Sometimes, putting things in writing is the best thing you can do.

We’ve put together some template letters for common problems in your home which you can send to your landlord/agent in the event of issues. Remember to keep a record of what you sent and when.

If you have any questions or require assistance, contact us for further information.

Improving Relations

Dear <Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs/Dr …>,

We are writing to discuss the relationship between ourselves as your tenants and you as our landlord as we move forward.

We are aware that there have been some difficulties in communication/some of our behaviour may have caused you some concern/we have made payments later than we should have done/renting out your property can be worrisomeetc and would like to make sure that we can build a good relationship where you can trust us to look after your property in a respectful way and we can trust that you will fulfil all duties as a landlord set out in our contract, remembering that your property is our home.

To show our commitment to the property, we will make sure that we:

  • Always check the windows are locked before we leave
  • Set up a direct debit for all bills
  • Never leave washing up for more than 24 hours
  • Are considerate and polite when we speak to you etc

We’d be really grateful if you could agree to:

  • Undertake any necessary repairs promptly in future
  • Give us an emergency contact number for times when you are abroad
  • Follow the legal procedure for visiting us, notifying us 24 hours in advance and gaining our consent to enter
  • Speak to us in a considerate and polite manner etc.

We would very much like to make sure that the rest of our tenancy in your property can be enjoyable for all parties and would be happy to discuss any concerns or suggestions you have further.

Yours sincerely

<Your name/your housemates’ names>

Asking if your deposit is protected

Dear <Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs/Dr …>,

I am writing concerning the deposit I paid for <address of property>on<date>,which you let to me on an assured shorthold tenancy starting on <date>.

I have yet to receive any documents from you showing that you have placed my deposit in one of the approved schemes. As I’m sure you’re aware, tenants can expect to receive details of the scheme used as the landlord must place all deposits paid for assured shorthold tenancies starting or being renewed after 6th April 2007 within one of the government-backed schemes within 30 days of receipt.

Please would you confirm if you have protected my deposit with a scheme, the date you protected it and which scheme has been used.

If you have not yet protected my deposit, please would you do so within fourteen days, and inform me which scheme you use.

I look forward to your reply within fourteen days.

Yours sincerely,

<Your name/your housemates’ names>

Contact telephone number: <put in your number, or the number of all of your housemates if everyone’s willing to speak to the landlord to organise repairs>

Asking the Landlord to respect your right to quiet enjoyment

Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr

Following your visit on Date, which was not agreed with any housemate prior to your arrival, we are writing to politely request that in line with the our Tenancy Agreement and our right to quiet enjoyment of our home, you contact one of us and receive our permission to enter our home at least 24 hours in advance if you intend to enter (Property Address)for any reason other than during an emergency throughout the rest of our tenancy here. We would also be very grateful if you would knock or ring our doorbell rather than let yourself in with keys while we are in the property and would very much appreciate it if you could give us a rough idea of exactly when you plan to arrive so we can plan our time accordingly.

We understand the importance of conducting viewings and making repairs and inspections and wish to fully co-operate and provide any assistance we can to yourselves and the landlord but must insist that you respect our rights and privacy while we remain the tenants of this property.

We can be contacted using the details below:

Housemate 1: 07…………

Housemate 2:

Housemate 3: Currently visiting family, not available until 1/5/14 and then 07….

Housemate 4: 07……

Yours sincerely,

Request for repairs

Dear <Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs/Dr …>,

Re: Request for repairs at<address of your property>

I am writing to let you know that some repair work needs to be done at the above property which I rent from you.

I have noticed that:

[List the repairs, for example:]

  • The radiator in the bathroom doesn’t work and the room is too cold for us to use in the mornings
  • The lock on the back door doesn’t work so the house cannot be secured. This means we are all trying to make sure at least one person is home at all times and this is not practical.
  • One of the hobs on the oven does not work. This means we have trouble if we all try to cook our meals together.>

I am concerned that the disrepair may cause more damage to the property if it is not fixed immediately and I am upset about the inconvenience it’s causing to us. <add details if they are relevant- such as ‘I am asthmatic and my doctor is worried that the mould in the property will make my condition worse’ or give a brief explanation of what happened if you know what caused the problem such as ‘a bird flew into the kitchen window and made a large crack in it’.

I would appreciate it very much if the issue<s> could be fixed as soon as possible and look forward to hearing from you soon to arrange a time for the repair work to be carried out.

Yours sincerely,

<Your name/your housemates’ names>

Contact telephone number: <put in your number, or the number of all of your housemates if everyone’s willing to speak to the landlord to organise repairs>

Request for repairs reminder

Dear <Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs/Dr …>,

Re: Request for repairs at <your address>

I am writing for the second time to request that repairs be made in the property that we rent from you. I have enclosed a copy of my previous letter to you and below is a reminder of the repairs that need to be made as soon as possible.

[List the repairs, for example:]

  • The radiator in the bathroom doesn’t work and the room is too cold for us to use in the mornings
  • The lock on the back door doesn’t work so the house cannot be secured. This means we are all trying to make sure at least one person is home at all times and this is not practical.
  • One of the hobs on the oven does not work. This means we have trouble if we all try to cook our meals together.>

So far, you have not contacted me/ not arranged for the repair work to be carried out/ not let me know if you have arranged for repairs to be made.I would therefore be most grateful if you could get in touch within the next 48 hours to agree a

time for the repairs to be carried out as <explain what problems the disrepair is causing to you i.e. if the lock on the door doesn’t get fixed we cannot leave the house secure or the hole is allowing insects and pests to come into our house and we are worried we might face an infestation.>

If the repairs are not carried out within 21 days, a reasonable period, I will look into taking further action.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

<Your name/your housemates’ names>

Contact telephone number: <put in your number, or the number of all of your housemates if everyone’s willing to speak to the landlord to organise repairs>

Request for return of deposit

Dear <Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs/Dr …>,

I am writing concerning the deposit I paid for <address of property>on<date>,which you let to me/us on an assured shorthold tenancy starting on <date>.

The tenancy ended on <date>and I left the property clean and in good order on <date>and expected to have received my full deposit back from you by now.

Legally, all landlords letting properties on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy starting or renewing after the 6th April 2007 must protect the deposit in a government backed scheme. I have never received details of the scheme you protected my deposit with so cannot approach them directly to make further enquiries and would be very grateful for further information regarding this matter. Alternatively, I’d like to receive details of how and when you intend to return my deposit.

My tenancy is now over so I would be pleased to receive the full amount of my deposit within 14 days of receipt of this letter and by <date>at the very latest.

Yours sincerely

<Your name/your housemates’ names>

Contact telephone number: <put in your number, or the number of all of your housemates if everyone’s willing to speak to the landlord to organise repairs>

Request for explanation of deposit deductions

Dear <Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss/Dr …>,

I am writing concerning the deposit I paid for <address of property>which I/we rented from you between <dates of tenancy>.I can see that £…> of my deposit has been kept by yourself and not returned to me as I expected.

<I do accept that I am liable for the following damage and am happy to pay for it:

  • Broken kitchen chair
  • Red wine stain on living room carpet

I believe the total cost of this damage to be £…>


<I do not accept liability and am not willing to pay the amount suggested for

  • Broken vacuum cleaner- it was broken when we moved in so you cannot deduct money from our deposit regarding this item
  • Unpaid rent- our bank records show that we transferred the full amount of the rent to the account requested by you on the 1st of every month during our 12 month tenancy>


<I cannot accept the deduction of £… as I am unsure what it is for. All rent was paid fully and on time, the property was left in good condition by us, we made sure all inventoried items were present when we handed back our keys and we thoroughly cleaned each room before we left so we cannot identify the justification for the deductions.>

Please send a cheque for <£…to the below address or contact us to arrange payment by bank transfer. If you are not prepared to do so, please confirm your reasons in writing as soon as possible.

If I do not receive the amount outstanding within fourteen days, I regret that you will leave me with no alternative but to investigate further action.

Yours sincerely,

<Your name/your housemates’ names>

Contact telephone number: <put in your number, or the number of all of your housemates if everyone’s willing to speak to the landlord to organise repairs>

Postal address for cheque: <address>