and lists the qualifications, qualities etc required for the different areas of work.
- Job Search. This is Job Centre related and includes vacancies available for young people to consider.
- My CV. This is a CV builder that provides help and advice on what to include on a CV for today’s job market.
The number of hits on these pages can be tracked and it is hoped that reporting by geographical area will be possible.
There are also various ways of communication with SDS either; face-to-face, by telephone, through the Communication Centre and via the web.
The link for the above is:
Action Plan/MCMC Review
Rosa went over the Action Plan previously circulated to partners in order that they had another opportunity to add comments/suggestions where they felt appropriate. Rosa agreed to update the Action Plan and issue to partners by 16/09/11 for their final comments and approval.
Des confirmed that the Action Plan will be in place until the end of next year – approx 18 months and agreed that, as much as possible, targets should be met without the use of sub groups due to time constraints on individuals at present.
Young Working Lives
Marie reported that interviews for the 2nd intake of the Young Working Lives programme will take place on 14th September. The Induction will take place on 15th - 20th September and the young people will go into placement for the next three weeks. Marie advised that 11 out of 13 young people from the first intake had moved to employment. A Flexible Support Grant application is being made to support additional intakes.
Information Station
The lease on the old Information Station in the Crawford Arcade, King Street, ends in September. Initially there will be a reduced service for young people whilst the transition into the new Information Station, based in the Library Basement, Back Walk, takes place. This new Information Station will be available for all partners to utilise.
Carol Davie from NHS has volunteered to help train volunteers in the Information Station.
The main contact for the Information Station is Susan Smith from Youth Services. It is expected that this will be an excellent resource within the Stirling Council area providing information, guidance and advice to young people and all partners are encouraged to make use of this new facility when it opens in September/October.
5Partner Update
Carol Davie, from NHS, is working on the health needs and barriers faced by 16-25 year olds within the Stirling Council area, a full report of her work will be presented to all partners at the next meeting.
Job Centre Plus
Liz advised that Job Centre Plus is encouraging people to make claims via the website, particularly if they live in a rural area however, the main priority is to get people off the register and in to employment.
Skills Development Scotland
SDS is continuing to work with Job Centre Plus dealing with young people who are suffering severe hardship. This is working well and is an excellent example of good partnership working between the two organisations.
6.Mainstreaming Discussion
Deferred until October 2011 to allow time to collect all relevant information
Nothing to note.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 18th October 2011 at 9.30 a.m. in the Wallace Room, Old Viewforth.
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