Our ref:HN Marketing and APR update 2015/MS

22 September 2018

SQA Co-ordinators, HN Marketing and APR Approved Centres

(cc HNMarketing and APR EVs)

Contact Name:Elaine Snell/Margo Sykes

Direct Line: 0345 213 5440/5438


Dear SQA Co-ordinator

HN awards in Marketing and Advertising and PR – Update letter

This letter includesrecentkey developments and updates regarding theabove HN Group Awards.

Updated and revised HN Marketing, Advertising and PR Units

Over the last year we have been refreshing, and where required, producing new Units to ensure that the awards continue to prepare learners for progression to employment, Higher Education etc.

A range of Units (16) required only very minor amendments so Unit codes remained unchanged with summary of amendments noted in history of changes.

Two Units required more substantial updating which has resulted in a change of Unit code, ie:

International Marketing: An Introduction. New code H8PD34

Contribute to the Organisation of a Promotional Activity. New code H8PE34

Six Units are currently being rewritten and we hope to have these validated in autumn 2015. These are:

PR: Principles and Practices FK8N34

PR: Strategic Analysis, Planning and Application FM1035

Advertising Media sales FK8H34

Advertising: Research Techniques for Media Sales DV7135

Principles of Promotion DV8V34

Marketing: Brand Management DV8M35

We will inform you when these revised Unit specifications are available to download from the SQA website.

New Assessment Support Pack (ASP) for Marketing: An Introduction F7BX34

Due to a security breach, SQA had to withdraw the ASP for the above Unit. We have produced a new ASP, with a different case study (Clare’s Chocolates). This ASP is now available on the Advertising, PR and Marketing page of the secure website (as Exemplar 1; publication code F7BX34/ASP001). SQA co-ordinator in your centre will be able to access this ASP for you at the following link:

Review of HN Marketing and HN Advertising and PR frameworks

Given the significant changes in the Marketing, Advertising and PR sectors, eg the significant impact of digital marketing, expansion of digital technologies and tools, use of social media etc, it has been agreed to undertake a formal review of these HN frameworks - with a proposed introduction date of August 2017.

Under new pilot arrangements, a scoping exercise is now underway - with stage 1 focusing on consultation with employers/industry. Based on the findings from this initial stage, then stage 2 will focus on consultation with centres.

A Qualifications Design Team (QDT) will be established in autumn 2015, consisting of current centres and other relevant stakeholders. If your centre is offering, or would intend to offer either of these frameworks in the near future, please contact Margo Sykes or Elaine Snell if you wish more information on being involved in this QDT.

HN Advertising, PR and Marketing webpage

We are increasingly using the HN Advertising, PR and Marketing webpage to provide updated information and developments, so please save this as one of your favouritesusing the following link:

If you would like any further information on the points included in this update letter, please contact me or Elaine.

Yours sincerely,

Margo Sykes

Qualifications Officer