Professor Eon Smit holds the B.Comm. (cum laude), Hons.B.Comm. (cum laude), M.Comm. and D.Comm. degrees from the University of Stellenbosch and is professor and previous director of University of Stellenbosch Business School and visiting professor at Reims Management School in France. He lectures in the fields of Business Forecasting, Business Statistics and Derivative Instruments.
He is editor of the Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, editor of the South African Journal of Business Management and co-editor of The Investment Analysts Journal.
He has been awarded a number of research awards and has published more than a hundred papers in accredited journals. He has also read more than sixty papers at national and international conferences and has extensively consulted for government and private sector institutions. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Bureau for Economic Research, as well as the Advisory Board of the Institute for Futures Research at the University of Stellenbosch and is a member of the Boards of USB-ED and Tsiba Education. He is an Advisory Board member of the University of Hull Business School in the UK and a member of the Deans across Frontiers Committee of the EFMD and the EQUIS Quality Committee in Brussels. He has chaired more than twenty international business school audit teams for accreditation agencies such as EQUIS, AMBA and the CHE. He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of EDUNIVERSAL in Paris.
His research interests include management education, business cycle analysis, business forecasting, financial derivatives and financial market phenomena.
Professor Gerhard (Gert) Roodt has a D Admin in Industrial and Organisational Psychology. He is a licensed psychologist and a registered personnel practitioner. He is author/co-author of about 110 peer-reviewed research articles; 15 technical reports; and co-editor/co-author of seven books and author/co-author of several articles in non-research based journals. He is also presenter/co-presenter of approximately 120 peer-reviewed papers at national and international academic conferences.
Gert is the main editor for:
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology / SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde (
SA Journal for Human Resource Management / SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur (
Gert is currently heading the Centre for Work Performance at UJ. He is a former chair of the Society for Industrial Psychology (1995-97). He is rated by the NRF as a category C2 researcher. He serves on advisory/editorial boards of eight local and international scholarly journals.
Gert was awarded a fellowship of the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of SA (SIOPSA), as well as of the Pan Pacific Business Association in 2006. He was nominated as a Mentor for the SA Board for Personnel Practice. He is a member of the following professional associations: US Academy of Management; International Association of Applied Psychology; Associate member of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology; SIOPSA; and a member of the SA Academy of Science and Art. Gert is also a member of the National Scholarly Editors’ Forum of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf).
Professor Christo Boshoff holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pretoria in South Africa. His research interests are service quality as a competitive strategy, the role of risk perceptions in service marketing, the management of service recovery and scale development. He has published papers on these and related topics in several international journals including the European Journal of Marketing, the Service Industries Journal, the Journal of Services Research, the International Journal of Service Industry Management, the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, the International Journal ofHuman Resource Management, the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the British Journal of Management and the International Journal of Market Research.
He is the editor of the Journal - Management Dynamics
He teaches Services Marketing and Marketing Research at StellenboschUniversity’s Department of Business Management. He has also taught at the then University of Port Elizabeth and on the MBA courses of RhodesUniversity (South Africa), the University of Otago (New Zealand) and NyenrodeBusinessSchool in the Netherlands.
He is co-author of three marketing textbooks used at South African universities.
Professor Boshoff is an active consultant who has done work for Old Mutual, Portnet, the EP Cricket Union, Caltex, Standard Bank, the Dutch Airline KLM and Coca-Cola Sabco, amongst others.