
resistance- the force that pushes electricity along wires.

Conductor- a material through which electricity moves through easily.

Insulator- materials that do not allow electric charges to flow through easily.

electric current- a continuous flow of electric charges.

Series Circuit- a simple circuit where the electric charge flow only in one path.

parallel circuit- two or more paths for the electric charges to follow

static electricity- an imbalance of positive and negative charges between two objects.

Open circuit-a broken path of electric charges. This will not allow electricity to occur.

Closed circuit- a continuous path of electric charges that will operate electric objects.

Electromagnet- A magnet made when electric charges that move through a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core, or center.


Magnetism- A magnet’s property

to attract certain materials like iron.

Magnet- An object that attracts, or pulls on, certain materials, mainly iron and steel.

North Pole- a magnets north seeking side.

South Pole- a magnets south seeking side.

Attract- pull together

Repel- push away

Compass- magnetized needle free to turn. A tool used with a magnetic pull. A compass always points to the north, through the Earth’s natural magnetic force.

Lines of force- patterns that show a magnet’s field. Lines made by the iron filings.

Magnetic field- space in which a magnet’s force can act.

Lodestone- naturally magnetic rock found at or near Earth’s surface.


-  How the north and south poles respond to each other.

-  South and North poles will attract each other.

-  South poles will repel South pole.

-  North poles will repel north pole.

Use your notes to study the following:

-  Examples of items that are attracted by a magnet.

-  Examples of items that are not attracted by a magnet.

-  Examples of insulators and conductors

-  Examples of materials that are conductors of electricity and are magnetic