Ty'n-y-Groes Residents Association.

Minutes of the Eighth Annual General Meeting Held on May 13th 2015 at 7pm at the

RowenYoung Farmers Club Hall.


Committee: Jim Dewey - Chair

Chris Wilde - Vice Chair/ Treasurer

Sally Wilde - Secretary

Jeanie Coley and Garrath Coley

And 15 Residents and Mr. Peter McFadden (speaker)

An interesting talk was given by Peter on "Bee Keeping in Ty'n-y-Groes", we all enjoyed this amusing and informative look into the world of bees. Chris thanked Peter on behalf of all.

The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for their attendance at this AGM.

1) Apologies Were received from Shirley Cantello, Angie Mills and Neville Darlington from the Committee.

Residents : Dr. and Mrs. Evans,Colin and Delyth Jones.

Cllr.Goronwy Edwards

2) Minutes of the 7th AGM held on 21st May 2014.

Approved by Chris Wilde and seconded by Dennis Pugh.

No matters arising.

3) Chair's Report.

After thanking Peter for his talk, the Chair thanked all present for their attendance. He said how important their support was to the committee and without it we would not be able to continue.

Jim then congratulated Judy Irish on all her hard work for our busy and well received Web Site. Judy will be stepping down in December and will be sorely missed. We are now actively looking for a replacement.

Jim then wanted to thank Dr. Evans for all his passed assistance to the Association and to wish him a long and healthy retirement.

The Chair continued by saying that he had been in contact with the Fun Day Committee to congratulate them on their success and said rain or shine the Fun Day was always a great day out. He hoped that there could be closer contact between the two groups. Our aims are similar, to look after the Residents welfare and provide some entertainment.

Jim mentioned the Vestry problem and said he hoped that the village as a whole could help to keep this building active. It was good to see the attendance at the two recent open services. Jim thanked Angie for her hard work acting as a liaison between all the village groups and organising the services.

Jim stressed that it was important for the committee to keep moving forward and keep finding new projects. Many of our recent projects appear to be concluding so we are free to find new fields.

Jim thanked Justin at the Groes Inn for giving us a committee home, Shirley for all the hard work on the road and web site, Jeanie for the new flag and the committee as a whole.

After a round of applause the Chair asked for the meeting to continue.

4) Treasurer's Report.

Chris reported that we are still in credit. The bank balance stands at £381.60 and petty cash at £31.66. Chris's audited accounts are included.

Jim thanked Chris for keeping us in the black. Acceptance of the report was proposed by Dennis Pugh and seconded by Jeanie.

5) Election of Committee.

The Chair announced that he was stepping back from the Chair and that Jeanie had been nominated by Chris to take his place. Jeanie was duly nominated and elected.

Vice Chair: Jim put himself forward for this position. Chris has also requested to remain in post. Both gentlemen were asked to reconsider. Jim stated that as Chris was Vice and Treasurer he and Chris could share the roles. Chris stated that he wished to remain as is. This being so the secretary asked them to leave the hall. A vote by show of hands voted in Chris unanimously.

Chris was duly elected.

The rest of the committee were elected and will be joined by Linda Skuse. Paula Bingham has volunteered to help when she can.

6) A few brief notices, Open Gardens will be in late July this year.

Our guests were asked to bring us their ideas, problems and thoughts whenever they wished, we need their feedback.

7) The Chair, Jeanie, closed the meeting at 8.30pm
