Minutes of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on Saturday 12th June2010 at 10.30am at Michelham Priory, Upper Dicker, Hailsham, East Sussex.

Present: Mr R Akhurst, Mrs J Akhurst, Dr S P Berry, Mrs M Beswick,Dr C E Brent, Mr C Braybrooke, Mrs D Braybrooke, Mrs J Clarke, Mrs P Combes, Ms S Daly, Prof PL Drewett, Mrs L Drewett, Mrs V A Edwards, Miss E E Evans, Mr G Evans, Mrs C Evans, Mrs E M Gardiner, Ms L Hains, Mrs S Harcourt-Smith, Miss CA Hazelden, Dr A R Hewerdine, Miss C Hewerdine, Dr M Holmes, Mrs B M Hopkins, Mr J Houghton, Mrs E Houghton, Mr M F Hughes, Mrs E Hughes, Mrs J Jordan, Mr D Lea, Prof G J Leigh, Mr P McLoughlin, Prof R R Milner-Gulland, Mr G Mingard, Ms W Muriel, Mr R Neal, Mrs S Neal, Mrs A Oswald, Dr J V Pennington, Mr F P Plachy, Mr D Richardson, Mr D Roberts, Mr D Rudling, Mr P Sangster, Mrs A Sharp, Mrs C Shirley, Prof B M Short, Mrs H Sinden, Mr W A Smyth , Mr D S Tait, Mr R Q Tapper, Mrs M Thorburn, Mr M Turrell, Dr M Vickers, Mrs J Vokins, Mr J H Vokins, Mr C G Watson, Mr J Watson, Mr W L Weller, Mrs C R Wells, Mr R A Whistler, Mr T Williamson, Miss A J Winser.

Apologies: Mr I Askew, Miss A Knowles, Mrs P Vickers, Mr P Vos, Mrs S Vos, Mrs R Watson, S Hanna, M Morley, V Blandford

In attendance: John Manley - CEO, Lorna Gartside - Membership Secretary, Ruth Dawson - Marketing and Admin Officer, Mark Filsell Knill James

Professor Peter Drewett, President of the Society, took the chair and welcomed those attending to the 164th AGM of the Society. He also welcomed the incoming CEO, Tristan Bareham, to the Society, and thanked the Trustees for their work in selecting and interviewing the candidates for the post. Tristan will be taking up post officially from 4th October 2010.

Professor Drewett then invited Tristan Bareham to address the meeting. Tristan spoke about his pleasure at being offered this key post in the heritage sector in Sussex, and said that he looks forward to working with everyone.

A record has been included of questions and answers given by those who gave their names as requested at the beginning of the AGM.


Mrs S Vos had been incorrectly recorded as present. There being no other specific amendments, the Minutes were signed as a correct record of the Meeting.


Peter Sangster, as Chair of the Council, presented the highlights from the 2009 Financial Statements and then took questions.

Michael Vickers said that he was pleased with the new format of the report. He expressed concern that if the Society continues to call upon its reserves as it has been doing, these will be totally depleted within the next three to four years. He asked Peter to elaborate on the situation.

Peter Sangster replied that the Trustees believe a corner has been turned and that the Society is on the road to recovery. These savings have been brought about by cuts in costs rather than an increase in income.


Julia Jordan, as Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee, presented the Financial Statement.

Julia Jordan spoke briefly to the accounts, and explained that 2009 has been a difficult year but that 2010 was looking more positive as expenditure has been cut and we are now beginning to see the benefits. She reported that the Auditors have reviewed the costs, and are happy to recommend the report. She introduced Mark Filsellfrom the Auditors, Knill James, who was in attendance at the meeting.

Michael Vickers raised a query about research expenditure (£200,000) and was referred to note 6, page 16 of the accounts, which states that research staff costs cover the Research Officer, Museums Officer and Membership Officer.


Professor Brian Short, Chair of the Research and Museums Committee

Prof Short summed up the activities of the Society during 2009 as follows. The Society’s multidisciplinary Bishopstone Tidemills project, begun in 2006, continued successfully with fieldwork from May to November through 2009-10. It continues to involve the Society with outside bodies such as local people, University of Sussex students, English Heritage and the Sussex Probation Service.

Luke Barber, the Research Officer,continues to combine many roles within the Society together with his externally-funded work (much of it concerned with pottery and stone identification).As Editor of SAC, he produced volume 147 which appeared on time in 2009. He has been ably assisted by the SAC editorial board, and Brian thanked them for their continuing high standard of professional care. The summary round-ups of archaeological research, that Luke takes from the Sussex Archaeology Forum meetings and makes available on the Society’s website, offers a rich insight into the extensive activities within Sussex.

The Margary Grants were once more awarded at the Research meeting of 15 February 2010, to nine applicants this year, with awards totalling just under £6,000. The grants include contributions to 2 environmental archaeology investigations (at Barcombe Roman Villa and Varley Halls); work on the mosaics at Fishbourne; excavation reports from a post-medieval cottage at Eartham, a community project at Newick Primary School, and the old excavations of Romano-British iron industrial site at Bardown; the analysis of tesserae at Southwick Roman Villa; C14 dating assistance for Burnt Mound deposits at Walderton; and assisting with the completion of archaeological survey work at Danny House, Hurstpierpoint.

Emma O’Connor, Museums Officer, has played a key role in the HLF project on LewesCastle and Barbican House, which has been concluded to great satisfaction, and she has been able to turn more recently to the very important issue of Museum Accreditation for the Society’s properties. Her role as secretary to the Research Committee is also appreciated.

The Library, containing by far the most important collection of literature on the history and archaeology of Sussex anywhere in the UK, has progressed with work to provide online catalogue information on its resources, thanks to an anonymous donation. The dedication of Esme Evans and her team of library volunteers again ensures a professional approach to this most important collection.

The Committee now oversees a Heritage Working Party, following a review undertaken of the Society’s museum collections in August 2009 by Leslie Weller, which will recommend the possible disposal of unwanted equipment or irrelevant furniture and other collection items in our properties.

The Committee, largely due to the enthusiasm of Robin Milner-Gulland, is actively investigating the possibility of the Society producing a series of booklets on the history and archaeology of the South Downswhich it is hoped will be made available in conjunction with the new National Park Authority.

Prof Short concluded by thanking all the members of the Research Committee who have given of their time during the past year, and on its behalf he thanked John Manley for his guidance and support during many years.

D Roberts queried the connection between the SussexPast newsgroup and the Society. It was explained that the CEO had set up this yahoo group in 1999, but it has no formal connection with the Society and its moderator is not a member of the Society. Wile there was some concern expressed about the sharing of the name 'Sussex Past', the grup has about 400 members and serves a useful purpose.

At the request of S Berry that access details for the newslgroup be included with the Minutes, they are:

-visit the Society’s website at and go to the Research page.

-Click on the "Join Sussex Past e-list group here” link.

-You can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions that appear at the top of each digest.

-In the event of problems or queries, contact the moderator on . The subject area of your email must contain sussexpast as one word to ensure that he receives the message – any headings that do not contain this will be deleted before reading

David Rudling,Chair of the Membership, Events and Education Committee (ME&E)

David explained that the Committee has oversight of Membership, Events, Newsletter, Education and liaison with ESAMP. The remit for Educational oversight is a new one and will develop throughout the coming year.

He stated that the events put on by the Society in 2009 were successful and made a small profit. It is important to be aware of the need to provide the opportunity for wider participation and public benefit.

In 2009 the Society had 2,449 members, 1770 of which were subscription paying. During the year, the Society has put on 9 talks, 10 walks, 3 site visits, an annual conference attended by 200 people, a half day conference and the Holleyman Lecture.

A survey of members was carried out in 2009. In all 222 members responded (13% of the membership). The full outcomes of the survey were published in the April 2010 edition of Sussex Past and Present, andare also available on line at members net.

D Rudling thanked Lorna Gartside, Membership Secretary, Sarah Hanna and Wendy Muriel as newsletter Editors, Luke Barber, Research Officer and Sue Berry, Trustee for their work during the year.

F Plachy sought clarification on the number of non-paying members, and it was explained that many of these are staff or volunteers, and most of the others are people in a family membership (e.g. children).

Michael Holmes, Chair of the Properties and Tourism Board (PTB)

M Holmes began by saying that SAS is unique amongst County Archaeological Societies in England in owning properties. The Society has a duty to look after them and that recently the Society had received a number of grants enabling us to do this.

Admission and catering represent 50% of the Society's total income and P&TB is reviewing each property one by one. Fishbourne now has a new catering franchisee in place, a new website and an agreement has been finalised with Chichester Council re the use of storage facilities at the Collections Discovery Centre. Works are currently being undertaken at Anne of Cleves House and LewesCastle is considerably improved following the HLF funded works. Michelham Priory continues to present something of a challenge.

M Holmes stated that the Society hopes to build closer working relationships with the Friends' organisations to ensure the future for the properties. He then invited questions.

F Plachy asked that the roof of the Mill at Michelham priory receive attention as a matter of urgency. Michael asked to receive details by e-mail so that P&TB can consider this matter.

D Roberts queried whether we have a legal obligation to maintain the properties. M Holmes replied that they were left to the Society with a variety of legal covenants and that disposing of them would not be easy.

F Plachy asked if the Society had considered hiring out the sites for films. The CEO replied that they had been used on occasion.

M Vickers asked about the possibility of creating a new website for Michelham Priory which he stated should be much better known than it is. He also commented on the state of the Custodian's accommodation at the Priest House. Mike Holmes said that the Priest House is on the list to be reviewed. Michael Vickers commented that the Priest House did best against budget prediction in 2009 compared to the other properties.

H Sinden (who is also a volunteer from Michelham Priory) commented that the number of volunteers at Michelham exceeds paid staff and receive no support from the Society in advertising the property.

M Holmes said that the Society appreciates the efforts of the volunteers.

J Akhurst asked that the Custodian's accommodation at Anne of Cleves be added to the P&TB list.

P Drewett then invited Peter Sangster, Chair of Council, to sum up the Committee reports and the activities of the Society during 2009.

P Sangster began by saying that the Society will be concentrating upon educational activities for schoolchildren to enable the Society to achieve its objectives. He thanked Lyn Gayford, Lewes Education Officer, and the education team for generating a grant of £50,000 from the HLF, for the Battle of Lewes Project. He also stated that legacies and donations are an important factor in sustainability. A grass mower has been purchased, for use at Michelham Priory, with a donation from one individual. This has enabled the Society to save £12,000 in external fees.

P Sangster stated that he felt very confident in the future of the Society and explained that candidates for the CEO post had come from across the country and that many had made remarks about the esteem that the Society is held in nationally.

Thanks were expressed to the staff, volunteers and Friends' groups for their work during the year and the Society hopes to work more closely with them in the future.

He then thanked John Manley for his 16 years service as CEO, wished him enjoyment of his three year Honorary Research Fellowship from the Society, and a happy, healthy and long retirement on behalf of the Trustees and Council.


Peter Drewett asked that the membership accept Knill James of Lewes as auditors for the coming year.

Proposed by Pam Coombes, seconded by Caroline Wells. They were duly appointed without objection.


An increase with effect from 1 January 2011 of £2.50 for individual membership and a pro rata increase for other membership categories was put forward. The motion was proposed by Jeff Leigh and seconded by Sabrina Harcourt- Smith. The motion was passed without objection.

PDrewett, whose term of office had ended, then stood down as President, and P Sangster took over the meeting.


P Sangster explained that P Drewett was willing to stand as President for a second term, and stated that Council recommended this. The meeting passed this unanimously.

P Drewett then resumed control of the meeting and thanked members for their confidence in him.


P Drewett explained that there were up to five vacancies on the Council.

C Wells and J Jordan are both standing down

Marvyn Turrell and Clem Watson are both standing

Richard Akhurst and Brian Short offered themselves for re election.

M Vickers asked that those standing for election say a few words about themselves.

D Roberts posited that there was no need for an election as there were up to five vacancies and four candidates.

P Drewett stated that we have a duty to elect the Council members as laid out in the Memorandum and Articles.

R Akhurst, M Turrell and Cm Watson then introduced themselves to the meeting. B Short had spoken earlier as Research Chair.

The candidates were proposed en bloc by Franz Plachy and seconded by Don Richardson. They were elected unanimously.

9. AOB

There was no other business. Peter Drewett invited Lesley Weller, past President of the Society, to say a few words about John Manley’s time as CEO, to which J Manley replied.

The meeting was then declared closed.

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