Agenda Item 22
Performance Report
Meeting: 18-19 April 2018
That the membersnote the current participation and use of the My Health Record (MHR) by consumers and healthcare providers and the status of the Healthcare Identifiers Service, the National Authentication Service for Health and the National Clinical Terminology Service.
The Participation and Use Dashboard provides the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) Board with a range of metrics which demonstrate current use of, and participation in,MHR system up to 25November2018. The National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) and Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Dashboards provide statuses of these services between December 2017 and January 2018.The National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS) Dashboard also provides a status between these dates.
The layout and appearance of the Dashboard has changed since the February 2018 meeting to provide more detailed and meaningful trend information and to highlight how GP organisations, Pharmacies and Public and Private Hospitals are performing individually rather than combining these groups together.
As at 25 February 2018, there were more than 5.5 million Australians with a MHR which represents approximately 23 per cent of Australia’s total population.At the time of the paper was prepared there were more than 5.6 million consumers with a Record.
Consumer Participation (Pages 1 to 4 inclusive of Attachment A)
In the 12 months to 25 February 2018, a total of 979,532 consumers were registered for a MHR, at an average of approximately 19,000 per week. Each month between 37per cent and 45per cent of all registrations are conducted by healthcare provider organisations. This proportion increases towards the end of each ePIP quarter (Chart 3).
Chart 5 shows that in the last 12 months, there has been a 26per cent increase in the number of consumers who have had their Record viewed by two or more healthcare provider organisations.
The remaining consumer usage charts continue to reflect an increase in activity around two events – the end of an ePIP quarter and July when tax returns are prepared.
Healthcare Provider Organisation Participation (Pages 5 to 10 inclusive of Attachment A)
There continues to be a steady increase in the number of healthcare provider organisations registered for the MHR. In the last 12 months, the greatest proportion of registrants have been general practice organisations and pharmacies.
Clinical document uploads (Charts 17 and 18) continue to increase with pathology reports showing the greatest rate of increase over the last 12 months. Noting that the ability to upload pathology has been in place for less than the full 12 months.
General Practice Organisations
GP organisation use of the MHRcontinues to be influenced by the timing of ePIP quarters. Overall the number of organisations uploading documents (Chart 21) has slightly increased over the last 12 months.
Both public and private hospitals have demonstrated a clear increase in their use of the MHR in the last 12months. Not only has the number of documents being uploaded steadily increased, but the total number of hospitals uploading and the total number of views noticeably increased.
Overall, as with hospitals, pharmacies have noticeably increased their use of the system in the last 12months. The number of documents being uploaded (Chart 27) varies from month-to-month which is likely to be associated with batch processing of uploads.
HI/NASH (Pages 11 and 12 of Attachment A)
The dashboards for the HI and NASH Services are rated green. There continues to be substantial use of the HI Service.
NCTS (Pages 13, 14 and 15 of Attachment A)
The NCTS is rated as green.
No impact.
Delivery and Adoption.
ACTION OFFICERS / Name / Kathryn DolanGeneral Manager
Governance, Reporting and Secretariat Services
CLEARED BY / Name / Tim Kelsey
Position / Chief Executive Officer
Attachment A: My Health Record Participation and Use, HI, NASH and NCTS Dashboards