Week 2

Sermon Series: Taking the Gospel of Christ to Heart and to the World

Sermon Title: Gospel Ministry Conduct

Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 1:12-22

Study Handout Week of: April 1, 2018

Group Week of: April 8, 2018

Sermon Date: April 15, 2018

BEFORE WE BEGIN: What was your takeaway from this past Sunday’s sermon?

ATTRIBUTE: God is faithful to keep His promises; not one has failed and every promise has been fulfilled, or will be fulfilled. He is a faithful God and we can believe everything He has written in the Scriptures. Deuteronomy 7:9 “Know therefore, that the Lord your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands.” Psalm 33:4 “For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.”

DOCTRINE: Holy Spirit - We believe there is one, and only one, living and true God, an infinite Spirit, the Maker and Supreme Ruler of Heaven and earth; inexpressibly glorious in holiness and worthy of all possible honor, confidence and love; that in the unity of the Godhead there are three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.Exodus 20:2, 3; I Corinthians 8:6; Revelation 4:11; I John 5:7

DAY1 Read: 2 Corinthians 1:12-14; Acts 18:1-11

  1. From Acts 18, list evidences of Paul’s integrity in founding the Church at Corinth.
  1. In your own words, explain 2 Corinthians 1:12-14.
  1. In our Christian walk and witness, why is this important?

DAY2 Read: 2 Corinthians 1:15-17

The Corinthians were upset with Paul because he changed the timing of his arrival.

  1. How did Paul respond to the Corinthians?
  1. Share a time when your Christian testimony was challenged or misunderstood. How did you respond?

DAY3 Read: 2 Corinthians 1:18-20

  1. List some of God’s promises in the Old Testament regarding the coming of the Messiah that have been fulfilled in Christ.
  1. What does this tell you about God?
  1. How do these promises encourage you?

DAY4 Read:2 Corinthians 1:21-22; Ephesians 1:13-14; John 14:15-27

  1. Define “anointed” and “sealed”. How do these words define the Holy Spirit’s work in the life of a Christian?
  1. What comfort do you receive from the verses in John?

DAY5 Read: 2 Corinthians 1:12-22

  1. How has God enabled you to stand firm in Christ this week?
  1. What does it mean to let your “yes be yes and your no be no”? How do you make sure this is a part of your character?