Minutes of a Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11th March 2013 after the APM at 7.00pm.


Those present were the Chairman Cllr Warburton the Vice-Chairman Cllr Proctor and Cllr Myers, Turrell, Crookes, Stephenson, Scott, Chapman and Munro-Hill.

The Clerk, Ms S. Connon was in attendance.

2 members of the public attended the meeting.

Declaration of Interest. None

E.R.Yorks.Council business (If Cllr is present) Cllr. Pollard attended the meeting for a short while. She discussed the improvements currently in progress at Saturday Market in Beverley. The wind turbines at Routh were also discussed.

David Kirkwood, a resident in Lockington attended the meeting and asked for guidance for the procedure of starting a Youth Club in the village. Cllr. Pollard advised him to contact ERYC and Dale Turrell for guidance.

Minutes. The minutes of the 11th February 2013 meeting were approved and signed with one correction. Item under Matters Arising – Alan Bravey and not Bravery.

Matters arising. Peter Hirschfeld, Community Development Officer from Humber & Wolds Rural Community Council gave a presentation regarding the Collective Switching Scheme that ERYC is running called “Cheaper Energy Together”. HWRCC has been tasked with promoting East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s latest initiative to reduce the cost of heating to its residents, through this new scheme and to raise awareness in parishes which are primarily without a mains gas supply. Residents can register at or alternatively at a customer service centre.

Highways/Lund Road Finger Post – this has now been replaced.

Alistair Marr/response regarding proposed culvert Thorpe and Church Lane. He will keep the parish council updated regarding the necessary funding for the scheme.

With regards to the road in Aike, JM to contact ERYC for the address of the landowner regarding cleaning of the watercourse.

Proposed salt bin/Thorpe. This was discussed. Article regarding consulting the residents concerned for this, to be in the next newsletter.

Correspondence. Countrywomen Flower Planters. Correspondence was read out at the parish council meeting from YCW’s Association – Lockington Branch.

The YCA celebrates its 30th anniversary and the Lockington branch would like to mark the occasion by donating flower troughs or half-barrel planters to the village of Lockington.

Clerk to write a letter of appreciation to YCW proposing the sites near to the Lockington nameplate signs at Kilnwick Lane, Lund Road Bridge, near Bealers Lane and Station Road.

Land Registration. Correspondence from Lundys was read out at the meeting regarding the Declaration.

ERNLLCA newsletter was forwarded to GC. Information was received regarding Quality Status Scheme and explanation regarding “Section 137”.

Flood Liaison Group re parish council representative. Clerk to forward Cllr. G. Chapman’s contact details to Jon Whyley/Democratic Services at ERYC.

East Riding Parish News. Was circulated.

Highways/Steve Charlton. Correspondence was read out regarding minor surface damage across the highbridge in Lockington, verge damage outside Rectory Farm and 21 Front Street. These will be repaired when Highways are next in the area.

The Village Task Force will be visiting Lockington this year.

Clerk to contact Highways regarding the damage to the brick wall of the bridge at the dip in the road near to Moorfields Farm and the culvert on the right hand side of the crossroads going out of the village. These were caused by traffic accidents.

The Localism Act 2011 Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Lockington Parish Councillors to complete the necessary documents to be forwarded to Jon Whyley Legal and Democratic Services at ERYC.

Humberside Fire & Rescue consultation results was received and discussed.

Planning. 12/02053/PLF – Installation of 1 no. Gaia 11kW wind turbine on an 18m Monopole Mast at Land East of Barmston Drain, Chapel Lane, Aike for Mr. Neil Wright. Withdrawn.

13/00187/PLF – Erection of a lean-to extension to existing livestock shed at Land East of Stable On Land, Chapel Lane, Aike for Mr. Neil Wright.

Mr Neil Wright attended the meeting and presented his reasons for the application to the parish council. A long discussion followed. No observations to be forwarded to ERYC. JW proposed, GC seconded and 2 abstentions, 5 in favour of the proposal.

13/00083/PLF – Construction of pitched roof over conservatory to replace existing flat roof at Melody Cottage, South Glebe, Lockington for Mr. Robert Ellet.

To be approved.

The Planning Inspectorate /Proposal by National Grid information was received.

13/00573/TCA – Lockington Conservation Area – Remove large Leylandii to the front due to roots damaging sewerage pipes and lifting pavers in driveway at Apple Garth, 51 Church Lane, Lockington for Mary Dews. No observations.

Accounts. S. L. Connon – Stipend for March was paid - £138.80 and expenses of £12.50

Mr. S. Hull was paid £100.00 for the painting of the village seats and notice board from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013.

The Village Hall Committee was paid £132.00 for 11 meetings from April 2012 up to 31st March 2013.

Cllr. A. Crookes was issued a second cheque for £10.79 for fee for the website address.

The VAT has been applied for - 2012/13

Next meeting. The PC would next meet on Monday 22nd April 2013 at 7.00pm.


Beverley Rural Ward Councillors meeting will be on 25th April 2013 at County Hall. JW and AP to attend.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm