What is being proposed?

Detailed investigations have been carried out to look at providing a bus gate at the northern end of Tontine Street from Dover Road to the junction of The Tram Road. The proposed bus gate will allow access for buses, taxis and cyclists only. This will give this traffic a more direct access to the harbour area.

Why do we want to do this work?

There is a proposal to provide housing within the harbour area and the scheme will provide a more direct access to the harbour.

How are we consulting on these proposals?

-  Full details, including plans, background information and feedback forms, will be made available on our website at www.consultation.kent.gov.uk

-  Leaflets delivered to nearby residents and businesses (with a feedback form overleaf).

-  Letters sent to statutory consultees, e.g. Emergency Services, Bus Companies.

-  Posters placed on site.

-  Temporary road signs placed on site, to inform all road users.

A two day exhibition will be held at the Visitors Centre, The Tram Road Car Park on Thursday 14th and 15th May, from 10am – 3pm.

When will the consultation take place?

The consultation for the works is Monday 27th April to Friday 5th June 2015 giving the opportunity to comment on the proposals. All responses will be collated and the results reported to the Shepway Joint Transportation Board meeting on Wednesday 13th July 2015.

How do I make my views known?

Your views must be submitted in writing, using the feedback form. You can obtain the form via our website at www.consultation.kent.gov.uk or at the library exhibition. If you are a resident, the form will be on the overleaf of the leaflet. They can be returned by post to:-

FAO: Ben Hilden, Kent County Council

Ashford Highway Depot

Javelin Way


Kent TN24 8AD

Alternatively, completed forms can be emailed to with the subject heading “Tontine Street, Folkestone Consultation”.

About you

Any personal information we collect will be used for the sole purpose of the consultation and processed in accordance with our obligations under The Data Protection Act 1998.

Your name:
Your organisation (if applicable):
Your address:

Understanding the proposals

I have examined all the proposed plans and background information (tick one box):

q  via www.consultation.kent.gov.uk

q  at Visitors Centre, The Tram Road Car Park

Agree with scheme

My preferred option is (tick one box):

q  Option A - Agree with proposal

q  Option B - Disagree with proposal

q  Option C - Do nothing

Additional comments

This feedback form can be emailed to with the subject heading “Tontine Street, Folkestone Consultation”, or returned by post to:- FAO Ben Hilden, Kent County Council, Ashford Highway Depot, Javelin Way, ASHFORD, Kent, TN24 8AD. The deadline for responses is Friday 5th June 2015.