June 10, 2017

EnglishWorship Experience

11:00 am

Opening Song / “Don’t Forget the Sabbath”
Hymn #388 / Congregation
Song of Praise / “Give Me the Bible”
Hymn #272 / Congregation
Opening Prayer / Claudine Metuge
Welcome / Ann Kumar
Ministry News / Pat Dorais
Tithes & Offerings / World Budget / Jeri Brown
Congregational Prayer / Pr. Marlene Rodriguez
Scripture / Matthew 6:25-34 / Ahn AEKyung
Worship Study / “The Promise of Priority” / Pr. Marc Woodson
Closing Prayer / Pr. Marc Woodson
Closing Song / “All the Way”
Hymn #516 / Congregation
Benediction / Pr. Marc Woodson

Welcome to Concord International! Also known as CISDAC. We are multicultural, multilingual and multiethnic church. We would like to think that we represent what God’s kingdom looks like. But God’s kingdom is not known just as people from all nations and languages, but also as disciples who reflect God’s character through our own lives. My prayer is that you come to know Jesus better today than you knew Him before.

– Pedro M Trinidad, Pastor

Sabbath Rest is until 8:30 pm on June 10

Next Sabbath’s welcome is at 8:32 pm on June 16.


  1. 1st Transfer Reading - Dr. Marc K. Woodson from Grand Avenue SDA to CISDAC.
  1. Fellowship Luncheon Today–Welcome visitors to our weekly Fellowship luncheon, please dine with us. Weencourage members to bring a dish and to stay for lunch after the church service in the Fellowship Hall right across the courtyard.
  1. Women’s Ministry Bible Study & Fellowship Lunch– Today, June 10, following the church service (12:30ish). Meet at Celia Regal’s home at 1792 Mariposa Ct., Concord. Please invite a girlfriend, coworker, sister, cousin, aunt, grandmother, neighbor and/or friend. All are welcome!
  1. Pathfinder Investiture – Today, June 10, at 2:00.
  1. Church Board Meeting – Monday, June 12, at 7:00 pm.
  1. Bible StudyGrowth Group– June 15at 7 p.m. Please join us at the home of Celia and Sonny Regal. All are invited. We will finish by 8:30 p.m. Meet at Celia Regal’s home at 1792 Mariposa Ct., Concord.
  1. Bible Class 101 – June 17 at 4:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall with Pastor Pedro Trinidad. “The Bible in One Sermon” a survey of every book of the Bible in its historical context. Join us for this fascinating class.
  1. 4th of July parade in Concord– July 4. CISDAC will be participating in the 4th of July Parade this year! Please let Marlene know if you can participate. Particpoants, also let her know your t-shirt size for custom shirts for the event. Contact:
  1. International House of Prayer (IHOP) – for all CISDAC Divisions, and the community, to come together to pray. The Sanctuary is openfrom 7:00 - 8:00 pm every Wednesday. “1 Hour, 1 People, Praying to 1 God.”

Parents, please accompany your children to the restrooms. Thank you.

Events At-Large

Volleyball at Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy – June 10 at 8:30 for high school and older.ContactWayneOgata for details & questions (707) 315-6381

Valley Adventist Single Adult Ministries Fellowship Weekend at Albion – Aug. 25 - 27. All singles, and their families, are welcome to a special weekend at the Albion Field Station (34000 Albion St. Albion, CA 95410). Come and enjoy 16 cabins on the river. There will be kayaking and nature activities, along with inspirational presentations. For more info, visit

Join Quiet Hour Ministries for an exciting mission trip to Santa Clara, Cuba -Aug. 9-20. Go toqhministries.orgto register. You can call 1-800-900-9021 for more info. Can't go but would like to support the cause? You can donate at:

NCC Christian Women’s Retreat at Leoni Meadows – Oct. 6-8 & Oct. 13-15, THEME: “From Overwhelmed to Overcomer.” Ps. 61:2 Guest speaker is Kathi Lipp. Please do not mail registration before the posted August date. See poster in church foyer or ask Tami.

The Week at a Glance

Wednesday: International House of Prayer in Sanctuary at 7:00.

Wednesday: Spanish Prayer Meeting in the Ethiopian Room at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday: Growth Group at Regal’s at 7 pm - 1792 Mariposa Ct, Concord

Connect Cards

Connect Card is a way of letting the pastor know that you would like a visit, a phone call, a prayer request, or you would like to communicate some other information. These cards can be found in the pews. If you are visiting us today, we invite you to fill the card with as much information as you want to give and put it in the offering plate as the offering is being collected.

Church Vision

A growing, united, friendly, outreach-driven congregation, where all members are known and use their gifts to better the church and the community.


Building a Christ-centered, warm, empowered, and united community that is outreach-driven.

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Concord International Seventh-day Adventist Church

1655 West Street, Concord, CA 94521

(925) 676-4111

(925) 951-7041


Pedro M. Trinidad, Lead Pastor and Family Ministries Elder

Menwagaw A Neguise, Pastor for Ethiopian Fellowship

Marlene Rodriguez, Associate Pastor

Dr. Marc Woodson, Associate Pastor

Mario Sequeira, Elder for Administration

Celia Regal, Elder for Worship Services

Gashaw Takele, Elder for Christian Education

Luis Leiva, Elder for Evangelism (Small Groups)

Angel Johnson, Elder for Evangelism (Outreach)